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Everything posted by killshot

  1. killshot

    Using A2 Serverkeys for A3?

    Thanks, I guess I'll just give it a try then :)
  2. Hey everybody! I was wondering, if it's possible to just copy the server keys of Arma-2-addons to Arma 3? For example the ones for Isola Di Capraia and F.A.T.A. since there seems to be no support anymore for Arma 3. And if it's not possible, is it allowed to create new server keys, using the original creators tags? Regards
  3. killshot

    Using A2 Serverkeys for A3?

    Thanks for the answer, that's good to know. And map changes that have been made, like the removal of the ponds on F.A.T.A. don't effect the functionality of the server key? Regards
  4. killshot

    France General

    Wow, that's an impressive gesture ProfTournesol, thanks for sharing. Man, these times are frightening, NATO vs. Russia, Orient vs. Occident, I hope everything will calm down soon.
  5. killshot

    MP respawn script

    Tested it on Dedicated Server, it does work for me. If I shoot the other AI, it get's respawned after 5 seconds and so do I, if I crash with a helicopter. The respawn does not work in the editor preview!
  6. killshot

    MP respawn script

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/6x793occai60vmg/tmp_respawn.Stratis.rar?dl=0 extract the .rar file to your xx:\Documents\ARMA 3 - Other Profiles\Missions
  7. killshot

    MP respawn script

    In the editor you need to place a marker and name it respawn_west and change in your description.ext "respawn_west" back to "base" :)
  8. killshot

    MP respawn script

    If you name something in the editor, you don't have to put quotation marks around it.
  9. You are an artist! Reminds me of the Project Reality map design quality :)
  10. killshot

    MP respawn script

    Maybe you forgot the quote signs in the description.ext ? respawn = "BASE"; And don't forget to name your respawn marker "respawn_west", if you are BLUFOR. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Respawn
  11. Whaaat? How did I miss the release? Thank you so much for the beautiful work IceBreakr! There's a little mistake on the Armaholic page, the "Forum Topic"-links are missing :) I can't wait for the units to be released, the Molatian Army wears my all time favorite camouflage. :bounce3:
  12. killshot


    As far as I know, it's not even necessary anymore to setIdentity in the description.ext. If it's only for the name you want to change, use setName, so simply write this setName "John Doe"; in the unit's init line.
  13. Thank you very much for your answers. I tried both of your scripts and both of them do work very well, they let the camera smoothly rotate in a perfect circle around the cameraTarget, very useful! If I want the smooth camera rotation of these scripts, just not for a 360°, but for example only a 90° rotation, is this still the best/easiest way to get it accomplished? And if so, is the green line I added in the script below the best way to do so? Camrunning = true; // set to false to stop the camera _radius = 10; // circle radius (distance to cameratarget) _angle = 270; // starting angle (compass direction) _altitude = 5; // camera altitude (height above ground) _dir = 1; //Direction of camera movement 0: anti-clockwise, 1: clockwise _speed = 0.02; //lower is faster _coords = [cameratarget, _radius, _angle] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _coords set [2, _altitude]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camPrepareTarget cameratarget; _camera camCommitPrepared 0; while {Camrunning} do { _coords = [cameratarget, _radius, _angle] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _coords set [2, _altitude]; _camera camPreparePos _coords; _camera camCommitPrepared _speed; waitUntil {camCommitted _camera || !(Camrunning)}; _camera camPreparePos _coords; _camera camCommitPrepared 0; _angle = if (_dir == 0) then {_angle - 1} else {_angle + 1}; [color="#008000"]if (_angle == 450) then {camrunning = false;};[/color] }; Regards :)
  14. Thanks a lot, seems to work fine now!
  15. Hi everybody! I want to give the option in the mission parameters, to define the maximum available viewdistance of TAW-ViewDistance-Addon by Tonic. He has implemented the new command line "tawvd_maxRange = 5000; //Maximum view distance of only 5000 can be set". Here is my code: description.ext class Params { #define DAYTIMEHOUR_DEFAULT 12 #include "\a3\functions_f\Params\paramDaytimeHour.hpp" #include "\a3\functions_f\Params\paramWeather.hpp" [color="#FF0000"]class ViewDistance { title = "Maximum ViewDistance (TAWVD-Addon)"; values[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; texts[] = {"1000","2000","3000","4000","5000","6000","7000","8000","9000","10000"}; default = 3; };[/color] class Thermal { title = "ThermalView/Nightvision (Tanks)"; values[] = {1,2}; texts[] = {"Enabled","Disabled"}; default = 1; }; }; init.sqf //Mission Parameter //Maximal ViewDistance (TAWVD-Addon) [color="#FF0000"]ViewDistance = (paramsArray select 2); switch (ViewDistance) do { case 1: {tawvd_maxRange = 1000;}; case 2: {tawvd_maxRange = 2000;}; case 3: {tawvd_maxRange = 3000;}; case 4: {tawvd_maxRange = 4000;}; case 5: {tawvd_maxRange = 5000;}; case 6: {tawvd_maxRange = 6000;}; case 7: {tawvd_maxRange = 7000;}; case 8: {tawvd_maxRange = 8000;}; case 9: {tawvd_maxRange = 9000;}; case 10: {tawvd_maxRange = 10000;}; };[/color] //ThermalView/NightVision _tanks = [a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8]; Thermal = (paramsArray select 3); switch (Thermal) do { case 1: {{ _x disableTIEquipment false} forEach _tanks;}; case 2: {{ _x disableTIEquipment true} forEach _tanks;}; }; Can someone point out what I'm missing here? Thanks a lot and regards!
  16. Thanks for your answer. I have adjusted the numbers now, unfortunately without success. :(
  17. killshot

    TAW View Distance Script

    There we go! :) Satisfaction Button (I hope it's ok to link there?) Thanks a lot Tonic! Edit: Only for Addon-Version so far I guess. Fortunately I'm using it anyway :)
  18. killshot

    TAW View Distance Script

    Yes, that would be a neat feature for PvP-missions to be able to define the maximum view distance a player can choose! May somebody already figured out how to do so?
  19. Hi guys, do you know how to make the disableChannels-command an actual mission parameter, so one can select which chat-channels should be allowed before a mission start? Is it even possible? Regards.
  20. Thanks for your answers. I thought it would be a nice option for TvT missions, if teams haven't agreed upon which channels should be allowed before the match already. Well then I'll have to stick with the old fashioned way I guess :)
  21. killshot

    Time-Related Capture Zones

    Thanks a lot, I will give it a try tomorrow. Edit: Yes, that did it for me, thanks again!
  22. Hi everybody! I would like to have a capture zone that has to be held by a faction for a certain time to change it's owner. For example BLUFOR enters CAPZONE1 and needs to hold it for 5 minutes to take ownership, if they leave or get killed before the capture, the timer/trigger/script should reset, so they have to go for another run. Maybe someone can reach a helping hand. Thanks and regards!
  23. killshot

    Time-Related Capture Zones

    Unfortunately this whole scripting business is over my head, I would only know how to setup a very simple capture zone via trigger with countdown. But of course that would mean the trigger has only to get activated once and the area will be captured, even if no one's in it anymore. I don't know how complex the solution is or if there's some kind of an easy way, that's why I'm asking.
  24. It seems like there's something not working in the F3's briefing.sqf, or is it just me? For some reason it doesn't execute the faction's briefing or any briefing in general. In my init.sqf I have written [] execVM "briefing.sqf", got the briefing.sqf and the whole f-folder in my mission's folder. Then a Bluefor Crewman placed on the map, but no briefing. Only when I execute it from the debug console via [] execVM "f\common\f_briefing_blue.sqf"; When I use the F2 setup, it does work for me. EDIT: The F3.Altis example mission does work properly for me. But I can't get it to work in my own mission even tho I just copied everything. EDIT2: Nevermind, it was something in the description.ext I guess.
  25. killshot

    [WIP] Urban Patrol Modification

    Thanks for both your answers, sounds great! :)