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About sKum

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    Private First Class
  1. Ive been running zargabad now for +32 hours non-stop without a restart mainly for pvp so i turned the amount of zombies to 10 =D it totally looks like a warzone out here, most of the buildings are destructed and few cars (medium amount) are still working, +700 bodies all over the map and undiscovered bases of players are yet to be discovered today i tried to hide myself and a friend inside the back of a truck in a mission spawned army base, waiting for a player to take the truck and drive it to their base so we could pop out on arrival and kill them all, after 20minuts waiting we only saw one guy that stopped by and then drove off in a hurry without taking the truck.. better luck next time I guess
  2. Thanks for the new version Craig it somewhat fixed the spawn in the desert on zargabad, people still spawn there but atleast now they spawn somewhere else when they click on respawn instead of an endless loop. We edited it by placing the spawn code from 1.0 to the 1.05 to see if it has something to do with Operation Arrowhead, because in 1.0 players didnt spawn off the map.
  3. People keep spawning in the dessert off the map on zargabad is there a way to get the players spawn random in a radius around zargabad city?
  4. Can you make me a dynamic zombie sandbox dedicated for zargabad pvp'ing, were players can only spawn in zargabad the main city (instead of spawning off the map and in the middle of nowhere) that would be awesome
  5. I have a question, If I put my multiplayer custom made islands/maps in servers MPmission it seems to load for me but not for the other players on the server is there a way they can play it without downloading the map from an addon website?
  6. Okay I went back to the previous version of 1.05 its better then the newer one, the corner spawn bug is still active in both versions after 30 minuts of playing in zargabad people spawn in the middle of the desert and start moaning for restarts and disconnect the mod is getting famous my server is populated most of the day, today I even had 28 players playing on it at the same time. I get nice feedback people saying they like the mod. But they want fixes for the spawn just passing the message. server statistics of last week: http://arma2.swec.se/server/data/275390 wanted to name my server sKum's Server New Zombie Sandbox v1.051 =Fixed Bugs= [ARMA v1.62] but it was a bit to long so I named it sKum's New Zombie Sandbox v1.051 =Fixed Bugs= [ARMA v1.62] I hope you dont mind? I dont want to discredit you
  7. Can someone make me a scripts.txt that searches for scripts that spawn/import vehicles like heli's like loki's lost key mod and kicks the player ?? I will love you forever
  8. Allrighty I already entered that in my server.cfg this morning after I found out these problems with equalmodreq = 1 the hard way ^^ Do I need to make a key and signature also for the pbo? or will verifysignatures = 2 cover for that? I read you could also enter some strings in battleye that filterout scriptcodes that are used to spawn vehicles or teleport and godmode and kick the player auto. Another question do you know if its possible to run custom island maps with dynamic zombies? I tried it works for me but not for the other players they start in an empty zone so im guessing they cant play or download it from the server unless they download the map from the official website greets thanks for the advice ---------- Post added at 19:32 ---------- Previous post was at 19:20 ---------- Yes i know the feeling yesterday we played with 20 people and we build up a huge base and all of a sudden it exploded and the round before we had a base in some red zone army location and everything despawned, even my truck lol I put off friendly fire because to many people are running around spawn zones, but there are ways you can block cheaters from using that editor lokis lost key Ive been researching this issue for 8 houres today to find how to fix that Once I had a base on the airfield and I was pvp'ing with some friends and I placed a marked on the beginning of the airfield with BASE :d but we were sitting on the otherside and some cheater tought he was smart and bombed at the marker for 10minuts and missed our base by couple meters ^^ I kicked them after
  9. okay thanks I was just looking on my ftp and I only use 2 keys , bi.bikey and bi2.bikey the "loki lost key" exploiters dont use a key for the loki mod but the mod itself requires the "community base addons" addon which uses the cba_b179.bikey so practicly if i put verifySignatures = 2; they can only use my 2 bikeys? and the cba_b179.bikey will then be restricted since the server doesnt use it
  10. Hi im hosting a 30 player server but there are always players exploiting my multiplayer games with Loki's lost key addon/mod to spawn vehicles, giant explosions and teleport. How can I protect my server against players with 3rd party Mods/Addons so they get blocked from using any addons besides the ones the server uses? They spoil all the fun by spawning vehicles in my dynamic zombie box mod I use were players have to build a base to protect them from zombiewaves and other players without using helicopters or artillery, and yet players exploit it by destroying those bases using 3rd party mods such as Loki's lost key. Greets
  11. Okay I'll apply the newest 1.05 test to my server thanks for the body fix, any idea how I ask my host if they allow 3rd party addons or not? Because yesterday 25 people were on my server at the same time and we build one massive base and it got blown up by this lost key user thats a bit frustrating.
  12. Yes those dead bodies that keep laying on the floor defenatly cause problems, also is there any way to prevent people to use that damn editor in mp games because they keep spawning helicopters, they send hundreds of artillery explosions to destroy someones base there should be a solution right as they never seem to use that 3rd party exploits in other mods
  13. I've been running this Dynamic Zombie Sandbox mod for a few days now on my server thumbs up for the creator of the mod alot of people enjoy it. ----------------------- since patch 1.62 everyone on my server seems to get major fps loss, seems fixed for now with the v1.05 ----------------------- bugs: I noticed if you select the option for car types to "all" you get all cars but their damage is red on each car even if you set the parameters of car quality to good or non-damaged. Sometimes a player spawns as a bird he will than have to reconnect for a period 15 minuts and change to another character/class before becoming normal again. Random megakills, kills all players and zombies at the same time no idea whats causing that. Shared deaths if a player dies some other player dies along with him. Zombies still walk through placed objects and walls. ----------------------- New Ideas: - Saved progress for players if they disconnect and log back in they spawn at the same position and keep theire gear. - Saved progress server side if you need to shut down your server for an update you can continue were you left off. - Block people from spawning vehicles using 3rd party editors which is pretty lame. Anyway keep up the good work I hope to see a fix for the problems I mentioned