Hey all. Pretty damn new to this so bare with me.
I've figured out how to create a helicopter insertion for the start of the mission.
Currently I'm using two waypoint markers to get the insertion almost perfect but no matter what the chopper will always come in fast, pull up hard and then slowly descend at a rate that is going to get me shot.
What I'm looking for is the chopper to come in low and slow down around 300m out so that the landing can be done without having to pull the nose up hard as the story is that they're landing in a hot zone.
I've already got a marker 300m out for move, limited and one on the LZ for unload transport, limited. Sadly the choppers come in at 300m, pull up a bit to limit their speed then speed up normally and pull up hard on the (alleged) LZ.
The other thing is that the choppers all seem to pick this exact same area for their unloading rather than going to the actual designated LZ. I heard there is a way to make the choppers fully land and then force unload the cargo instead but I can't find how to do that.
Is it just a simple case of more waypoints or is there some scripting involved too? Cheers guys.