I am much anticipating the release of Arma III next year, and do hope that the game improves by leaps and bounds.
I request that some animations be upgraded and proximity programmed in relation to the objects / models being interacted with.
Here are the a list of some of the animations that hopefully can be revamped:
- Medical Procedures such as bandaging, injections and dare I say it...slapping / shaking an unconscious squad member to wake him up.
- Gearing up, receiving and giving gear and inventory animations
- As stated elsewhere, context dependant entry / exit of vehicles and equipment.
- Mortar animations when shot out (covering head)
- The infamous ladder climbing animation, hope that is fixed now.
- Proximity dependant opening / closing of doors & windows in buildings and vehicles.
- Full range arm / hand signals as seen in previous installments. (hold fire, cease fire, suppressive fire, move forward and a new one....proximity dependant shoulder tap or hold)
- Varied non-combat relaxed states (hopefully what is seen in the night ops trailer accounts for this)
- This is just too much already, but working animations for sliding on NV goggles, nocs, and protective eye gear. (Glare and dust on eye gear)
- I think I better stop now
I am aware that making such minute changes is arduous for such a huge game...but if such things can be refined then the experience and immersion would be even more real. I am glad that you are taking extra time to work out the bugs and polish the franchise. Good luck and I will be waiting impatiently for release! ;)