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About ServiceStud

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  1. I 100% agree. In most scenarios, the AI soldiers are more of an obstacle than a benefit. It is unfortunate that one quite often has to leave them behind and just ninja the mission, which is completely unrealistic, because they would end up giving it away or otherwise failing through incompetence.
  2. ServiceStud

    AI Improvement

    EDIT: Oh, sh*t, sorry for threadomancy. Didn't see the date. Right now the AI is *slightly* ridiculous. As in: Night time. No moon, no light, slightly overcast. I engage 2 ai w/o NVG from approx. 150 m, prone, in cover and with a silenced weapon. One drops, the other does a "lol 360 noscope" and drops me. In 2 shots. Or: Same conditions as above. Swim towards shore. At LEAST 75% of body under water. Ai starts shooting at about 150 meters. How do you see a diver in pitch black from 200 m? They sure couldn't have heard me. I am guessing that a lot of seals and dolphins and such wash up with bulletholes. I chalk it up to Alpha. Right now, the ai is teaching US to use cover and concealment at all times =)
  3. ServiceStud

    Personal driving score MP

    Thanks both. I'll wrestle with it for a bit but it looks like a non-starter.
  4. ServiceStud

    Personal driving score MP

    Hm. After 30+ views and no response, I assume the question was either too hard or too easy. I will just have to tally score manually then.
  5. Hey all. I tried searching but either the answer is not here or I am searching for the wrong things. I am a newb at mission making so maybe I got the nomenclature wrong. Anyhow, here is my question: I have created a tank driving range with road-cones lining the road the driver is supposed to follow. What I want to do is to tally the amount of cones a specific player disturbs and display it (preferably in an unobtrusive format) for all players. It would also rock to be able to reset/remove this display from a 3rd place once the driving part is done. The map allows a max of 6 players, it is Multiplayer. If it makes any difference, the game is Iron Front. Is this possible? I was looking at the addScore bit but I cannot for the life of me see how I would tie this to the myriad road cones. Any tips? Thanks in advance!