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About Corbon_HydraShock

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  1. Corbon_HydraShock

    How is AI driving in the latest patch?

    Is there any connection to if you have your team set to "Danger" "Stealth" or "Safe" and their driving? I may be wrong, but it seems that when I had them set to something other than safe was when I found they'd take harsher short-cuts. And, let's face it ... it's a war zone... taking cross-country routes is to be expected if it shortens the travel time. There is also a predisposition to use a vehicle like a HMMV with the crew - taking short-cuts that are probably better not taken in small cars. This is understandable. I'm beginning to think there is. Most of the time I find it awesome that they can do most of the driving. All in all I'm happy with their driving on the Harvest map.
  2. Corbon_HydraShock

    Op Arrowhead, buddy as all get out

    Thank you, I will try that tomorrow.
  3. Corbon_HydraShock

    Op Arrowhead, buddy as all get out

    Yes sir, I'm sorry but I keep forgetting, or am only just learning, that there are different platforms for some reason. I don't know the differences, only that I have the Steam client open at all times the game plays. I tried opening the game from the Steam client (and that client is how I downloaded both Arma 2 and the other), and tried opening the games from the .exe files.
  4. Corbon_HydraShock

    Op Arrowhead, buddy as all get out

    Well, that helps with part of it, but not people and my contact not being there despite his voice activating. Does anyone have anything to add about that last picture I placed? Here it is again: http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/3343/arma2notworkingstill.jpg (144 kB)
  5. Corbon_HydraShock

    Op Arrowhead, buddy as all get out

    Well, back to what I was seeing before that error above... this is with having played Arma 2, different missions, then operation arrowhead (which seems to work normally... for what the game is... no way-points are shown, enemies are not highlighted, can't switch to frag grenades I pick up, gps no longer shows on map screen, and can't be brought up on battle screen, etc. ... which I assume is normal), then finally operation Black Gauntlet, which is back to no-one in town, no way to find this guy Assano I'm supposed to meet up with (I guess I got close to him once, he spoke to me?), and this for many of the map info sheets: http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/3343/arma2notworkingstill.jpg (144 kB) Thanks for any help, but I'm wondering if the initial install somehow screwed up the registry, and now no install is going to work? I mean, I've installed it normally, opened the two via the exe links placed on my desktop this time... still nothing good. Uninstalling it for a third time isn't going to fix it... so any suggestions? ---------- Post added at 13:12 ---------- Previous post was at 12:25 ---------- OK, I just watched a video of how the game is supposed to run... I no longer ever see red circles delineating targets... it's more of a guessing game on if they are my guys or not at a distance with regular Arma 2 and OA... and the vertical green lines that would be my weapon's aim point if I don't have the scope to my face are never there anymore. They used to be, but aren't now. When a new goal is radioed in, the gold-ish waypoint and meters-distance is not active for CO
  6. Corbon_HydraShock

    Op Arrowhead, buddy as all get out

    Interesting, but I bet you're right - or at least you are correct on me launching it from something other than an .exe file. I will try it out. I launched CO from the Steam program that runs in the background.
  7. I've re-installed it three times now, but Operation Arrowhead is just buggy, and I have no hope of plating DayZ at this point (last two installs the six-updater was not updating or aiding at all). Anyway, attached you'll find my most recent error. Add to this script errors from the Map - Notes/Obkectives white box... and absolutely no other human seen in the one middle-eastern town single-player mission... just sand, buildings, wind, and explosions. Finally the game had a character voice, but no map or coordinates updated to show me anything to get to. Before this re-install, an auto-save for a single-player mission saved the game in a buggy way, making any further progress impossible. But, anyway, I've got enough errors now. We're talking very nearly 20 hours at this point of testing and uninstalling, re-installing, etc. This, and the map-info errors, are all immediately after a fresh re-install. I want to play the DayZ mod, but at this point I want to strangle the company who stole my money. NOt only do they seem to make that hard to do, but why are these forums so tough to post in?! Seriously, a Captcha for each post?! http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/6558/arma2notworking.jpg (110 kB)