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Everything posted by chrisb

  1. chrisb

    PMC 51km Desert

    Thanks for the updates of this, plus the updates for Rattler & Rugen.. All great terrains..
  2. chrisb

    Getting Started.....

    The only point I would add to would be your (5), a lot of what groups clans etc can do with this series, is often restricted by the players pc’s. Its very heavy going on many systems, in our group we pander to the lowest systems, mine happens to be one of those, for A2. However, as I tend to do a lot of the mission making it doesn’t matter, I build larger missions/mini-campaigns that are breakdown-able, i.e we allow a total of 200ai, maybe at a push 250ai max, this is to keep ai intelligent (cpu heavy). I would not expect us to engage more than 30/40ai at any one time, 50 tops (single engagement), this way the mission is kept fluid and the ai intelligent. Reason being, as said, its cpu heavy the ai, keeping enough cpu power going for ai is very important if your playing against them for the majority of your games. This is more for smaller type skirmish combat (modern warfare), not large scale battles, whereas this is less important as your not dealing with the ai so intimately when engaged, therefore not as noticeable. When you are in smaller scenarios its very noticeable when ai are performing poorly. Rule of thumb guide, keep your fps above 25-30 throughout missions, start getting below that and ai will suffer..
  3. chrisb

    Getting Started.....

    This site; Patch 1.62 requires that you already be at 1.60, if this is not the case go further down the page and find the right one for your game, then progress to 1.62. Beta is here if you want to go further upto date, beta is undoable, i.e. Expansion folder, so if you want to go back to patch 1.62 just remove the Expansion folder.. 4/ Can’t recommend a clan/group, I play with friends in a closed group, against other closed groups. But there are plenty out there, look for the clan/group thread and post in there..
  4. chrisb

    Ac-130x (wip)

    Ingratiating yourself with any community the easy way, won’t work. Everyone is taken on face value, whether or not you’re a mod/addon maker or just a player, certainly to me everyone is the same, just as important to the game itself. I hope your suspension is not permanent, we all make mistakes, however it’s a very strict policy they seem to run and for the right reasons, I suspect..
  5. chrisb

    Getting Started.....

    There’s going to be lots of views regarding your questions, I’ll keep mine pretty brief. 1/ You should expect anything and everything from the game, its that simple. Its complex but once your into it, you’ll have little to no problems. I think its best to plunge in and discover, it’s a vast open world ready for anything you want it to be, war/conflict wise. GR was a great game for its day, but how to compare.. Well GR, if put in a matchbox would mean this series put in a box the size that takes a 42†LED. Not sure if I even understand that.. Lets just say there’s no comparison, this series is vast. 2/ Yes you should patch the game right up to the current 1.62, then better still, right upto the latest beta or stable latest, I found 1.62.103419 beta to be stable, so have stayed there a while. I’m amazed your friend hasn’t patched the game.. 3/ Now I don’t make mods and my scripting is so basic its embarrassing, however I use lots of mod/addons/scripts and collect much of what’s released. Most modders like the engine and the tools provided to mod, but that would be better said by a mod/addon maker. The ‘Editor’, what can be said there, well there’s a whole world in there, infact there’s a whole 260 odd worlds at last count, in my A2 island list… You can do 'anything' mission wise, it’s what the game is about imo, the best thing on pc or console ‘ever’ and ever likely to be.. Same with A3 now, its all about the Editor, can someone let me out now;).. Welcome aboard..:)
  6. chrisb

    New Sniper pack

    Not the above.. Easiest way, put your spotter down on the map, give him a WP, set to ‘stealth’ and ‘hold fire’ or if you don’t want him to fire at all set to ‘Never fire’. Or if you like un-needed script commands, will do the same job, but as said, not needed: this setBehaviour “STEALTH; this setCombatMode “BLUEâ€; this setUnitPos "Down"; Blue= never fire Down=prone. :) Just thought, you may want to set him away from you at mission start, in the editor set him to 'none' in the Special field (or used to be formation).. Plus just saw Missilemoose, yes, in-game command him, thats what your there for, order; 'Hold Fire', 'Stop', 'Go prone', if he isn't already..
  7. chrisb

    Arma figurines

    Get those paint kits out again..:)
  8. chrisb

    They better have female soldiers...

    They did it, and still do, for real. So allowing female characters should be standard in the game..
  9. I’ve not played BF3 so wouldn’t know how they do it. But it’s a little like driving, lots of tasks become second nature without the need to look at what your doing, so its not a big deal if an animation for switching fire modes is not included, for me anyway..
  10. chrisb

    Movement speed tweaking

    Agree with that to a certain extent.. Players bemoan A2 movement, but given a choice now, this minute, to pick from the two types we have A2-A3 movement/feel, I would pick A2 with the pbo set I use now, that’s just a personal preference. Graphics have never been an issue for me, its all about game-play, the way we have A2 setup at the moment is pretty much perfect for us. Not only that but the A2 graphics still stand up, for me anyway. I would think it’s hard to find the balance for BIS concerning A3, they are doing a great job at the moment and its early days still, we just have to give them the time to layout what their vision is for the future of the series, its not quite out there yet, can’t figure out for sure where its going to settle, have an idea though. I’m not too concerned really, A2 is there and done, if nothing else was added to A2, even if the updates stopped, its got a decade or more left in it, play wise. However, it is being updated and there are some great mod/addons still coming out. So staying with A2 will not be a hardship or disappointment, should that be the case.
  11. Vaz, I would definitely try it out first. Its quite possible you could run the game o.k, just the card is a little weaker than I would have thought you needed. However, there are lots of players running the game on all sorts of setups, old and new, with the same degree of success or failure, so trying it out is by far the best thing to do if you can, before buying. Regards the passmark score, not sure myself, never run one. Its just one of those games Vaz, that you have to try out first. It will run, its just how good, hope it runs well for you.:).
  12. I think your 6570 might be a problem, but you say you can get Skyrim on ultra settings with this card, so I could be wrong. Try and get hold of the gift A3Alpha, maybe on steam, to try it out first..
  13. chrisb

    Extremely low FPS

    The number of votes! yes anyone having major problems with fps or performance in general would make their way to this forum, just to make some kind of contact with BIS. It will seem to many people the only way to get their point across and reach out to the devs. However, 1400-ish votes from how many sales of A3A do you think ? What if there was a line below that vote, for players to vote that are not having a problem, how long would that be I wonder, well who knows. There was only around 8000 members on this forum when I joined around a year ago, probably more now, but still only a very small percentage of the player base as a whole. So even if every member was having a problem, there should be at least 8000 votes, that would probably still be low compared to the player base. Its a great shame some players are having problems with performance, lets hope you or BIS, find the reason why. But don't make out people are lying when they say they're not having problems with performance. Below are a few pics, out of many I have, these are tests showing performance and fps. On my YT channel (A3ai) link below in sig, there is a break down of performance/fps/core usage/ai, I get using my A2 machine and thats getting a little old now, but its a well maintained machine that handles Arma 2 very well and now handles Arma 3 the same way. It’s the same with the whole series, this forum makes up a very low number of the overall player base, single figure fraction probably, don't be fooled into believing that the vast majority are having problems with performance, its more than likely the complete opposite.. ;) http://imageshack.us/a/img842/383/arma320130319104142.png http://imageshack.us/a/img14/7909/arma320130319103605.png http://imageshack.us/a/img831/3203/arma320130311234557851.png http://imageshack.us/a/img51/2646/arma320130312025510191.png http://imageshack.us/a/img585/9307/arma320130311234548572.png http://imageshack.us/a/img546/931/arma320130311232832659.png http://imageshack.us/a/img832/3103/arma320130412210935459.png Performance has increased since some of these were taken, most all dev versions..:)
  14. So what is the game using, mem wise ? For me, I don’t think the game uses much more than 1gb, as said some cards seem to store up the old before purging. Watching my card it seems to refresh/purge, when it needs to around the 1.9gb mark, but doesn’t get up there unless in town. Drops back to 1gb or thereabouts, so I would think maybe its dumping old data for the present being used, which would be around 1gb. Do players with 1gb cards have a better refresh/purge, does the game just use and store what it doesn’t need to, just because the space is there to do so i.e. cards above 1gb..
  15. chrisb

    Please use the full spectrum of Steam

    That’s pretty much it. If you want a good experience from this series you’ll need: 1/ Players you play with as a team/group/clan whatever, regularly (likeminded players), or indeed SP is great too, using your own missions. 2/ Private server. 3/ Your own missions/campaign style/type/story etc That way you’ll get the max, I think, from the series. Regards Steam, who really cares, if you have the above it makes Steam, just a tool to use.. If your using public servers, don't be surprised if they are filled with the public..
  16. These look great, downloading to have a proper look.. Thanks for sharing them..:)
  17. O.k. started in Agia Marina middle of town, mem was straight to 1250, ran around town a couple of times and the mem was going up gradually. Ran out of town up into the hills, mem stabilised at around 1800, so I ran back down into town, it began to rise when it hit around 1900 it flicked straight down to 1050. Changed my vd from 1200 to 3500 to replicate your vd and it took longer to make a difference, would have to be in game a while to see it progress upwards. Of course the gpu is having a rest with the vd higher, for me anyway. Anyhow went back into the middle of town at 3500vd, ran around, went into a couple of buildings down to the sea and along that little jetty just out of the centre there and it had stayed at around 1600, not showing signs of going back up again at that view distance..
  18. Going to try this, how long do you think I will need to see the mem progress upwards ? Its never threatened to fill anywhere near the 2gb I have, well certainly not seen that, not noticed a downgrade either. I have texture on ultra, as is all the last tab other than terrain at standard.. Where would be the worse area for vram to fill ?
  19. Railings, AA/FXAA/SMAA/Disabled.. Seems better to disable on this build 59/814. I usually have 2 or 4xAA, plus FXAA = Ultra, but saw the problem and had a play around with settings.. Full screen 1080p would be best viewed.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm7TH_uOOM8
  20. No rush, great looking map so far, I'll always wait for the better things in life..:)
  21. Done, could have been more specific.. Still, for quick and easy it was good.:).
  22. chrisb

    Arma 3 Trailer

    In some instances the series chases the current game graphics, so can look older than it is, which can put some players off. On the other and most important hand, the game-play is far more advanced than other games, when I say ‘far more’ that doesn’t even do it justice. BIS have a hard job when making trailers, the old “My names whoever, follow my story†type approach (usually a US marine or SF), was pretty worn out 7-8yrs ago, but its still used. Problem is it doesn’t do this series any justice, its how to get over to players that this is different. What attracted me to the game was the editor, but what attracts each of us may be different, it’s a very hard job aiming your ads just right in such a large money driven industry, where advertising budgets are bigger, in some cases, than the whole game development budget is for other devs games. Good first impressions are really needed to bring the revenue in, but to do that you have to avoid disappointment to buyers who may expect something it isn’t, the backlash of that can be very damaging, especially nowadays. Thinking here about casual shooter players, showing lots of explosions and frantic scenes, is not what this game is really about, so some may pick it up and be disappointed, whilst others pick it up and never put it down, those that find its true content (me included really). Striking a balance is the hardest thing, a short trailer has to include soo much info. Someone, can’t remember who, did a great vid/trailer type thing for AIA (think it was that mod), they did flying with the numerous terrains available in the series, seamlessly from one terrain to another, which was great, it did exactly what it was meant for, showcase the mod. They could do with having a word in that vid makers ear regards a trailer.. Just had a look, it was ‘EvoMalarkey’ that did the vid, that’s what it says on Armaholic, so there you go, great vid/trailer.. Here's the link to the AH page..
  23. chrisb

    BASE Jumping Test Map v1.0

    Fun driving down the North side...:butbut::D Thanks for sharing your island..
  24. An assortment of views, some for testing, others just out and about.. http://imageshack.us/a/img402/9366/arma320130523125722836.png http://imageshack.us/a/img708/4827/arma320130523125743967.png http://imageshack.us/a/img12/8715/arma320130505001155757.png http://imageshack.us/a/img818/3051/arma320130505001615799.png http://imageshack.us/a/img689/3221/arma320130505002230393.png http://imageshack.us/a/img43/7269/arma320130505004459164.png http://imageshack.us/a/img825/5339/arma320130421025708215.png http://imageshack.us/a/img534/3678/arma320130420191612255.png http://imageshack.us/a/img833/6285/arma320130412221919638.png http://imageshack.us/a/img688/1193/arma320130412211001214.png http://imageshack.us/a/img42/8086/arma320130416170446059.png http://imageshack.us/a/img339/2585/arma320130416170523661.png http://imageshack.us/a/img692/6497/arma320130416171024983.png http://imageshack.us/a/img542/6995/arma320130417234728982.png http://imageshack.us/a/img818/425/arma320130417235625312.png http://imageshack.us/a/img12/4720/arma320130319110537.png http://imageshack.us/a/img842/383/arma320130319104142.png http://imageshack.us/a/img221/2559/arma320130311232231590.png http://imageshack.us/a/img546/931/arma320130311232832659.png http://imageshack.us/a/img402/9718/arma320130311232709820.png http://imageshack.us/a/img20/2356/arma320130311231713954.png http://imageshack.us/a/img11/3951/arma320130311231829939.png http://imageshack.us/a/img62/762/arma320130315213123858.png http://imageshack.us/a/img19/1774/arma320130312024326940.png http://imageshack.us/a/img831/3203/arma320130311234557851.png http://imageshack.us/a/img802/1848/arma320130311232631179.png http://imageshack.us/a/img585/9307/arma320130311234548572.png http://imageshack.us/a/img51/2646/arma320130312025510191.png
  25. chrisb

    ArmA 3 Beta - Which Islands ?

    If your into huge battles, similar to the North African Campaign of WW2, there is a map already ported to A3 ‘dbo afghan', its vast, mixture of desert plains and mountain ranges. Nothing building wise but could be added here and there, but for big scale battles with huge fps, then its one to look at..