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Everything posted by killshot

  1. killshot

    (MP) reset players ratings

    Thank you very much for taking the time! This whole scripting thing is very hard for me. I managed now to broadcast a hint from initServer.sqf-executed script to the client. initServer.sqf [] execVM "broadcast.sqf"; initPlayerLocal.sqf "msg4client" addPublicVariableEventhandler { call (_this select 1); publicVariable "msg4client"; }; broadcast.sqf sleep 3; //Server side script runs ["Debug-Start","hint",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; sleep 3; server2client = { msg4client = _this select 0; if ((_this select 1) == 1) then {call (_this select 0)}; publicVariable "msg4client"; }; [{{_x groupChat "Dear Client, it's your buddy Server!"} forEach playableunits }, 1] call server2client; "msg4client" addPublicVariableEventhandler { call (_this select 1); }; sleep 3; //Script runs through ["Debug-End","hint",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; Now I will try to get it working with the intended resetRatings code. I haven't tested your second option yet, but I will after I survived the first battle :blink: Edit: It seems to work, if I just replace the code in broadcast.sqf [{{if (side _x == EAST) then {_x addRating - rating _x}} forEach playableUnits;}, 1] call server2client;
  2. Hello everybody. I want a civilian unit to turn hostile (after a conversation), so I create a new group on enemy side and let the unit joinSilent. _grp = createGroup WEST; [badguy] joinSilent _grp; Then add magazine and weapon to it. The problem is, when the unit looks in a southern direction it will turn itself to north (~340° or ~40°) / turn it's back on me and will be no real threat but rather easy prey. Otherwise, when the unit looks north it won't turn to south direction. How come the unit turns north after joining a group and how am I able to stop that behaviour? Thanks for help.
  3. Could someone please provide the solution to summarize the code when there are more than just a few units? So instead of _dir1 = getDir badguy1; _grp1 = createGroup WEST; [badguy1] joinSilent _grp1; badguy1 setFormDir _dir1; ... _dir20 = getDir badguy20; _grp20 = createGroup WEST; [badguy20] joinSilent _grp20; badguy20 setFormDir _dir20; there will be only a few lines of code (more performant?). Thanks for the help.
  4. killshot

    A plea from someone with lazy, stubborn friends

    I don't know if a game like Arma is the right type of game for people who aren't able to simply copy a folder? I got almost every single addon or mod for A2 and A3 from Armaholic and I will use it until it collapses, no matter what. It just feels right to be on that page and to support it, because it's a project made with heart. Actually BI should think about paying for the server or something. :P
  5. killshot

    Forums migration/update status items

    ^ Indeed, it's straight pain.
  6. killshot

    Werthles' Headless Module

    Sweet Jesus, this sounds so very promising and thought-out! Thanks for releasing your work! So we can just build a mission with editor placed units, give them waypoints and/or put code in their init-boxes and they will just keep these informations after they got transferred to the HC, am I right?
  7. killshot

    Forums migration/update status items

    - Import of the subscriptions users had in the 'old' forum (or a final message, that there will be no import, so that users who are still waiting can start to resubscribe) - Option to create folders/categories to save subscriptions of different topics (e.g. "Arma2 Mods","Arma 3 Editing","Take On Helicopters")
  8. killshot

    random patrol

    BIS_fnc_taskPatrol CBA_fnc_taskPatrol
  9. Isla Duala (3.35) Classnames
  10. The trigger doesn't know what object you want to refer to, when you use "this". "This" only works in the init-box of the unit itself. So you need to name the airplane (double click on it and type in the name box) and replace "this" in the trigger with the unit's/object's name. myUnluckyPlane setDamage 1; Edit: I was too slow ^_^
  11. Silola is a true forward thinker, as we know BI, there will be a Basketball DLC soon :D
  12. This is indeed pretty damn cool :D Especially the shirt. Thanks for sharing!
  13. Hello :) Will there be Long Range Radios with German army desert tarn (Bundeswehr Tropentarn), too, maybe? Or are they already available and I just overlooked them?
  14. Search function of the forum seems to be noticeable slower, than before(?)
  15. Were all of your subscriptions transfered to the 'new' board or did you resubscribe to all of them? Because I got a message from BI-support, that all of my old subscriptions should be available for me, but unfortunately, that's not the case.
  16. I don't really care about furnitures in Arma, but I bet there would be 50 new types of buildings and 100 new furnishings within two weeks and without a dollar to pay, if BI would just ask the community for their help with this issue.
  17. For having a global hint you would use ["New Intel","hint",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; For having a marker fade out you need: "nameMarker" setMarkerAlpha 1; and then use sleep x commands and reduce the value of setMarkerAlpha step by step until 0. Put the code inside the braces of the do-command.
  18. If you want the marker to be only visible for one side, you could also add the following to your init.sqf if (side player==EAST) then { {_x setMarkerAlphaLocal 0} forEach ["nameMarker"]; }; Now, for example, all units of the side EAST won't be able to see the marker.
  19. [] spawn { while {alive nameVIP} do { _dist = 200 + random 300; _dir = random 360; _pos = [(getPos nameVIP select 0) + (sin _dir) * _dist, (getPos nameVIP select 1) + (cos _dir) * _dist, 0]; "nameMarker" setMarkerPos _pos; sleep 45; }; if (!alive nameVIP) then {deleteMarker "nameMarker"}; }; If you put this code in your init.sqf, the position of marker "nameMarker" will be set to the position of the unit "nameVIP" (minimum 200m away + random 300, ergo 500m away maximum) every 45 seconds.
  20. "View New Content" -> "Filter By Forum" (Time period: Past Year) -> select (for example) "Arma 3" and "Arma 3 Editing" -> save -> message: "Sorry, no new content found." Aren't these selections of subforums supposed to autoselect all of their related topics? Regards.
  21. If it indeed is the case that you just deleted all our thread-subscriptions without warning and we will have to start at zero, then you should at least desperately work at the current subscriptions-system. Where is the improvement compared to the old system? I only see steps back there :( Why would you do that? Give us back the opportunity to create custom folders to save our subscriptions topic related (e.g. folders "Mods" and "Mission Design/Scripting"), please.
  22. What about our subscriptions we had in the "old" forum? Will we be able to access them again? On another note: the red font color for unread threads is obtrusive.
  23. What about topics we were subscribed to? Are they gone? I had about 150 of them...
  24. Thanks a lot, works perfect.
  25. Hello guys. I want to give a randomly picked face to my players (multiplayer) and save the result for each player, so I can assign it to them again after respawn with an eventhandler. I execute my selectFace.sqf in the initLocalPlayer.sqf waitUntil {!isNull player}; waitUntil {time > 0}; if (player == p1) then {nul = [player] execVM "scripts\selectFace.sqf";}; selectFace.sqf _unit = _this select 0; _allFaces = ["AfricanHead_01","AfricanHead_02","AfricanHead_03"]; _newFace = _allFaces call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; [[_unit,_newFace], "setFace", true, false] call BIS_fnc_MP; //_unit addEventhandler ["Respawn", {[color="#FF0000"]result SelectFace.sqf[/color]}]; Can someone help me with that, please? Thank you. :)