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Everything posted by chrisb

  1. Altis looks to be a fairly lightweight terrain, should be fine. Stratis runs great on my A2 pc..
  2. Why? Only in look's really, certainly not game-play, just imo..
  3. Reminiscing, I like Greece. :)
  4. chrisb

    Any old farts playing Arma 3?

    Sold mine, couldn't get the hang of it, got neck ache too..;)
  5. Use the 'Editor', make a mission for your needs in no time..;)
  6. Wow, just Wow...:) So many great projects going on for Arma 2 at the moment, its really exciting..
  7. Around 1 week out, till release is that ? Wow if that's the case, can't wait..:)
  8. I have the unfinished terrain, flew a Lancaster over it recently. It certainly is a project and a half, huge. There is soo much to like with this project, things just sit right, for instance the station building is really nice, complete with the wall posters. Had a mini scenario there a while back, but the AI will not go into the building, I know this is early yet, but would be nice for the buildings to be AI friendly if possible. Continued luck with it. :)
  9. chrisb

    Haadur 40km

    Its great that your taking so much time on details, but as said a while back, don’t worry regards it being sparse, that works really well with the setting, also we have town construction tools so can easily place settlements if required for mission making. The fact your going for an A2 release is also a big bonus, for me and many others, I would think, so thanks for that. :)
  10. Looking good, saw this a while back, good to see your still moving along with it..:)
  11. chrisb

    Arma starting to disappoint

    Disappointing, yes.. Broken hearted, no. I/we still have A2 to play.;).
  12. chrisb

    Arma 3 - Sneak Preview Livestream

    Maybe we’re getting our wires crossed, I said size, maybe I should have said content. If I placed out a city, putting houses at all outer reaches NWSE, but filled it with little content then that is not really a city as such. The content we see is mainly harbour only, the outer are suburbs (not even that really), it may have a footprint the same if taking into account the outer reach buildings, but in reality its a lot less, there's nothing much inland. Moudros (at 13mins pause, compare).Just how I see it..
  13. I said I’m not too concerned regards Sept 12th, because I think they have more or less completed what they set out to do (second time around), that’s make a shooter to sell mainstream, not a true successor to the series, more a step forward (graphics wise) but also a step to the side, toward larger sales (nothing wrong with that). A3 is polished, it looks good, but it simply isn’t a realistic mil/sim type game, don’t really want to call it that because this series are games, not mil/sims. If we label VBS2 as a mil/sim (which it is), then the arma series can only be classed as games, with a heavy lean towards mil/sim. A3 is a game with very little in the way of a mil/sim lean, it leans toward mainstream gaming if anything, in particular MP mainstream gaming. That’s why I’m not concerned, it seems they made what they set out to do, after the live-stream, it sort of makes me think that even more. I get the feeling they know what they made, just that they don’t want to admit it has been made a lot more user friendly, plus the game-play has been watered down to suit that. When you look at it in comparison to the series in general, its different in format, for those that don’t see that, play the other games in the series for a while, in a realistic 'sim' type manner, I think it should become apparent that A3 can't be played the same way, it doesn't behave the same. Its just my view, I know players will disagree, that's everyone's right, I'm just looking at it from the way I play, which is as realistic as I can make it without it being as dull as VBS2, which I also have. That said, it may not seem that way for everyone, that could be because, deep down some players wanted it simple, but simple is not what this series was about, its complex for a reason, that reason is, it borders a true mil/sim like VBS2. I don't care that they stepped toward mainstream, well I do, but what can I do about that 'nothing'. Its not what I would play, but we have A2, so at least I can (and do) play that. Its just that I really would like them to say what their intention was originally for the game, then did it change or was it always that way. I have my own thoughts, that is it changed after BF3 was released.
  14. chrisb

    Arma 3 - Sneak Preview Livestream

    In the live-stream video they flew the heli across to Moudros (real name), if I'm not mistaken. Google Moudros, then look at the video, its nowhere near 75%, around 35-40% maybe, could be smaller than that. That's if it was Moudros, must say it matches the layout near the harbour.
  15. chrisb

    Arma 3 - Sneak Preview Livestream

    Having visited Greece (mainland) a few times and also cruised the southern Aegean sea (long time ago), yes I do know what the town/city sizes are like. Having not visited as far north as Limnos, I can’t say. But having seen the pics of Moudros the town/city they seem to be basing that on, or the alleged town/city, not forgetting this is not reality. The real town of Moudros seems a really good size, so they are clearly not going to portray that, with the small town there, maybe 35% of it, which if I'm honest is pretty small in comparison.
  16. chrisb

    Haadur 40km

    Pictures look really good, seems like it should be a very good 'performance terrain', which is great. Hope there's going to be a few fuel stations, with all that road..:D
  17. chrisb

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I appreciate the time and effort you put in to explain, it was very helpful, thank you. Regards the not bothered, it was the simple, "no repro, no fix" line, threw me a little. If I had a problem with something I produced, then a video was supplied highlighting the problem, it would be a slightly different approach I'd take, that's all it was.;)
  18. chrisb

    Arma 3 - Sneak Preview Livestream

    I just sat through the recorded ‘live stream’. Must say a more subdued team would be hard to find, maybe its working the long hours. Enthusiasm seemed in short supply and some of the stream seemed almost uneasy in parts. There was a lack of anything new regards important points i.e. AI, optimisation, game glitches, campaign etc. Not saying I'm interested in all these points, but players as a whole, my main interest is in the AI and the issue's surrounding that. Showing a few new vehicles/weapons is not really that great, it’s the important bits the players want to hear about, we're all pretty sure there will be lots of bits to play with, just how they and the game performs, is the problem.. If that is the capital city as said there, its quite small, I was thinking maybe something along the lines of 'Fallujah' map, in size, would have been better. Maybe the real city is that small there. Anyway, overall it was pretty disappointing, no real news as such.
  19. I’m not really worried about the release date. The game, for where and who it was aimed at, seems to be pretty much done. Not for the usual player base, its aimed somewhere different to that, just need to look at the game as a whole. They seem to have succeeded, it’s a pretty polished MP shooter, shame it lost that ‘real feel’ along the way..:(
  20. chrisb

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I understand that you devs want to reproduce the problem i.e. your repro. So just to make it clear how this was done, as it was not a mission just a simple test. Only mod used: dfs_3rdperson (just to get a better angle on the view). Straight into the game, touch nothing other than place one Opfor unit and one blufor group. Change no settings at all concerning the mission/test, so out of the box, so as to speak (default). One waypoint for the group to simply move forward toward the corner, but to stop short. That’s it, fire into the sky. Now as said, I understand that you like repro’s, but this is box standard AI behaviour, repeatable thousands of times without any details. The release of the game is in around four weeks, the attitude of no repro no fix, does not really bother me, I’m not trying to sell my product, but it should really bother you, or BIS. This is not a complicated test or mission, in-fact you have addressed it once, or was that just by chance it changed. Basic AI behaviour like this has been around for a decade or more, stock AI, so to say you require a repro, it seems from your side a must, or nothing is done, from my side as a customer, for quite some years now, it seems neither needed or expected, seeing that the problem is hardly new..;) P.S. same happens with armour fire, if the armour is unseen and fires, they don't react, but turn the engine on and they hit the floor.. :confused: ____________________________________________ A reaction like this to sound, would be better::)
  21. chrisb

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Dev build: 75/717 Lost the AI reaction to unseen gunfire and grenade explosions, close by. This seemed to have been rectified last time, but now its gone back to how it was, would be nice if a dev commented on the progress of basic AI reactions. :( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vicdgVsilQM
  22. Much appreciated, thanks for sharing them all..:)
  23. Looks interesting this, would be very good to have in A3. Is it like Planet Explorers or Starforge, building wise, i.e. similar technique, or completely different style of construction ?:)
  24. chrisb

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Your right in a some of what you say. However, I’m just doing some basic tests as I go along, ones that I take for granted in A2 AI, but have been lacking a little here in A3 AI. Basic behaviour foundations that are desperately needed, just nice to see them appearing without the need for any addon, hope they manage to keep them in..;)