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About Frug

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  1. Thanks mates, i would never found it o.o
  2. Hello guys, i just want a recon UAV, just to spot targets in the area, but i don't know how to delete its weapons and the driver always keep heading to the enemy vehicle, i want to keep the altitute like 2000! i want a recon UAV to spot the targets for my team (im using the MQ-9 with the module UAV)
  3. Ok, thanks, that will help XD. But Reaper, my "extraction point" don't gonna be it, i will just name it and when then reach there, they will call radio juliet and then the mission ends. but i don't know if theres a way to, if theres a way to deactivate the radio juliet, and the radio become activated when they reach the trigger area(the "extraction point" got it?
  4. Ok, so i want it Reaper, REALLY, THANKS SO MUCH!
  5. Thank you all!!!! You guys really helped me.. Now, i just have one question. Is there a way to, in the presence of Blufor in the area, enable the radio Juliet? Because in the final of my mission, they need to go to the Extraction Point, once they are there, they will call Radio Juliet and end the mission. I already putted the two triggers, one saying: 1st: Activation: Blufor, Condition: this, On Act: enableradio Juliet; hint "You can now call radio Juliet for extraction", Axis A and B: 60 2nd: Activation: Radio Juliet, Type: End #1, Name: Juliet What am i doing wrong? because i don't want that a guy call radio Juliet before he destroy the tower, just want him to call when he reach extraction point! Thanks for all! Ps1: JSF 82nd Reaper, i've already learned how to use the briefing, you don't need to set up a tutorial anymore, THANKS!
  6. Much thanks! Now, to the briefing, how do i put it? briefing.html or briefing.sqm ? I want to create those notes and tasks like "Briefing, Situation, Mission, Execution" etc if I put this, where it would appear and where i should put it(like tasks.sqm): player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Situation", "Things are looking bad."]]; tskExample1 = player createSimpleTask ["Task Message"];
  7. So, hello, this is my first post. I'm very very new in the mission editor, so i really need some help. I'm doing here a mission that you need to go to a city, destroy a radar and fall back to your previous position(2 tasks). i searched some radio tower destroy scripts but i dont find any.. so anyone, please, could give me one or a tutorial on how make tasks and a radio tower destruction? Edit: And where do i put the briefing? Mission folder? The mission is only a .pbo!