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Everything posted by chrisb

  1. :D:yay::bounce3: Nice..;):)
  2. Winter version looks great, any idea of release, no rush, just wondering.:)
  3. How are the AI handling, the now open, buildings ?
  4. These are great, thanks for sharing them..
  5. chrisb

    Discussion on "Axed" Features

    Yes, Arma 2 is better for game-play realism I think, will hope that may change, maybe take a little time, you never know. Looks wise obviously Arma 3, VBS2 has little going for it, if used as a game, for me anyway.
  6. chrisb

    will arma 3 use 8 cores

    Must admit it uses my 4 cores pretty well, not as well as A2 did however, not sure why that is, perhaps because A2 had so much optimizing done, over the years. But it runs really well, so far.
  7. Yes, I have all the pbo’s I use open at some stage, to have a rummage through and do the occasional tweak, it has to be said (use the arma pbo view tool, very handy). I understand what your saying, your replacing using the BI resources that are available to the player and instead using the mod’s which is o.k. I just do it the other way around, I let the AI have the mod resources and I use all that BI supplied, regards calling in re-enforcements etc, should I need them, so as not to add confusion anywhere there. Still, regards re-enforcements, I'm usually dead before they arrive..;) The GL4 high command modules I rarely use..
  8. A game is like any other product, if you want to appeal to a wider market place, or indeed a particular market place or customer type, you have to adapt the product, especially if the product has been around for some time and is perceived as being of a certain type. There is only one way to do that, as in the answer he gave, they want to appeal to more mainstream players, well what type of games do mainstream players play ? But they want to do that without making A3 mainstream. Well there lies the problem, they can’t, without changing it and giving those players something that appeals to them. How do you do that ? That’s why I said its moved towards mainstream, not fully, but towards. If you have played the series to any degree of realism in any of the last titles in the series, its clear to see its changed, quite a lot. Also who said it’s a lower quality, if you can find where I said that, I would be very surprised, because I don't think I have ever said that. Obviously the quality is better all round, but thats not what I’m talking about, at all.:confused:
  9. chrisb

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Devs: So much of my hope is going into this one project, if I can call it that. The fact that AI have been brought to the fore, is well, really much appreciated.. I have everything imaginable crossed, I mean, everything..;)
  10. So wow devs, to be on a more positive note: a very short list of great things Getting into a helicopter anim is great, no, its even better than that The mouse speed seems better in the latest build, nice and fluid, for me anyway. Congratulation on the fps rate and the stable hold when spinning around, no loss at all for me, great Also on the fps rates themselves, far better than I could ever have thought possible, running on my little old A2 pc No thanks for the fact I had bought a nice big new pc for A3, now don’t need it, or may do I suppose for Altis, who knows;) The look of the game is beautiful, no other word for it Flying around is a dream really, better than ever The actual movement anims and variety, great The sea, what can you say other than beautiful, but I don’t use it much, might later, still wonderful Thanks for the very hard work your all putting in, its much appreciated I am just now going to put soo much hope into the new purge your having on the AI behaviour. I really am keeping my fingers crossed, that at the end of this purge a more realistic sensible AI will emerge. Doesn’t have to be perfect, hope some mod/addons might help that later, but just a lot better. Because without a decent AI, well nevermind, but I appreciate the fact that its been recognised and is maybe now being thought of in a new light. We need great AI, to match your game. Everything is crossed for the AI, really hope now..:)
  11. Tell you what, it looks great on a 42", my own scenario/missions with no more than a 150ish AI, not all engaged at once mind, but can handle 50-60 AI engaged together, not a great problem, better if its around the 40ish mark though. I don't use more than around 120 AI on the terrain anyway, smaller skirmish type missions are my fav, although they are only testing type things at the moment, can't be playing with the AI, too silly at present.
  12. If I was stood in front of your CEO, and it was he who were saying those words, it would not be me trying hard not to bite my tongue, or laugh, it would be him.. Thanks for confirming it though..;) Edit: Understand though, that I know your all trying your hardest to create a good game, and you will, I appreciate that. It simply, to me anyway, has moved towards mainstream, not fully but that way. To do, as you say, appeal to more players. Nothing wrong with that, never said there was.
  13. I don't mind if you agree or not, perfectly fine by me either way. I think I made clear in the last reply to you, that GL4 do everything for the AI, friendly or enemy, any AI on your terrain in that mission will be effected by the GL4 mod for the better, far better, we both know that. The only thing I’m saying, but its up to you to do as you want, is that the ‘Custom’, ‘Static’ & ‘Defend’ modules are for the enemy AI side, as it points out here in the gl4 readme, which I advise everyone to read, its the only way to really learn as much as pos regards the mod. However, that does not mean you can’t do what you like, I do, experimenting, especially after beta updates and mod updates can cause things to change, sometimes unexpected things for the good. These things you only find out if you mix up a little and test often. So as I said, do what you like, but the modules are for the enemy units, initially. ---------- Post added at 17:46 ---------- Previous post was at 17:44 ---------- Yes I get what you mean, however with this mix, what you explain regards sitting waiting to shoot AI (sniper), will not happen that easily, I'm afraid. They are far more cunning than that..;) ---------- Post added at 18:16 ---------- Previous post was at 17:46 ---------- Yes, its pretty good AI on the whole, the mix. I live and learn and want anyone using it to mix in other pbo's they think might work, then we all get the best out of it. All AI make mistakes, we all see that in-game, but on the whole these tend to be better, more realistic than other mixes and complete mods I’ve tried. They obviously could be better, but as it stands they are the best for me. Hope you like using them, on behalf of the makers. They have given us some really great AI behavioural mods, so its all of them we have to thank for it, and we do..
  14. Yes @masharra My really single most irritating problem with ASR is, it won’t work great with Zeus find cover, or find cover in general (slx). I’m not sure why this is the case, there again I hadn’t tested for a while, so I did earlier and the results are the same still, there is a big thing in formation keeping in ASR, it seems. This I think stops them going to cover, breaking formation. In the first test with ASR_AI, if it wasn't for the other AI pbo's I'm using, they would just go prone, fire, move forward, probably semi standing, go prone, again fire, and keep repeating this until they're dead, still in formation. The tests below highlight the problem, see the difference. I prefer the second way, for me its far more realistic. TPWC_sup includes a find cover, I use it in the mix, but not for the find cover element, but really just for the stance, it improves that when in combat, plus the suppression helps GL4 suppression along a little. All other items in the tests are the same, same pbo's other than what's mentioned, and grass of course..;) __________ This test I have all the pbo's I usually use, with a couple of the zeus took out, to allow ASR_AI to be the brain, if you like. There’s no grass in this test as I’m testing other things at the mo and don’t want to change lots of island folders etc, but the AI will act the same either way, grass or no grass. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKPUAeTSIkc _______________________________________ Second test without ASR_AI, just the usual mix I use. Test done a while ago, on my YT channel. ______________ Its not that they need to just to go for cover, but they need to go for hard cover as seen in the second video, that hard cover is some way off to the side, so its important they think out what their doing, act as a team to get there, and then rethink the waypoint from the position the end up in. Don't forget, this one single action that the AI decide to do 'find cover', completely changes the way AI think, it allows for far more immersive game-play, for me anyway. That's my biggest problem with ASR_AI, other than that its good. I like any mod that helps AI, its just that it doesn't work with my mix.:)
  15. Of course, all AI are effected by GL4, two pages back there are vids I put on with friendly forces to me, showing this clearly, actions you definitely would not see without using it. I’m just saying the modules are for use with enemy AI, not friendly. You can do as you have, I have put myself on as both friendly and enemy, sync the modules to the enemy and switch units, i.e. play as a playable enemy unit. The game will play much the same, but it can cause confusion in the mod. It is a mod that effects all AI, your just giving the enemy an upper hand with the modules, because they don’t tend to have a human player. But I’m all for doing things differently so power to your elbow as they say.;) Edit: Don't forget you can also, if you want to use several friendly groups, use the high command BI module, with GL4 it’s a dream. However that’s more for larger battles, Mine tend to be smaller skirmish type combat where smaller groups can be called up via radio (triggers etc).
  16. chrisb

    ArmA 3 Final game released date

    Sounds reasonable, towards the end of September, its mostly where they want it now..;)
  17. OP I think the way they wanted A3 to be originally, was much like A2 only better looking, more fluid movements etc, which I think they thought would be a good seller, but mostly within the customer base they have now, the fan base, therefore not a huge seller immediately. However things changed from those early days i.e. BF3 (coming up bf4), dayZ mod, etc and the whole idea of A3 was reworked into more of a mainstream game, aimed towards larger sales, very reasonable thought for a business, I would do the same. So the idea of delaying any further, would be a none starter really, they have their minds set on what its going to be, once that idea is realised, then it should be released. The only thing they have to be careful of now, is landing where it seems it might at the moment, in the middle ground (grey area), by trying to keep the baying wolves at hand happy, that being lots of us the loyal fan base, which in general their not, by the looks of the forum here and elsewhere. They need to satisfy the casual player now, with this re-thought concept for the game. BI are not following the series, its changed, a sort of crossover game, not a great idea. It will take players across with it, those that are not too concerned for realism, it will leave those players that are concerned, behind. Some players it will drag across, those that simply can't stand the clunky A2, but they will moan forever that its not following the series enough. My personal feeling is its mainstream enough to sell really well, the casual new player will moan about the controls and other things, but they will put up with them, the players dragged across will moan as said, but that’s nothing new for BI. A3 looks good, it allows for a faster more fluid game-play, so it ticks the casual box. The series player that like the mil/sim side, includes myself, will not be so happy, probably stay with A2, but that’s life, nothing wrong with that. The only annoying thing is, for me, it could have been great, a mil/sim game, that looked good with fluid movement, but why should they keep me and others that wanted the same happy. They don’t and haven’t, so there you go.
  18. This is looking great, I wouldn’t worry regards filling it too much with buildings etc. Its quite easy to place settlements in-game using the construction tool. Players can do what they like regards that when mission making. Leave it rural, couple of farms here and there, will be ideal for any game type. I am really going to look forward to your release. Great work.:)
  19. Sounds like it a bit of a struggle here and there, but the best things always are. Great news regards the ATV, best way to sightsee around an island, until a bridge looms in the distance and then its, ‘here we go again’, sometimes lucky and get over with a hop or two, most times its on its side for no reason. Really pleased your going to work on that. On the opening of the buildings, how are the AI handling them ? Will be looking forward to the pics or video, see how your getting on.:)
  20. At present it’s a crossover type format, not following the series as such, instead trying to keep their user base happy, whilst generate money via being more mainstream. Mod/addon makers will bring it back a certain amount, but it will be harder than the previous titles in the series, to make realistic. Odd place its landed, A3. ______________ On topic, mouse setup is very important for good performance, they should just not tweak it much and let us all use our software to get it just right.
  21. Hi E, the reason I put the CBA down is to get all the mod/addons that use it to kick start quickly, I use a lot and they can cause the game to pause if they kick in a little too late, GL4 can cause a pause anyway sometimes, moreso if you use lots of mod/addons. Regards the other, its not broken, they need to have one WP and be set to either ‘Hold or Guard’ also ‘Safe’. Then you just have to watch. I put this on just to show you. They will randomly go off on patrol, sit down, chat, exercise, safety their weapons etc. Not everything they do is in the vid, take too long to wait to see it all rotate. This is however general behaviour with a ‘Static’ module with these settings. Sync a group to a ‘Static’ module and they may act as follows, i.e. once they see an enemy they will assess the situation and then try hunting the enemy down, using great tactics it has to be said, that’s the stock behaviour. If however, they have been synced to ‘Static’ and put near a building and are garrisoning a building, then see an enemy, they may well stay put and not hunt down the enemy as quickly, they can and do stay in the building they were garrisoning for quite some time (engaging your forces whilst in there) making it difficult to get them out without sometimes having to resort to destroying the building, but. If they decide to move, they will actively advance to hunt down the enemy using other buildings in the process to get better positions. ‘Defend’ module groups do that too, but to a lesser degree, preferring in many instances to stay in a building only until they can get out and find better positions outside. As with any GL4 enemy group/unit, they communicate with other groups, and if you have synced a partner group with them, i.e. ‘Static’ module they will use twin groups to hunt you down communicating whilst doing it, really interesting how they do this. Also try partnering a ‘Static & Defend’ groups, then set them both a WP with ‘Hold & Safe’ working together near to one another, they will go to the WP, then twin patrol, once an enemy is spotted the ‘Defend’ group will tend to defend the area whilst the ‘Static’ group will flank etc to hunt down the enemy. Partnering is just sync directly two groups or more i.e. leader to leader. Try watching with various formats, its really the only way to get to see and learn. Not everything is stock behaviour, its when you combine, you see and learn what they do. There is too much to list, really. Changes to the game and other mod/addons I use have made some do the un-intended, obviously clashing, but in a good way. The only way you get to see this is by testing, I have put the ones I know will only clash, as much as possible anyway, in a good way, if at all, so expect great behaviour. There are glitches etc, but that’s just arma, not really the mod/addons fault, but it’s great learning and testing little scenarios or just place yourself behind a wall and watch enemy groups/units doing their thing with various combinations. It would need a book to list all that GL4 does, especially mixed..;) ________________________________________ Edit: Further chillaxing with GL4 static groups set as above. Story here is I have shot into town from a distance, not at anyone in particular, just nearby. There are two groups in the town set out as above and synced to one another. I doubt the shot would be heard as a clear sound from that distance, and as its not serious enough for them to come combat mode out, they have instead got one group to go take a look, very relaxed just walking in the general direction the sound came from. They split into two smaller groups leaving one behind a little, the rear smaller group are relaxing whilst waiting for the forward group to come back. Two units lay in the undergrowth as you see in the vid, one is just visable. Laying on their sides and seemingly talking to each other. Its all very relaxed, the sound they heard was a while ago and nothing has happened since, so really they are not too bothered. Interesting just watching the behaviour, adds bits of realism to the overall mission content. Should the forward smaller group spot me, then all will go combat mode, including the relaxed units, plus they may also radio for the other group to come help, depends.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwUDye7QI6g
  22. chrisb

    Discussion on "Axed" Features

    As long as they didn’t get a British road contractor to lay the tarmac surface, or we would have landing aircraft leaving they’re wheels behind stuck in the tarmac.:D:p.
  23. chrisb

    Atmosphere and Immersion Elements

    Good luck with that one..;):p _________________________ :rolleyes: _________________________ Possibly be an addon later:D