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Everything posted by somesite

  1. somesite

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Yeah, I ended up just repacking the PBO. However, it does turn the -mod red due to it being different from the client version :(.
  2. somesite

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    But my rpt logs :(
  3. somesite

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Also, after the latest update I seem to be getting the following RPT errors: 18:06:58 Error in expression <if ((!isServer) and hasInterface)) then {goto "finish"}> 18:06:58 Error position: <) then {goto "finish"}> 18:06:58 Error Missing ;
  4. somesite

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Thanks for the quick response!
  5. somesite

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    It would appear the Workshop version of your mod is incompatible with the Dropbox edition. Combinations I've tried.... Dropbox with Dropbox on server = Works! Dropbox with Workshop on server = No worky! ryanruger77.pbo are not signed by a key accepted by this server. Workshop with Workshop on server = No worky! ^^^ Workshop with Dropbox on server = No worky! ^^^ Also I have to ask, why do you alter the folder name? Workshop is @Zombies and Demons while your dropbox is @ryanzombies?
  6. So I've been running my own ArmA 3 server for a few weeks now and I've been spending some time looking for an administrator RCON tool that allows me to chat with my players from outside the game. Am I missing something? Is there no way to chat with in-game players from an RCON client?
  7. somesite

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    I'm still new to the Arma 3 modding community so forgive me if this is a stupid question. What is the support like for headless clients with this mod? Also, I wanted to let you know that I'm having a blast with some buddies of mine. Excellent work.