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Everything posted by clydefrog

  1. clydefrog

    What class is the SDV?

    Hmm, I only tried it in the editor but it seemed fine for the ghosthawk and HEMTT, but I couldn't get it to switch to third person when in the SDV.
  2. Hi, I'm trying to set my mission up so you can't use third person when out of a vehicle but when in one you can. I have the following which works apart from for the SDV where you can't switch to third person. I have tried isKindOf "Submarine" and isKindOf "Ship" but neither work. Anybody know what does or can suggest another way of only forcing 1st person when outside of vehicles? [] spawn { while {true} do { sleep 0.05; if(cameraView == "EXTERNAL" && (!(vehicle player isKindOf "Submarine") || !(vehicle player isKindOf "Air") || !(vehicle player isKindOf "car"))) then { vehicle player switchCamera "INTERNAL"; }; }; };
  3. clydefrog

    =BTC= Revive

    That will make the dead players new body stand where they died instead of being moved out of view. I'm just going to leave it as I have it I think, they will be moved to a building while waiting to respawn and can't be hurt there due to player enablesimulation false so there isn't really anything to worry about.
  4. clydefrog

    =BTC= Revive

    Hmm that's a point, this is the bit of the BTC script that moves the player while they wait to respawn: if (BTC_respawn_time > 0) then { player enableSimulation false; player setpos [3126,5974,0]; player setVelocity [0,0,0]; sleep 1; private ["_n"]; for [{_n = BTC_respawn_time}, {_n != 0}, {_n = _n - 1}] do { private ["_msg"]; player enableSimulation false; player setpos [3126,5974,0]; player setVelocity [0,0,0]; titleText [format ["Respawn in %1",_n], "BLACK FADED"]; sleep 1; }; player enableSimulation true; deTach player; player setVelocity [0,0,0]; player switchMove "amovpercmstpslowwrfldnon"; player setPos getMarkerPos BTC_respawn_marker; deleteVehicle _obj; I suppose you could do player setcaptive true until they respawn and then setcaptive false, the same way as with the enablesimulation above.
  5. clydefrog

    =BTC= Revive

    No, what I mean is when you use BTC_respawn_time so you have a delay between pressing the respawn button and respawning, it sets the players position to [0,0,6000], so in the corner of the map 6000 metres up in the air. I have now found this and what values to change so they are moved to a different place while they wait to respawn. Unfortunately putting them 6000 up in the air which is much safer than them being on the ground (where they can be shot while they are waiting to respawn) will not work with my script that detects when a player leaves the area and damages them. When I set them to the ground height in that area it is ok though. I think I've worked out how to do it now, just have the problem with not being able to set them up in the air.
  6. clydefrog

    =BTC= Revive

    Is it possible to edit this script to change the location of the player when they are waiting for time until respawn counter (BTC_respawn_time) to finish? I ask this as I'm using a script that reduces health for opfor when they are out of their play area. Because BTC revive script moves the player out of their play area while they're waiting to respawn, they keep dying over and over and retriggering the respawn wait time. If this is possible what do I need to edit and which file? Thanks
  7. clydefrog

    UPSMON for arma3

    BIS_fnc_taskPatrol has always had that problem for me, they walk off for miles, even into the sea sometimes, it's useless. Also BIS_fnc_taskDefend always gives an error message when it's called from that actual BI script containing the function, not the script where it's executed. CBA Task Patrol is great, it works well and it has a lot of options you can set, but it means running an addon just for a few patrols. Here is a simple script for spawning a group with CBA TaskPatrol for anybody having trouble with it (these are 3rd party arma 2 units though, you'll need to change them to arma 3): // 0 = ["spawnmarker"] execVM "spawnUnitspatrol.sqf" if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _spawnPos = markerPos (_this select 0); _group1 = createGroup EAST; _unit1 = _group1 createUnit ["RW_MVD_Soldier_TL", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 1, "FORM"]; sleep 0.2; _unit2 = _group1 createUnit ["RW_MVD_Soldier", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 1, "FORM"]; sleep 0.2; _unit3 = _group1 createUnit ["RW_MVD_Soldier_Marksman", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 1, "FORM"]; sleep 0.2; _unit4 = _group1 createUnit ["RW_MVD_Soldier", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 1, "FORM"]; sleep 0.2; _unit5 = _group1 createUnit ["RW_MVD_Soldier", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 1, "FORM"]; sleep 0.2; _unit6 = _group1 createUnit ["RW_MVD_Soldier", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 1, "FORM"]; sleep 0.2; [_group1, _spawnPos, 150, 7, "MOVE", "AWARE", "YELLOW", "LIMITED", "WEDGE", "", [3,6,9]] call CBA_fnc_taskPatrol;
  8. clydefrog

    =BTC= Revive

    I use firefox, the option you get is "Save link as" and it saves them as what it says at the bottom left of the screen, it downloaded them for me with their proper file names, just replaced everything in them with that crap. Anyways it's sorted now you just need to use the download links and not right click save on them.
  9. clydefrog

    =BTC= Revive

    haha no, because it doesn't download them as html files, it downloads them as sqfs with the full proper filename, they are just full of html etc. strange
  10. clydefrog

    =BTC= Revive

    Must be how I downloaded them from that site, if you right click on the file and save it, even though it says the link is to the .sqf, it downloads the .sqf but it is full of website stuff. I just tried it again now and it's the same. It's fine if you click the file then click download on the next page.
  11. clydefrog

    =BTC= Revive

    Blitzer134, those files you uploaded that you said was version 0.91 is not, they are full of stuff like this: I don't really know what all that is, but it's not BTC revive.
  12. I am looking at using the method on this page to count and display how many blufor soldiers have been killed, and then end the mission when a value has been reached. http://derfel.org/arma2/publicvariable_and_pveventhandler.html Here is the full code to do this from that page: // Global variable to hold the death counter. DeadCivilians = 0; // Server will do all the work. if isServer then { // Function to update death counter. fnc_countCivDeaths = { DeadCivilians = DeadCivilians + 1; // Send the new value to clients. publicvariable "DeadCivilians"; }; // Add killed -eventhandler to all civilians. { if (side _x == Civilian) then { _x addEventhandler ["killed",fnc_countCivDeaths]; }; } foreach allUnits; // Client side. } else { // Function to display the death count. fnc_showCivDeathCount = { hintsilent format ["Dead Civilians: %1",DeadCivilians]; }; // PublicVariable eventhandler to catch the update sent by the server. "DeadCivilians" addPublicVariableEventHandler {call fnc_showCivDeathCount}; }; I would like to know which is the best way of re-adding the killed eventhandler for each of the blufor units after they have respawned, so they will continue to be counted when killed again? Would I need to add the killed eventhandlers to each soldiers init manually along with something that adds it again when they respawn or something like that? If so which would I use and how? Or do I not even need to worry about this? Will the eventhandler stay on the unit after it has respawned? (I'm using BTC revive by the way if that makes any difference). Thanks ---------- Post added at 15:43 ---------- Previous post was at 14:45 ---------- Also in that code above, for some reason it never displays the hint saying how many have been killed but it is counting as I tried a trigger with condition: DeadCivilians == 3 with a hint in the onAct, and I got the hint after killing 3 units (however I don't get it when killing myself 3 times which makes me think it hasn't kept the eventhandler). Any ideas?
  13. If you want to give the helcopter a waypoint you first have to give it a group name like kylania has done _heliGroup = _vec select 2; and then e.g. _wp0 = _heliGroup addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "move1", 0]; _wp0 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp0 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp0 setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _wp0 setWaypointCombatMode "YELLOW";
  14. Alright I'll try that cheers. By the way anybody know if the body removal in F3 works yet? Last time I tried it didn't.
  15. The one I'm getting a lot is to do with this I think: f_var_debugMode e.g. Error in expression <tAction"]; if (!local player || f_var_debugMode == 0 && f_missionMakerTe> Error position: <f_var_debugMode == 0 && f_missionMakerTe> Error Undefined variable in expression: f_var_debugmode
  16. clydefrog

    UPSMON for arma3

    That's something I (and BIS too probably) didn't even think of. The whole Arma 3 userbase aren't mission editors. Some people just like to play the game and I doubt they want to be spammed by black boxes full of unintelligible text that means nothing to them and just ruins their enjoyment of the game. Forcing this on people who have no interest in the editing side of the game just seems stupid.
  17. ^^ yes it is, great how you always fix it so soon after problems occur as well, thanks.
  18. Hi, for the mission I'm working on I want it to work so that if Blufor fail to kill an enemy unit within one hour then they fail. I simple have a trigger with time > 3600 && alive VIP inside it, but I have heard this can be unreliable if there is server lag. Is there another more reliable way to do something like this?
  19. Ok mindstorm it's working. So to be clear I don't need the publicVariable "ELAPSED_TIME"; line that was in there originally, and I shouldn't run the code on the server but just run the trigger condition on the server, and I should still use spawn for that code in the init.sqf right?
  20. Is there any way to disable this thing? I will try and check my own scripts to fix them but I can't say I am up for going through all scripts I use made by other people fixing everything in those too.
  21. so if you have a variable like: somethingdone = true how do you define that? Or is that already defined?
  22. well I had it with my endmission code in it which I know works as it did with time, and had it set to 60 seconds. I'll give it another try. Should I be using the code from the first page or the new one without the publicVariable?
  23. I never said I'm not going to use it, I've been given a load of options so I don't know what to use at the moment. By the way I have already tried your code (the bit you posted on page 1) along with the spawn and isServer stuff in the init and ELAPSED_TIME > 60 in the trigger, and nothing happened. Any idea why?
  24. Hmm, I take it I need to put something in that loop to exit it so it doesn't keep just looping the Mission Failed endmission thing? I've done this: if isServer then { private ["_delay", "_timeLimit"]; _timeLimit = 60; _delay = 2; [_timeLimit, _delay] spawn { private ["_delay", "_timeLimit"]; _timeLimit = [_this, 0, 60, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _delay = [_this, 1, 2, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _timeLimit = _timeLimit - _delay; while { true } do { if (time > _timeLimit && alive vip) then { [["End2", false, true], "BIS_fnc_endMission", west, false] call BIS_fnc_MP; [["End3", true, true], "BIS_fnc_endMission", east, false] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; if (time > _timeLimit && alive vip) exitWith {}; sleep _delay; }; }; };