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Everything posted by chrisb

  1. Looks very good, thanks. I am DL'ing buildings, but the islands at the moment are not working on AH. Still, I'll try again later. Thanks for sharing these.:)
  2. chrisb

    Rainbow Six Siege

    Anybody going to bother with this ? What do you think it will turn out like ?
  3. Impulse: Its a fragrance for women isn't it..:confused: :p There again, men are supposed to act on it. Good luck with it anyway.
  4. Take two brand new systems, exactly the same. Bench them, they will bench similar. Then give the two systems to two players, let them have these systems for their own personal use for 6-9mths, using them as they would their own system. Bench again after that 6-9mth and the two will likely bench very differently. Players say its placebo (not having a go at anyone) that they can't get the same performance. But it isn't placebo just because your system is the same or better than someone else's, but they're getting better performance. Its because their system is probably tweaked slightly differently or more to the point, your system is full of crap that you think, isn't crap. That's the way it goes with pc gaming, keep things as lean and clean as you can, if you don't, someone will always have the same system as yours or indeed a lower spec system, but theirs will be doing much better than yours performance wise. Look at your system and what's on there and think, do I really need all that crap, but by then of course, the damage is usually done..;) sorry.:(
  5. I don't have VBS3, don't plan on getting it either. I have & played VBS2 (Brit version) quite a lot, well I can't really say played, messed around in the editor would be more honest I think. It looked like a great training tool, which of course is what it was/is. Players think the AI in Arma3 are dumb ! well if comparing to something like VBS2, the AI in Arma 3 here would seem Oxford educated.. Not sure about VBS3 AI. But VBS is not intended as a game, although I would like to see some of the terrain details added to the series here, maybe even opening doors to vehicles and more vehicle interaction. Some other bits too, wounding springs to mind. But not the AI..:rolleyes:
  6. This looks very exciting. Good luck with it all.:)
  7. That video was very, very, impressive. Its great work your doing there.:)
  8. Fan-dabi-dozi.. Thanks, look forward to having a good look at it.:)
  9. chrisb

    Boris Nemtsov - Anti-Putinist - Shot and Killed

    @Orcinus: Yes, I know lots of details about this, have been following it for quite some time, but didn't want to put too many details. The details are out there for people to find, not the usual press for the most in-depth details. The details have been available for quite some time, but basically ignored by the officials that should not be ignoring them. However, now things are coming more to the surface so its getting harder for them to bury the info that's out there. I mention this really to highlight the case when posters directly accuse (East) governments of being evil, in the misled thought that Western governments are not as bad. Well some are as bad if not worse, this type of thing reaches out to many organisations, governments and countries. Reading the normal news outlets gets you very little info, you have to dig if you see something to get the truer nature of what is happening. I agree with you @Orcinus, what you say is true in your post. However, the inquiry/investigation will be strung out for years in the hope that some of the perpetrators die (naturally), those from years ago. Many are dead and some very old, but it still goes on (allegedly), so there will have to be some kind of results. But I doubt it will be one that punishes either politicians, police, security services, social services the establishment figures etc. It reaches far and wide unfortunately, so it will be a case of trying to cover it up, which this time I think they will find hard. Anyway, this is off topic to some extent, but not when it concerns talk of how governments act and behave. Some talk as if the Western governments are all pretty much fine, they're not, especially the two that tend to be happy to go to war.. They simply hide it better, well really, they just want people to read and watch the outlets that are willing to down play such news. We know who most of those outlets are, well some of us. Pie & Mash Films.. Start there.. Its unusual, you have to be open minded, but dig from that and away you go. I'll not link. As Orcinus said, no names, you'll find out most, by simply looking around.
  10. chrisb

    Boris Nemtsov - Anti-Putinist - Shot and Killed

    Cash for questions.. & access.. & peerage.. & knighthoods.. Illegal wars (tens to hundreds of thousands of innocent people slaughtered) thinking Iraq of course. Let alone Afghanistan. Looks as though its now Paedophile rings at the top. Children’s homes and possibly local government and a rather nasty DJ :rolleyes: (whole other story), used to supply these children to the said rings. Some children's homes conveniently left out of the main investigation into this, those that could really open a can of worms. The odd, yet convenient occasional suicide. Reports withheld or held up for years, costing millions. MoD financial black hole or establishment cash grab.;) UK gov/establishment/royals… Can’t make some of this stuff up, those are just a few examples and are all pretty recent, within the last decade or so, its all out there to read about. Some of those are probably still going on today. There are many other things too. We have a general election coming up this year, pretty soon in-fact. We can vote for the party that is backed (paid for) by the bankers & hedge funds. Or alternatively we can vote for the party that is backed (paid for) by the unions. Or, we could vote for one of the others, those with no hope of getting in power at all, unless we have a coalition again. Not a coalition of the main two parties (god forbid), but one main party coupled with a very weak party.. All the above things, go across the two main parties. Just as guilty as each other. The West, freedom and fairness. :rolleyes: Yes, but who are usually on the receiving end of our 'un-fairness'..:( I love this country, just unfortunately we have to put up with what most countries have to, corruption, and embezzlement, along of course, with the occasional illegal war. Because of the people who always end up in charge. It never changes.
  11. chrisb

    D.U.S.T – Unforgiving Realism FPS

    Looks interesting this, albeit we haven't seen much yet. I would like to see sight adjust, be able to go to mouse wheel. Other than that its going to be interesting watching progress.
  12. chrisb

    Boris Nemtsov - Anti-Putinist - Shot and Killed

    :rolleyes: So what's your view of the UK here ?
  13. chrisb

    Boris Nemtsov - Anti-Putinist - Shot and Killed

    This thread is full of people that have a very tunnelled view of the world. Maybe more should stand to one side and look at things in a different way. More or less every major government is corrupt or corruptible. There is no secret to this, its there if you open your eyes, look, think, read. The same goes for many media outlets, they have agendas, twisting views, cover up or plain panic when things get out of hand. Its just how things are in this world and unfortunately its really always been like that. We have to just bump along in it, obviously many with their eyes firmly fixed on what's in front and not to each side. Its a shame really, people no longer think much and are ready to accept what's given to them. That applies to any side, East/West, there is very little difference when it boils down to it. Where there is great power, there is huge corruption..
  14. chrisb

    Boris Nemtsov - Anti-Putinist - Shot and Killed

    :rolleyes: of course that's your view. Everyone has a view and will look at things that happen, all around the world, in different ways, sometimes very different ways, doesn't make them wrong or right, its just their view. Make your view, but don't attack someone else for theirs. That's what many, around the world, are doing right now.
  15. Liked the video, however if you put 'slx_pistolcivil' in there, you could safety that pistol (holster it, although obviously not shown in the holster). :D
  16. chrisb

    Boris Nemtsov - Anti-Putinist - Shot and Killed

    Western security agencies..! just a thought. The worlds a mad place, it could frankly be anybody..:j:
  17. chrisb

    Leonard Nimoy (Star Trek's Mr. Spock) has died

    I enjoyed the original series soo much. It was apart of my early teen years when first shown in the UK here, I think 1970-71 it started getting aired, can't remember now, too long ago. They had already finished it in the US by a few years. I think it was on a Monday at 8.00pm BBC 1. Same night as 'Appointment with Fear' film slot on ITV at 10.30pm, it was a good evening on tv for me. ST had an impact that still stays with me, have all the episodes and still watch them from time to time. Sad day, he'll be remembered fondly by all the fans of ST. :(
  18. Medieval Enginners Game from KSH, the makers of Space Engineers. Basically the same sort of building type game, only obviously this time we're going medieval. I like the look of it and knowing Keen the devs, the price for early access will be reasonable, so I'll probably buy it. They have stated that both games, Space Engineers and Medieval Engineers, will benefit each other in terms of content, which is great. I'm getting quite into these building games, it can be interesting stuff. Not for everyone of course, but a change is good. Interview with dev. Should mention, its not on early access yet, it will be soon hopefully, on Steam of course..
  19. chrisb

    Medieval Engineers

    So ME has already had a number of fixes plus also some other bits and pieces added to it. One being a very rudimentary AI (Barbarians). This is very basic but is a work in progress. The game has great physics, knocking down castles etc, is quite fun (obviously better to build them), but if they're on a hill and provided your pc is upto the job, its interesting watching results of demolitions. Some great stuff is already appearing on the Steam workshop and modding will come soon I expect. Space Engineers is already benefiting from ME with 'Voxel hand' added, to enable asteroid sculpting etc. The two titles will help each other in different ways throughout the process of development. Once into the swing of things Keen (devs) will do as they have with SE and give regular Thursday updates (maybe another day as that was/is SE update day). They have been very consistent Keen with updates being as regular as clockwork, so I for one am very pleased with the way SE progressed and think ME should be much the same. A review below by someone that can handle the English language :rolleyes:, plus there are plenty of others on YT and elsewhere. Edit: Must add, that much has been added since this review/preview..
  20. Some more regards this topic: http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/feb/26/police-black-site-chicago-washington-politicians-human-rights
  21. Unfortunately its only going to get worse for the citizens of the US. But it won't stop there of course, its happening all over the world. Its pretty uncertain times for all of us.
  22. Regards your proposed pc. No one can tell if it will run fine or not, that's something we all find out after trying. However, I had for my A2 pc an Athlon IIx4 640 with a HD5850 2gb and it ran A2 great (its retired now). I put A3 on it at alpha release and ran tests, there are a few of those tests still on my channel. This is one here.. I recorded tests using msi-afterburner which would knock a good 20-30fps off the recording, but details are in many of the videos anyway. Will that 860k run A3, nobody could tell you for sure, but just look around at test videos on YT for the same or similar pc's. Then you have to make your decision based on that..;)
  23. I looked on the GB forum (I do from time to time). They have put in for this grant that Unreal are giving to devs of innovative projects, who use the engine and have a project that is advanced enough. Ground Branch is one title that should hopefully fill that requirement. It is quite a large pot Unreal are giving out so fingers crossed for Blackfoot for them to get some of that pot. It seems that lack of funds is one of the reasons for the games very long development. This of course is understandable if they are not taking in money other than donated towards the project. I wrote a while back that many players (me included) would be happy to buy into a pre Alpha, one level, type promo. I have paid small and large amounts to get into many early access games, obviously only the ones I am very keen on. I would be happy, as I have already said, to do the same for this project. I hope that, even if they don't get that funding from Unreal, they try and push out a early access small level promo and charge players to get into the game 'very early'. They admit they need funds to get it going more quickly, so Blackfoot please consider it. Many players (I'm pretty sure) here playing this series would love a good CQB tactical title like GB to add to their game collection. Even if that cost was between £50-100 to get in early. It would help fund it more to help development costs and also get some videos out there on YT to show it off. I hope they get their grant, if not, I hope they consider taking very early access funding from the players, many titles do it and many players invest in titles that appeal to them. I know they are quite some way along already, but that final push to get it out, maybe its needed financially, players are waiting to help with early access, I'm sure. Good luck anyway with the grant application..