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Everything posted by dbelnomi

  1. Hi guys im a HUGE fan of this script although I do have a question. You mentioned the script could function as a medevac script although when I have one of my men enter the helo to be medevaced it will only let me leave if im in the helo, an suggestions??
  2. dbelnomi

    Esbekistan Map v.1.0 20x20

    So GreenBeret could you release an update for the map in which you make the southern air base a little more like Bagram or Kandahar?
  3. dbelnomi

    Airfield Support Package

    Also, is there any chance in a new version with U.S troops cause that would make my day :)
  4. dbelnomi

    Blackhawks by YuraPetrov

    there are only 11 seats in the uh-60l correct?
  5. dbelnomi

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E

    I feel a Operation Neptune Spear mission coming on :)
  6. dbelnomi

    Blackhawks by YuraPetrov

    Im confused a little, so you will be releasing a 160th Soar regular mh-60 and a dap and then us army versions?
  7. dbelnomi

    Blackhawks by YuraPetrov

    Regardless the helo looks stunning, and so your saying that the engine prevents you from adding a little stiffness to the landing gear?
  8. dbelnomi

    AH-64 Pack

    Ok I know that this is somewhat off topic but so in order to move all my addons from arma into tkoh should I just move the files from arma into the tkoh?
  9. dbelnomi

    AH-64 Pack

    Oh and by the way if I have any say in the discussion over the -60s I would love to see another helo made by Nodunit especially a -60, and also I'd rather it not be made for TOHK, I have the game, but honestly I am not that fond of it. I feel that the helo's would be alot more fun being flown in a arma.
  10. dbelnomi

    Airfield Support Package

    hey guys this is a great script although I have two questions: 1. Whenever I input a grid reference the helo always goes to somewhere else (usually the bottom left corner of the map. 2. How do you get rid of the British weapon you are armed with? ---------- Post added at 12:53 ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 ---------- And for me when I delete the Init. line in the player the script just stops working
  11. dbelnomi

    AH-64 Pack

    Hey Nodunit have you heard from yurapetrov? He hasn't posted anything for a while.
  12. dbelnomi

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E

    no problem can't wait for the release :)
  13. dbelnomi

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E

    Well sort of, a real ch-47's landing gear is supposed to be stiff on hitting the ground and once you start to move the collective (the collective controls the pitch of the rotors) lower to have the helo be sturdily on the ground the landing gear should then start to collapse. The reason they do this is because they are supposed to absorb energy in the event of a crash in order to protect the crew. If you want to read further about this I suggest reading about the UH-60's landing gear, its state of the art at absorbing energy and when watching a 60 crash you can see how well the gear works. Also, in response to Jolly I have the soundmod and its great, but it still doesn't make the helos that realistic. Lastly no, I am not an aviation mechanic I'm just a guy that has devoted a ton of hours learning and flying helicopters.
  14. dbelnomi

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E

    haha thanks but I mean a U.S Army CH-47 because the standard ch-47f lacks accurate sounds, rotor pitch, landing gear, and also you can't move the ramp or load cargo which is also disappointing.
  15. dbelnomi

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E

    this looks to be a great helo, is there any chance you are going to make a regular ch-47 in the future?
  16. dbelnomi

    Blackhawks by YuraPetrov

    oh and also is the landing gear going to be fixed cause they collapse before they hit the ground and they also once they collapse they go down and back a bit. For the sake of realism they should just go straight down. Also, the front two wheels should be stiff on hitting the ground although they should be able to collapse. BI made an attempt to show this with the MH-60 although they did a so so job. Also, the wheel at the tail could use a tune up because it isn't hitting the ground till the front two wheels hit. Lastly, I think the mod would be greatly improved if the wheels were allowed to spin if that's possible. Heres a video of a UH-60 landing to give you an idea of what I mean- Oh and btw is there still a chance that we could get the sounds from RH's heli sounds? Hope your project is going well, thank you for your time
  17. dbelnomi

    AH-64 Pack

    hey if your looking for a person to collaborate with for making h-60s I know that yurapetrov has almost finished his: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?131380-Blackhawks-by-YuraPetrov/page21
  18. dbelnomi

    Esbekistan Map v.1.0 20x20

    Ya or even Bagram or Kandahar and give it a bigger space for aircraft
  19. dbelnomi

    Esbekistan Map v.1.0 20x20

    Also, do you plan on putting more buildings in the southern airbase, because it definitely has potential with all of the open space
  20. dbelnomi

    Blackhawks by YuraPetrov

    hey yura hows the helo going? :)
  21. dbelnomi

    Esbekistan Map v.1.0 20x20

    To add a example for you of what I meant, here is a photo of Bagram airbase which is the main airbase and military hub in all of Afghanistan: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=bagram+air+base&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1777&bih=903&tbm=isch&tbnid=40eRQWRm29bMtM:&imgrefurl=http://warnewsupdates.blogspot.com/2008_08_16_archive.html&docid=c9uHwtWoLy0PnM&imgurl=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_PG3ew_iFi3A/SM7BZQr54bI/AAAAAAAAEeE/Xt99ul5eN-s/s400/photo1.jpg&w=400&h=300&ei=my5_UMUO5YDQAbydgagG&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1104&vpy=196&dur=1380&hovh=194&hovw=258&tx=143&ty=157&sig=117641671417687342256&page=3&tbnh=141&tbnw=195&start=78&ndsp=43&ved=1t:429,r:62,s:20,i:387
  22. Great addon, although in the next version could you maybe replace the b.i m4s with perhaps rh's m4s and also could replace the pilot's mp5 with m4s?