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Everything posted by RadGH

  1. Me and a friend bought Arma 2 CO on steam a few weeks ago and have been playing it for awhile - both dayz and the vanilla game (arrowhead) with custom maps like cipher. Today we were unable to play together though, and after much trial and error we have made no progress. Here is what happens: I host the game using the in-game server, aka NOT a dedicated server, when he connects we can see each other in lobby, click continue, see each other on the map and change gear (on the map screen you can do this in cipher). Once we start, though, he seems to de-sync. In cipher you start in a helicopter which is landing, he sees the helicopter but it is simply hovering in the air. If he ejects, the screen freezes. I see him parachuting on ground level but he can not seem to have any actions produced on the server. We turned it around, he hosted the server the same way and I connected - I had the same symptoms. This problem is not related to Cipher - we experience the same thing on the stock CO-OP Armory map, the connecting player loads in unable to move. They don't see the other player, if you shoot him they report dead but do not fall over until the connecting player disconnects. Here's what we tried: We have tried many things, we tried launching via "arma2OA.exe" in the OA folder, without any command line options. We ensured only the base Arma 2 mods were enabled and had the same version on the main menu. We also tried the beta (version 94444) with the same exact symptoms - and yes we were launching this with correct command line options and it reported version 1.60 beta 94444 on the main menu. After much of this back-and-forth we uninstalled Operation Arrowhead and deleted all modified files from the install directory (we left arma 2 base game alone, since we have never extracted anything there. we did a file check with steam though). After about an hour we had redownloaded the game and ran a fresh install. We still have the same problem. However, we did try connecting to a third party server which worked fine (although many servers like to kick you off because we are missing a mod, but that's unrelated). Unfortunately we did not try this before reinstalling, but as we still have the same problem when hosting I do not think anything was fixed. Lastly, I did try the dedicated server with the beta. Same problem happened, and again only for the person who wasn't hosting. EDIT: We have also tried connecting using Hamachi, which should bypass any port forwarding or connection issues. Unfortunately we have the same issue when using hamachi IP's. Things worth noting: We have forwarded necessary ports, and confirmed that at least the port we chose to host on was open via canyouseeme.org. We're both gamers who live in non-gaming families who have pretty much all ports forwarded to us - so I wouldn't suspect that. Neither of us have a firewall or antivirus running or anything like that. What should we do? Why is this happening, and why has this issue only appeared today?
  2. I'll probably do that, for now I'm reinstalling arma 2 without either of the DLC i just bought and going to make a backup of the files in case it happens again. There really should be a way to downgrade if the patch isn't going to be backwards compatible though, imo. But I've only played this game for a week so I don't know if the rest of you guys are used to this sort of thing.
  3. I just bought british armed forces and private military company on steam, and now my game version is 1.62 even with CO (apparently they are all the same client anyway). None of the ACE+ACRE servers I play on run 1.62 Can I roll back, if not, how do I install an old version? This is retarded. It might have been six updater, I'm not sure if that or steam did it. Regardless, how do I downgrade my version?