EDIT: Oh, sh*t, sorry for threadomancy. Didn't see the date.
Right now the AI is *slightly* ridiculous.
As in: Night time. No moon, no light, slightly overcast. I engage 2 ai w/o NVG from approx. 150 m, prone, in cover and with a silenced weapon. One drops, the other does a "lol 360 noscope" and drops me. In 2 shots.
Or: Same conditions as above. Swim towards shore. At LEAST 75% of body under water. Ai starts shooting at about 150 meters. How do you see a diver in pitch black from 200 m? They sure couldn't have heard me. I am guessing that a lot of seals and dolphins and such wash up with bulletholes.
I chalk it up to Alpha. Right now, the ai is teaching US to use cover and concealment at all times =)