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Everything posted by chrisb

  1. chrisb

    Does anyone else want an easier editor?

    The ‘Editor’ is great as it is, would rather they would have kept the traditional look, although glad they put the option in to change it back. But its always been good as it is, does take time to get the hang of it but once you have, it comes pretty easy. They are all more or less the same format, Ofp, VBS/2, TOH, Arma/2 even Elite was similar with a lot less to use though, so its nice to keep everything along similar lines with no great big changes. Its part of what I like about BIS, they tend not to fix things if they’re not broke. However, that said, there are some things that are broke that never get fixed, suppose rough with the smooth…:rolleyes:;).
  2. Rates around the same as camera shake for realism. Lets not derail this thread and great idea..:rolleyes:
  3. chrisb

    AI Improvement

    AI always did use houses with this mod, you do understand the missions you make, to get these to work correctly, have to be GL4 format. Also the readme, make sure if your making a mission using this mod, to read it.. ______ @Froggyluv, they will hunt down sound, never mind you, its in the vids, have I mentioned that before...;):p Now where is SNKMAN..:confused: and all the others.. GL3/4, SLX & Zeus genius mods, where would the game be without them, well I would have stopped playing a long time ago..:D
  4. I like it as it is progressing, blur is better than camera shake, I think, greyscale is o.k, I like that as well. But by the looks of things, your going to make the best decision as to how it should look, based on your present tests. Would be nice to have the rate/s of fire set by the player in the configs. The second test there is pretty much right as I see it, but maybe if players want camera shake, could that be in the configs also, i.e. switch off/on. It is shaping up to be a very nice effect, good luck with it, I will be looking forward to trying it out.:).
  5. chrisb

    AI Improvement

    Only one sig per page rule now..
  6. chrisb

    AI Improvement

    There is a pbo list linked from my sig, its for A2. Regards ai for A3A, not sure what will work yet, it is only because of the AiA mod by kju that some of the ai mods from A2 started to work better, not sure why because the AiA is not for that, just luck maybe, so I'm keeping fingers firmly crossed that it doesn't change, just test and test some more..;) Edit: forgot, the reason I talk about ai so much is probably, that for me, its the most important aspect of the whole series..
  7. chrisb

    AI Improvement

    Not arguing about it, as said, I’ve heard it all before. Metalcraze, none of what you say happens, not in a well designed mission with the pbo’s I use. Bunching in doorways, diving into buildings, its fantasy, but there again it does show how badly some put up with arma’s gameplay choosing to ignore whats available on the map, when there are mods that will do it for you, providing you design the mission right. Further than that, its GL4 at the core not Zeus, your whole mission would have to be made using the gl4 format. But I understand some can't get the performance the same, thats their problem, certainly not mine. But as said each to their own, I just prefer smart ai, its all that really matters in the series. Take that away, which means I would be playing like 'metal' here, and its really not worth playing the game against any ai. Our group plays against the ai a lot, infact most of the time, so its important the ai are really good, which is why we use a mix of the best ai mods.. But as said, not arguing or preaching, the test videos are there to be seen, show's the real behaviour of smart ai when using the right mix. There will be new videos showing the same for arma 3 (owing to the AiA mod:D), but I dare say people will still play basic arma ai, thats their privilege, its each to their own.. Enough said..;)
  8. Can confirm that, couldn't open it even though it downloaded fine..:)
  9. chrisb

    AI Improvement

    Surprising, as you recommend Zeus for your missions.. Still, it is a case of not just dropping a pbo into a mission, it needs correct mission design and the right mix of ai pbo's. As we all know mission design is an art and having the right mix of anything within that mission is hard to work out for the best results. Missions can easily be broken with the smallest of things, I sometimes may make it sound simplistic, which I don't mean to do. Its just that I have done it for soo long, I forget that many don't use the same type of mission design and ai.. But each to their own, that and none of this may ever be usable in A3 anyhow...:(
  10. chrisb

    TrackIR thoughts with Alpha

    Well I tried really hard to get used to TIR5 pro, had it a little while, maybe 5-6 weeks or longer, anyway, back to my old usual method. Never mind, it just wasn’t to be..
  11. Thanks for this, really great. Also thanks to 'Armaholic' for safe downloads.. :)
  12. chrisb

    Magpul AK 74

    Thank you for sharing, downloading now..
  13. chrisb

    AI Improvement

    Heard it before, just the videos and the actions don't say the same, fortunately for me and the group I play in that use it in the mix we use and have done for some years, have a look at some of the test vids, they are a2 however, not working fully in a3, yet..
  14. chrisb

    ARMA 3 on consoles

    It was a nightmare trying to get on with a gamepad for this game, having been used to gaming using a mouse etc, but I thought they pulled it off really well. It was as you say, a marvellous game for xbox, much underrated.
  15. chrisb

    Any chance for default melee weapons?

    This notion of realism, I even fool myself with it. But lets be honest in some countries it would be preferred to just have a nice gun battle and get shot and that’s the end, however what about those countries, where they will finish off a wounded soldier with a machete or any other implement to hand, rather than a nice clean single shot, dismember, behead, burn etc.. Also think about ‘non-explosive' devices (booby traps) used in Vietnam and the things the viet-cong got upto there to maim and kill enemy forces. Weapons of all types, even none weapons are used in warfare, its not a nice clean environment to be fighting in. There are many circumstances where wounded soldiers have chosen to take their own lives rather than be taken alive, knowing the consequences of what may happen afterwards. Drop the notion of realism, no game or indeed simulation could begin to be realistic, if the only weapons are just of the gun type or explosives, warfare is about a lot more than just that. A knife is quite civilised when compared to a machete or can of fuel and a lighter…. Before anyone comes in saying, its not about that this series, no its not, its a game regarding military tactics and war, its kept sanitised as such, all I am thinking is melee, or something that depicts it, don’t need the graphic, we don’t have the graphic of a bullet entering a body, its not needed, we know it happened, can be done the same way, but its a part of war. Lets move at least a little closer by introducing other weapons if possible, or other ways of killing, don’t need a complecated animation, just to know that to creep up, or get near to an enemy, that a simple animation could mean a knife, or any other implement kill.. Feint has this.. probably what we (our group) will use to depict this type of kill, ingame..
  16. Go into the mod complete section and have a look at All In Arma (AiA) mod, with this mod, many islands from a2/a2oa will run in a3, provided you have a2/a2oa..:)
  17. Nice to see this coming to A3 now. Good luck with progress and I will be looking forward to your release..:)
  18. chrisb

    Any chance for default melee weapons?

    Macros ? Push by feint has a nice little addon there, I have an imagination even if you haven't, don't need all the animation, just the fact you can creep up behind and use a knife for a stealth kill is good, doesn't have to show a full animation, could even use feints, just avoid the push element. With coming through war games over many years, in lots of them you have to use your imagination, if you have one of course.
  19. chrisb

    Any chance for default melee weapons?

    When I was thinking melee, it was more stealthy knife kills, not brawling.:rolleyes: Can you imagine brawling with arma’s movement system…… could be a whole new game..;) .
  20. chrisb

    Mission Music - Copyright infrigement?

    Possibly, if YT covers it then so be it, provided they get to your soundtrack to take it off in time, before the legal’s do. Regards the videos with BIS products i.e. arma etc, didn’t think ads were allowed, not sure though, it was on A2 forum a while back, that’s why my vids all have ads disabled..
  21. chrisb

    AI Improvement

    If your using AIA, then try putting ‘zeus_findcover’ pbo in there, they will find cover better and much more realistically than TPWC, which is more for suppression. That’s what I have found anyway, last vid previous page, though there are a few pbo's running there.
  22. chrisb

    Mission Music - Copyright infrigement?

    Yes that would be using YT music licence, but I still think that would exclude recording artists. But I thought ads were not to be used (monetary gain) with BIS vids or has that changed ?
  23. chrisb

    Mission Music - Copyright infrigement?

    To include music from a recording artist would mean having a broadcasting licence of some type and paying royalties, in the UK anyway. Even if the music was copied from a broadcaster i.e. radio or tv, its illegal to copy and re-broadcast it in the u.k. Playing background music made for that type of use i.e. 'lift music' then you still have to have a licence, different type, to play music in public (business), but with no royalties as the music has been made purposely for that reason. So no, is the quick answer, its not o.k. and they are getting really uptight about it, so be careful..
  24. I don’t like PWS or SU as the amount of mod/addons on them are limited, so I have to manually update anyway, which takes ages. But for this, moving so fast and it auto updating just this mod, its perfect for now. I just point it towards a external hdd where I have folders with whichever pbo’s from whatever mod/addon I want to tryout and its all there, no messing just quick and easy. Can get on then and keep testing bits out that I want to see in a3. Once the mod has settled a little, probably not until full game release, as there is so much that’s possible with it, then I would go back to what I usually do, but for now PWS does a great job for this mod..