Roadkill, if you don't use any other faction you manually downloaded then delete all other pbo's besides MARKB50K_Apocalypse.pbo in the addon folder. It'll load much faster for ya!
Oh, a ratio? Ok, got it. Do I have to put each army to "1" if I want it to spawn as a faction in-game?
I thought that with each number I spawn an x amount of soldiers in the game. Stupid me.
Chernarus. I did 1vs1vs1 - Same time. Then Zargabad with 10vs10vs10: loaded in half a minute! (But unfortunately really laggy, thought my i7 could handle more)
I'm having a bit of a problem with this mission and that is that I'm stuck at "Initializing Camps..." for nearly 10 minutes before it finally starts. Is this common? My options are on 5vs5vs5. I use v2.1 and only JSRS (but even with no additional mods it's not faster).
edit: I also deleted all config files from the addon since they really slow down load time. Do I need to have them?