Hey BlackendZ,
I also got Combined ops from steam and installed ACE and CBA, the problems you describe are in some way not real problems but features of ACE as far as I understand it. The missing range indication, crosshair, bullets and magazines add to the realism and that is what ACE aims for.
Took me quite some time to figure out how to handle the javlin with ACE as you need to have the javlin and the clu in your inventory, if you select the javlin you then need to activate/reloade it with the clu. I tested most of this in the editor as I also encounter problems in the bootcamp missions. For instance the helicopter mission is more or less done by itself as it seams that with ace the targets that need to be destroyed with rockets or guided missiles are missing.
Regarding CBA, I run Combined ops now with the following start parameters as only CBA wont work for me:
If I only use cba (without cba_A2 or cba_OA) Combined ops wont start and gives me two error messages (cba_main needs cba_helper or something like that).