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Posts posted by Kildar

  1. I don't know if this has been here all along, but I just noticed a section in the editor with deployable respawn backpacks in the form of sleeping bags and tents, which provide player and group respawn point, respectively, similar to some rally point scripts.

    I've yet to test them, but if they work they seem like an elegant BIS-implemented solution to respawn. No need for pesky scripts on the part of the mission editor, and also allows flexibility for the players. Not quite as gimmicky as a spawn on team member function (I think they have to be deployed before death), as complicated and risky as a HALO drop, or as annoying as having to necessarily respawn at the start of the mission. Since it's deployable, intelligent deployment, such as only before an expected firefight, could make things interesting. Of course, if you hate respawn with a passion, just don't deploy it.


  2. The only MP bug I know in this context is that when a player JIPs in or disconnects during the briefing, the weapon selection messes up and you get random people not having the weapons they selected.

    The inventory was implemented and brought back to Arma 3 at one point, but was later removed for an unknown reason.

    Thanks for the headsup! I thought I'd heard that the briefing gear was reimplemented since beta, but did not know it had been disabled for MP. I did notice that weapon selection would sometimes fail in A2 MP, but I suppose as long as I give people the right loadouts by default this would not be an issue. I definitely think that BIS should reenable this even if this persists.

    I also miss being able to access gear while inside a vehicle as was possible in A2. It would have at least made gear selection enroute during initial transport an option, as I dislike having to spend time huddling over something to gear up.

    Personally, I hope you won't use VAS... a massive immersion killer in my opinion.

    I dislike VAS as well. Never liked Mary Poppins boxes that can magically hold everything, and for small tailored missions like mine, can mess up the author's intended gameplay. Worst of all, it takes forever for everyone to get things just right, and then people forget to save their loadouts... It does have its uses, though, for persistent server missions where gear needs to be unlimited and potentially have access to everything.

  3. After making my first mission, I've noticed some interesting things.

    In single player, I can access my and my teammates inventory through Map > Team, and can also perform team switching for playable units, and can perform briefing gear selections.

    However, in multiplayer, the map inventory and team switching access disappears, and as a result, briefing gear selection is unavailable. Has any other mission designer come across this problem and perhaps found a way around it?

  4. Hello fellow soldiers! Here's the first of hopefully a few more Arma 3 missions.

    Destroy an enemy shipment of UGVs.


    • Cooperative up to 5 players
    • Single-player compatible
    • No Respawn / No Revive
    • Altis
    • No addons required


    • Dynamic patrols*
    • Tailored loadouts**
    • Briefing gear selection


    v1.1.0 2014-04-19

    • Added enemies along coastal approach
    • Added enemies in buildings
    • Fixed campfire spawn heights

    v1.0.0 2014-04-07

    • Initial release


    Available through the Steam Workshop here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=246995137

    I may upload a PBO later for the tinfoil-hatters out there if there is a demand for it.

    * UPSMON by Cool=Azroul13, Beerkan, Monsada, Rafalski, and Kronzky

    ** Loadout Editor for ARMA 3 by [s.o.E] Team

  5. The heli should fire on the first pass as long as it has time to line up its run. Try starting the heli farther away, but make sure it also detects its target in time, maybe using doTarget or a destroy waypoint if necessary, and make sure its line of fire isn't obstructed by another building.

    If you get it working please do share. I imagine this could come in handy at some point.

    Edit: I have a mission in the works where 2 AH-9s attack 2 IFRITs, and after the new stable release they don't use their rockets first anymore even though the targets are vehicles. What a pain.

  6. Nice dude be useful this, anyway would you be able to do this for the air vehicles as they only use the machine guns, say for instance you want them to destroy a building even if they cant see enemy they just shoot it or summit?

    All this script does is give a unit, be it AI or player, the RPG-32 with some AA ammo for shooting down choppers (and cars). I'm not sure what would happen if the script was run on a vehicle, but only infantry units can use the launcher.

    What you're looking for is best done using the editor. Right now there's an Invisible Target Soldier under the Objects (Training) class that the AI will fire at, although it won't use rockets because it thinks it's shooting at infantry only. Until someone creates something similar like a vehicle target, this is the closest I can get you to what you want. Somebody more experienced may know better.

    Edit: After some more experimenting, AI pilots will use rockets after expending all minigun rounds (which takes longer than you think, even on 4x speed). If you can figure out how to remove all the bullets but leave the rockets (the ammunition slider affects both proportionally), you can force a rocket run.

  7. Just a very, very, simple script for converting soldiers into anti-air specialists, since there isn't a unit fulfilling this role by default in the A3 Alpha. Anyone who knows the least bit about scripting would be able to write this for himself, but maybe some of you will find this convenient.

    Simply copy the following code into "scripts\gear\aa.sqf" in your mission directory and follow the instructions.


    v1.0 2013-03-24-2345 Initial release

    v1.1 2013-03-25-0045 Fixed missing semicolon, used addMagazines instead of addMagazine.

    Created by Kildar
    Effectively converts a target soldier into an anti-air specialist 
    by giving him a RPG-32 with n surface-to-air missiles.
    The actual number of missiles provided is contingent on available 
    inventory space. Magazines cannot currently be loaded directly into 
    weapons, so there must be room for at least one missile prior to running 
    the script.	
    Place the following in the init line of target unit, where nMissiles is 
    the integer number of missiles desired:	
    	null = [this, nMissiles] execVM "scripts\gear\aa.sqf";
    	To provide an AA soldier with 2 missiles, use:
    	null = [this, 2] execVM "scripts\gear\aa.sqf";
    v1.0	2013-03-24-2345	Initial release
    v1.1	2013-03-25-0045	Fixed missing semicolon, used addMagazines instead 
    						of addMagazine.
    // Get arguments
    _soldier	= _this select 0;
    _nMissiles	= _this select 1;
    // Remove pre-existing launchers and munitions
    _soldier removeMagazine ["NLAW_F", 1];
    _soldier removeMagazine ["RPG32_F", 1];
    _soldier removeWeapon	"launch_NLAW_F";
    _soldier removeWeapon	"launch_RPG32_F";
    // Provide ammunition and launcher
    if (_nMissiles > 0) then {
    _soldier addMagazines ["RPG32_AA_F", _nMissiles];
    _soldier addWeapon "launch_RPG32_F";

    Chopper pilots watch out.

  8. Group and side respawn simply means once you die you shift control into available (usually AI controlled) units of the appropriate category. When there are no more units, you become a seagull, and when everyone is dead the mission is failed.

    I feel that respawns beyond these are more appropriate for more persistent game modes such as Domination and TDM that allow players to jump in and out at their leisure and where restarting a mission can be detrimental to high player counts. The missions I have in mind are more along the lines of: your squad is sent in to take an objective, do your best with what you have. As such, I generally have group respawn missions, although I have started adding AI controlled friendly forces to give my missions more ambiance and scale.

    With regards to getting a second chance, Arma does have a save function dependent on difficulty, although I try to limit its use to saving gear loadouts at the start, or if I've had to travel a ridiculously long distance to the objective. As for starting over, well, you can just restart.

    That being said, hopefully you'll enjoy my missions nonetheless.

  9. Please, Please stick to missions with NONE, SIDE or GROUP respawn type. You are one of the few authors who keeps it real without multiple lives...

    Whoops forgot to add that tidbit. Don't worry Variable :)

    Actually sorry Desaix. Should have read a little closer, but dynamic objectives are a bit out of my current abilities, and not exactly what I was going for. I don't know if you've ever played missions by Sanders but I can only hope to emulate him.

  10. Hey Kildar! Glad to see you are back in action. I'll try to come up with ideas for missions. No-resapwn missions are really required now, another reason to be happy on your return.By the way, now that you are back, will you fix the bugs in your Arma 2 missions?

    Thanks for the welcome Variable! I'll try to get around to fixing my A2 missions. If you just revisit that thread (link should be in my sig) and make sure all the bugs you remember are listed it would be much appreciated!

    I Wish we had more small size missions (3-5 Coop) with variable objectives and random enemy position ranging from surface to water and with heavy penalty to respawn like 2 mins or worse.

    Usually starting with few equipment is more fun as it implies the seek for better weapons and stuff.

    That's exactly what I'm striving for. If you had specific scenarios in mind feel free to share. All the weapons are pretty much equal, but I'll consider starting off with ironsights, or at least unmagnified optics to force better maneuvering and suppression more. Also, has anyone noticed if gear is selectable in briefings a la A2/OA?

  11. Don't want to necro anything, but since Variable and Phantom have asked me to fix the bugs I left with my A2 missions, I just wanted to compile a list of outstanding issues for when I get around to it. Right now I have:

    - Belly of the BMP Briefing

    - Switch and Bait (I think the whole concept is perhaps more trouble than its worth)

    - Make briefings JIP compatible

    Has anyone tried Hedgetrimming yet?

  12. Kudos for going out there and making it yourself. Looking at your script this should technically work in A3 as well. My knowledge of basic scripting is very limited, but if you're up for expanding on this, here are some hopefully easily implemented suggestions:

    - Keep the init line as clean as possible. I believe this can be done by simply passing the trigger (or maybe a marker area instead) to the script (a la [this, "stealth_area"]) and then running the addAction within the script.

    - Consider adding a chance to fail, perhaps based on unit skill. Not sure what the punishment should be; counterkill? Or maybe force both units to play an animation simulating a struggle, requiring you to have a buddy cover you in order to ensure a safe takedown.

    This is probably not within your abilities, but perhaps with the new physics engine and grenade throwing, knives can be implemented with a mod. Afterall, we already do have stones as an item.

  13. Hi everyone.

    I don't play regularly enough to join larger organized groups, so most of the time when I play Arma online I will host my own public listen server (you're all welcome to join me on Meat Grinder), and most of the missions I've downloaded (and will make) are small unit cooperative missions, usually without respawn and somewhat by extension without JIP.

    I tend to restart if someone new joins early in the mission, but for all the teamwork oriented pubbers out there who join servers like mine midmission, please consider sticking around. I know we all hate waiting to get into the action, but I would like to think that the chance of finding some more coordinated teamwork compared to dedicated server missions would be worth your while.

    Just wanted to get that message out there. I'll see you all in the field!

  14. Just downloaded your mission off Armaholic and haven't gotten a chance to try it yet, but I was going through my standard renaming procedure and noticed your files didn't end with .Stratis. Not sure if this is still an issue, but just wanted to bring this to your attention.

    Keep it up these small scale coop, no respawn mission. I promise to follow in your footsteps as soon as I dust off my mission making skills now that it's finally Spring Break!

  15. Yeah, I found the spotters, after a few plays of the mission, so that wasn't really my question. (I do appreciate the reply, though - all of the replies, in fact.) I was just wondering about that picture-in-picture thing. It didn't seem useful in that vehicle showcase, either, but I could at least use the 3rd person view for that.

    If the squad HUD is turned on, #1 is usually the group leader, who is identified by the 2 chevrons in his diamond? marker tag. Other units in the group will have an empty marker. Group leaders by default (at least until the inevitable field promotion occurs) are usually of the squad or team leader unit class, which can be identified on the map (if server settings allow) with a slash through their unit icon. Finally, there is also a "Where are you" question you may be able to ask through the team interface (number keys) to which the AI should respond with its grid location. I don't have my game running right now, so hopefully what I'm saying is accurate and clear.

    And yes, strings of nonsensical orders are usually the results of having an AI for the squad leader, which is never a good idea to let happen if you can avoid it. With regards to the overwhelming chatter, there are mods available (noRumble or something like that) that can mute the AI chatter.

  16. I couldn't group them and test it, because no matter what I did they would spawn in formation

    I don't have the editor open right now but each unit has a field titled "Special" that by default is set to "In Formation". If you set this to "None" for the squad leader they should spawn where you placed them, although it's possible that the SL will order them into formation, so you might want to shoot quickly after you load the mission.

    Anyways, I'd like to see stealth options become more viable as well, since killing once person sets the enemy in DEFCON 1, at least for the group.

  17. The thing is that the ACE script function for loading IFAK has been modified a way not compatible with ACE 1.13 stable release.

    Not sure how this would work out (and it would probably cause you some GUI headache in your editor), but one simple way around this if you haven't thought about it already would be to add the IFAK items first and letting ACE handle placing them into their slots, and adding a delay before giving the player the rest of the secondary/pistol equipment.

    Thanks again for everything and taking our advice into consideration.
