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Everything posted by nitro65

  1. #include "cfgHUD.hpp" #include "basicdefines_A3.hpp" class CfgPatches { class NIT_BlackBird { units[] = {NIT_BlackBird}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Air_F","A3_Characters_F_Gamma"}; }; class CfgVehicles { class Air; class Plane: Air { }; class Plane_Base_F: Plane { }; class NIT_BlackBird_F: Plane_Base_F { vehicleClass = "Air"; side = 1; author = "NITRO"; scope = 2; faction = "BLU_F"; displayName = "Blackbird"; icon = ""; nameSound = "Veh_aircraft"; picture = ""; model="NIT_BlackBird\NIT_BlackBird.p3d"; sound = "Plane"; waterLeakiness=100; UnitInfoType = "RscUnitInfoAir"; access = 1; draconicForceXCoef = 2.5; draconicForceYCoef = 0.5; draconicForceZCoef = 0.5; draconicTorqueXCoef = 0.15; draconicTorqueYCoef = 2.0; preferRoads=0; typicalCargo[] = {"B_Pilot_F"}; transportSoldier = 2; canFloat = 0; enableGPS =1; startEngine =0; insideSoundCoef = 0.0316228; showAllTargets = 0; irTarget = 1; nvTarget = 0; nvScanner = 1; enableManualFire = 0; getInOutProxy = 0; sensitivity = 2.5; sensitivityEar = 0.0075; getInActionDriver = "GetInHigh"; getOutActionDriver = "GetOutHigh"; simulation = "airplanex"; generalMacro = "Plane"; damageEffect = "AirDestructionEffects"; brakeDistance=400; gearRtracting = 1; geardowntime = 3; gearuptime = 4.5; getInRadius = 10; crew = "B_pilot_F"; memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos_driver"; memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos_driver_dir"; memoryPointsGetInDriverPrecise = "pos_driver"; memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner"; memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir"; gunnerCanSee = 4+8+16; // default driverCanSee = 2+8+16; // default autocenter=1; landingAoa = "rad 10"; forceHideDriver=0; hasDriver=1; hasGunner = 1; hideWeaponsDriver=1; driverIsCommander = 0; hasCommander = 1; fov = 0.7 weaponSlot=0; windSockExist=0; numberPhysicalWheels = 8; WheelCircumference=1; WheelSteeringSensitivity = 1; maxGForce=3; ladders[] = {}; driverAction = "Plane_Fighter_01_pilot_F"; /// what is the standard pose for the pilot, defined as animation state #include "sounds.hpp" /// sounds are included in separate file to prevent cluttering LockDetectionSystem = CM_Lock_Radar; /// this uses macros from basicDefines_A3, just add more to gain more systems for the vehicle incomingMissileDetectionSystem = CM_Missile; /// for example CM_Lock_Laser + CM_Lock_Radar, parser is able to evaluate that, or simply 12 in that case class Turrets {}; /// single seat planes don't have any kind of turret, we need to void it class TransportItems{}; fuelCapacity = 1000; coefInside = 1; coefInsideHeur = 0.25; accuracy = 0.5; radarType = 4; mapSize = 7.5; animated = true; armor = 200; destrType = "DestructPlane"; damageResistance = 0.004; landingSpeed = 185; /// used for AI to approach the runawy, the plane should be stable at this speed acceleration = 950; /// used for AI to plan the waypoints and accelerating, doesn't affect plane performance maxSpeed = 2300; /// maximal speed of the plane, affects even thrust and is base for both envelope and thrustCoef driveOnComponent[] = {"wheel_1_1","wheel_1_2","wheel_2_1","wheel_2_2","wheel_3_1","wheel_3_2","wheel_4_1","wheel_4_2"}; /// array of components to be assigned special low-friction material (usually wheels) rudderInfluence = 0.5; /// coefficient of rudder affecting steering of the plane aileronSensitivity = 1; /// coefficient of ailerons affecting twisting the plane elevatorSensitivity = 0.8; /// coefficient of elevators affecting changing of plane horizontal heading irScanRangeMin = 500; /// defines the range of IR sight of the vehicle irScanRangeMax = 5000; /// defines the range of IR sight of the vehicle irScanToEyeFactor = 2; /// defines the effectivity of IR sight of the vehicle /// envelope defines lift produced by the shape of the plane according to current speed relative to maxSpeed /// the first element of the array is for zero speed, the last for 125 % of maxSpeed, the rest in between is evenly distributed /// there may be as many elements as you wish, using 13 should be preferred as it modulates the 10% increase with reasonable error envelope[] = {0.0,0.15,1.1,3,5,5.83,6.0,5.85,5.5,4.8,3.6,1.8,0}; /// angle of incidence - difference between forward and airfold chord line - def. val is 3*PI/180 (meaning three degrees) angleOfIndicence = 0.05235987; thrustCoef[]= {3.5, 2.2, 1.1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.7, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; elevatorCoef[]= {}; //default value is 1 aileronCoef[]= {}; //default value is 1 rudderCoef[]= {}; //default value is fabs(speed.Z())*InvSqrt(Square(speed.X())+Square(speed.Z())); //! coefficient of player's controller sensitivity (does not affect AI) elevatorControlsSensitivityCoef = 4; aileronControlsSensitivityCoef = 4; rudderControlsSensitivityCoef = 4; }; class AnimationSources { class Canopy { source = "user"; initPhase = "0"; animPeriod = "5"; }; class UserActions { class openCanopy { displayName = "open canopy"; position = "actionPoint"; radius = "10"; onlyForPlayer = "0"; showWindow = "0"; condition ="true"; statement = "this animate [""Canopy"",1];"; }; class closeCanopy { displayName = "close canopy"; position = "actionPoint"; radius = "10"; onlyForPlayer = "0"; showWindow = "0"; condition ="true"; statement = "this animate [""Canopy"",0];"; }; }; }; }; };
  2. nothing seems to help with this issue, also my pc seems toget rid of my p drive now its like restarting and the p drive is gone? wonder if its my anti malware getting rid of it?
  3. for some reason my plane wont even show up in editor now , and haven't tried the above mentioned yet really confused what is going on ?????
  4. Need Help , does anyone know about this topic, is there something I need to put into the cfg?
  5. also cant seem to get pilot in plane its always sitting on top of plane, tried adjusting proxy but no luck!
  6. #include "cfgHUD.hpp" #include "basicdefines_A3.hpp" class CfgPatches { class NIT_BlackBird { units[] = {NIT_BlackBird}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Air_F","A3_Characters_F_Gamma"}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Air; class Plane: Air { class HitPoints; }; class Plane_Base_F: Plane { }; class NIT_BlackBird_F: Plane_Base_F { vehicleClass = "Air"; side = 1; scope = 2; faction = "BLU_F"; displayName = "Blackbird"; icon = ""; nameSound = "Veh_aircraft"; picture = ""; model="NIT_BlackBird\NIT_BlackBird.p3d"; sound = "Plane"; waterLeakiness=100; access = 1; draconicForceXCoef = 2.5; draconicForceYCoef = 0.5; draconicForceZCoef = 0.5; draconicTorqueXCoef = 0.15; draconicTorqueYCoef = 2.0; preferRoads=0; typicalCargo[] = {"I_pilot_f"}; transportSoldier = 1; canFloat = 0; enableGPS =1; startEngine =1; insideSoundCoef = 0.0316228; showAllTargets = 0; irTarget = 1; nvTarget = 0; nvScanner = 1; enableManualFire = 0; sensitivity = 2.5; sensitivityEar = 0.0075; getInAction = "GetInHigh"; getOutAction = "GetOutHigh"; simulation = "airplanex"; generalMacro = "Plane"; damageEffect = "AirDestructionEffects"; brakeDistance=400; gearRtracting = 1; geardowntime = 3; gearuptime = 4.5; crew = "I_pilot_F"; memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos driver"; memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos driver dir"; memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner"; memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir"; gunnerCanSee = 4+8+16; // default driverCanSee = 2+8+16; // default autocenter=1; landingAoa = "rad 10"; forceHideDriver=1; hasDriver=1; hasGunner = 0; hideWeaponsDriver=1; driverIsCommander = 1; hasCommander = 0; fov = 0.7 weaponSlot=0; windSockExist=0; WheelCircumference=1; maxGForce=3; ladders[] = {}; driverAction = "Plane_Fighter_03_pilot_F"; /// what is the standard pose for the pilot, defined as animation state #include "sounds.hpp" /// sounds are included in separate file to prevent cluttering LockDetectionSystem = CM_Lock_Radar; /// this uses macros from basicDefines_A3, just add more to gain more systems for the vehicle incomingMissileDetectionSystem = CM_Missile; /// for example CM_Lock_Laser + CM_Lock_Radar, parser is able to evaluate that, or simply 12 in that case class Turrets {}; /// single seat planes don't have any kind of turret, we need to void it class TransportItems{}; fuelCapacity = 1000; coefInside = 1; coefInsideHeur = 0.25; accuracy = 0.5; radarType = 4; mapSize = 7.5; animated = true; armor = 200; destrType = "DestructPlane"; damageResistance = 0.004; landingSpeed = 185; /// used for AI to approach the runawy, the plane should be stable at this speed acceleration = 950; /// used for AI to plan the waypoints and accelerating, doesn't affect plane performance maxSpeed = 2300; /// maximal speed of the plane, affects even thrust and is base for both envelope and thrustCoef driveOnComponent[] = {"wheel_1_1","wheel_1_2","wheel_2_1","wheel_2_2","wheel_3_1","wheel_3_2","wheel_4_1","wheel_4_2"}; /// array of components to be assigned special low-friction material (usually wheels) rudderInfluence = 0.5; /// coefficient of rudder affecting steering of the plane aileronSensitivity = 1; /// coefficient of ailerons affecting twisting the plane elevatorSensitivity = 0.8; /// coefficient of elevators affecting changing of plane horizontal heading irScanRangeMin = 500; /// defines the range of IR sight of the vehicle irScanRangeMax = 5000; /// defines the range of IR sight of the vehicle irScanToEyeFactor = 2; /// defines the effectivity of IR sight of the vehicle /// envelope defines lift produced by the shape of the plane according to current speed relative to maxSpeed /// the first element of the array is for zero speed, the last for 125 % of maxSpeed, the rest in between is evenly distributed /// there may be as many elements as you wish, using 13 should be preferred as it modulates the 10% increase with reasonable error envelope[] = {0.0,0.15,1.1,3,5,5.83,6.0,5.85,5.5,4.8,3.6,1.8,0}; /// angle of incidence - difference between forward and airfold chord line - def. val is 3*PI/180 (meaning three degrees) angleOfIndicence = 0.05235987; thrustCoef[]= {3.5, 2.2, 1.1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.7, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; elevatorCoef[]= {}; //default value is 1 aileronCoef[]= {}; //default value is 1 rudderCoef[]= {}; //default value is fabs(speed.Z())*InvSqrt(Square(speed.X())+Square(speed.Z())); //! coefficient of player's controller sensitivity (does not affect AI) elevatorControlsSensitivityCoef = 4; aileronControlsSensitivityCoef = 4; rudderControlsSensitivityCoef = 4; }; class AnimationSources { class AddCanopy { source = "user"; initPhase = "0"; animPeriod = "5"; }; class UserActions { class openCanopy { displayName = "open canopy"; position = "actionPoint"; radius = "10"; onlyForPlayer = "0"; showWindow = "0"; condition ="true"; statement = "this animate [""Canopy"",1];"; }; class closeCanopy { displayName = "close canopy"; position = "actionPoint"; radius = "10"; onlyForPlayer = "0"; showWindow = "0"; condition ="true"; statement = "this animate [""Canopy"",0];"; }; }; }; };
  7. #include "cfgHUD.hpp" #include "basicdefines_A3.hpp" class CfgPatches { class F4u_Corsair { units[] = {"F4u_Corsair"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Air_F","A3_Characters_F_Gamma"}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Air; class Plane:Air { }; class Plane_Base_F:Plane { }; class F4u_Corsair_01_base_F: Plane_Base_F { scope = 2; side = 1; faction= "BLU_F"; model = "F4u_Corsair\F4u_Corsair.p3d"; author = "NITRO"; displayName = "F4u Corsair" vehicleClass = "Air"; accuracy = "0.2"; driverCanEject = 0; mapSize = 20; #include "sounds.hpp" /// sounds are included in separate file to prevent cluttering driverAction = fz_f18_pilot; /// what is the standard pose for the pilot, defined as animation state landingSpeed = 120; /// used for AI to approach the runawy, the plane should be stable at this speed acceleration = 300; /// used for AI to plan the waypoints and accelerating, doesn't affect plane performance maxSpeed = 450; /// maximal speed of the plane, affects even thrust and is base for both envelope and thrustCoef typicalCargo[] = {"JS_JC_Pilot"}; crew = "JS_JC_Pilot"; irTarget = 0; transportAmmo = 0; transportRepair = 0; transportFuel = 0; transportSoldier = 1; simulation = "airplanex"; generalMacro = "Plane"; damageEffect = "AirDestructionEffects"; precision = 200; fuelCapacity = 1000; getInAction = "GetInLow"; getOutAction = "GetOutLow"; driverIsCommander = 1; hasCommander = 0; fov = 0.7 startEngine = 1; hasDriver = 1; animated = 0; canFloat = 0; gearRtracting = 1; geardowntime = 3; gearuptime = 4.5; namesound = "Plane"; enableGPS = 1; radarType = 4; laserScanner = 1; artilleryScanner = 0; memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos driver"; memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos driver dir"; irTarget = 1; nvTarget = 0; nvScanner = 1; irScanRangeMin = 500; irScanRangeMax = 11500; irScanToEyeFactor = 5; irScanGround = 1; class TransportItems{}; attenuationEffectType = "HeliAttenuation"; driveOnComponent[] = {"wheel_1_1","wheel_1_2","wheel_2_1"}; /// array of components to be assigned special low-friction material (usually wheels) rudderInfluence = 0.5; /// coefficient of rudder affecting steering of the plane aileronSensitivity = 1; /// coefficient of ailerons affecting twisting the plane elevatorSensitivity = 0.8; /// coefficient of elevators affecting changing of plane horizontal heading irScanRangeMin = 500; /// defines the range of IR sight of the vehicle irScanRangeMax = 5000; /// defines the range of IR sight of the vehicle irScanToEyeFactor = 2; /// defines the effectivity of IR sight of the vehicle /// envelope defines lift produced by the shape of the plane according to current speed relative to maxSpeed /// the first element of the array is for zero speed, the last for 125 % of maxSpeed, the rest in between is evenly distributed /// there may be as many elements as you wish, using 13 should be preferred as it modulates the 10% increase with reasonable error envelope[] = {0.0,0.15,1.1,3,5,5.83,6.0,5.85,5.5,4.8,3.6,1.8,0}; /// angle of incidence - difference between forward and airfold chord line - def. val is 3*PI/180 (meaning three degrees) angleOfIndicence = 0.05235987; /// forces keeping plane aligned with its speed direction - the bigger force the better it changes the direction of flight draconicForceXCoef = 2.5; draconicForceYCoef = 0.5; draconicForceZCoef = 0.5; draconicTorqueXCoef = 0.15; draconicTorqueYCoef = 2.0; /// rudder, elevator, aileron, thrust effectiveness; if empty old settings is used // effectiveness according to current speed and maxSpeed ratio // last value goes for 150% of max speed thrustCoef[]= {1.5, 1.2, 1.1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.7, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; elevatorCoef[]= {}; //default value is 1 aileronCoef[]= {}; //default value is 1 rudderCoef[]= {}; //default value is fabs(speed.Z())*InvSqrt(Square(speed.X())+Square(speed.Z())); //! coefficient of player's controller sensitivity (does not affect AI) elevatorControlsSensitivityCoef = 4; aileronControlsSensitivityCoef = 4; rudderControlsSensitivityCoef = 4; landingAoa = "rad 10"; /// what AoA is going the IA use to land the plane laserScanner = 1; /// if the vehicle is able to see targets marked by laser marker gunAimDown = 0.029000; /// adjusts the aiming of gun relative to the axis of model headAimDown = 0.0000; /// adjusts the view of pilot to have crosshair centred flapsFrictionCoef = 0.32; /// sets the effectivity of using flaps to increase drag/lift minFireTime = 30; /// how long does the pilot fire at one target before switching to another one threat[] = {1, 1, 1}; /// multiplier of cost of the vehicle in eyes of soft, armoured and air enemies armor = 60; /// just some protection against missiles, collisions and explosions damageResistance = 0.004; /// for AI if it is worth to be shoot at destrType = DestructWreck; /// how does the vehicle behave while destroyed, this one changes to the Wreck lod of the model class CfgMovesBasic { class DefaultDie; class ManActions { fz_f18_pilot = "fz_f18_pilot"; fz_f18_commander = "fz_f18_commander"; }; }; class CfgMovesMaleSdr: CfgMovesBasic { class States { class Crew; class fz_f18_pilot_dead: DefaultDie { actions = "DeadActions"; speed = 0.5; looped = "false"; terminal = 1; file = "\js_jc_fa18\anim\fz_f18_pilot_kia.rtm"; connectTo[] = {"DeadState",0.1}; }; class fz_f18_pilot: Crew { file = "\js_jc_fa18\anim\fz_f18_pilot.rtm"; interpolateTo[] = {"fz_f18_pilot_dead",1}; }; class fz_f18_commander: Crew { file = "\js_jc_fa18\anim\fz_f18_commander.rtm"; interpolateTo[] = {"fz_f18_pilot_dead",1}; }; }; }; class AnimationSources { class Canopy { source = "user"; initPhase = "0"; animPeriod = "5"; }; class Rotor_Rotation { source = "user"; initPhase = "0"; animPeriod = "35"; }; class Flap { source = "user"; initPhase = "1"; animPeriod = "6"; }; }; class UserActions { class openCanopy { displayName = "open canopy"; position = "actionPoint"; radius = "10"; onlyForPlayer = "0"; showWindow = "0"; condition ="true"; statement = "this animate [""Canopy"",1];"; }; class closeCanopy { displayName = "close canopy"; position = "actionPoint"; radius = "10"; onlyForPlayer = "0"; showWindow = "0"; condition ="true"; statement = "this animate [""Canopy"",0];"; }; class ExtendFlap { displayName = "Extend Flap"; position = "actionPoint"; radius = "10"; onlyForPlayer = "0"; showWindow = "0"; condition ="true"; statement = "this animate [""Flap"",1];"; }; class RetractFlap { displayName = "Retract Flap"; position = "actionPoint"; radius = "10"; onlyForPlayer = "0"; showWindow = "0"; condition ="true"; statement = "this animate [""Flap"",0];"; }; class Rotor { displayName = "Prime Engine"; position = "actionPoint1"; radius = "10"; onlyForPlayer = "0"; showWindow = "0"; condition ="true"; statement = "this animate [""Rotor"",1];"; }; }; }; };
  8. Ok so I figured out what was wrong , turns out it was in geo lod needed to be convex!
  9. yes and pilot was put in plane , but when you get out you die! its like it doesn't see memory points.
  10. Is it possible to make custom animations for your own plane possible, like a start up procedure prime engine where as you could have the propeller rotate a couple times ,and add sound to simulate this, and add an add action say user action animation?
  11. nitro65

    modelling arma3

    ok I figured that out now I had to change parameters in model cfg , as such cause the speed was backwards and so on I changed them to + instead of - now the suspension and stuff is correct when loaded into game. ALso I put a blower on my interceptor and have the thing working in bulldozer as class rotor, how could I get to animate in game and give it a boost like a turbo would ? help please also how do I give it its own unique engine sound ?
  12. nitro65

    modelling arma3

    having some issues with a3 modeling when I put model in game it sits off the ground , and the suspension looks like it is collapsed , also where I put the memory points to get in theyre on the other side to get in! any ideas its a car
  13. nitro65

    Texturing using ArmA 3 Object Builder?

    yeah I like to use this for references seems to help a lot! http://www.armaholic.com/plug.php?e=faq&cid=9 oh crap its the same one as you have listed heh
  14. nitro65

    Object Builder update

    yes thanks but I just delted all then reinstalled for a 5th time now it works hmm
  15. nitro65

    Object Builder update

    I think its a path problem cause I got it to work changing some paths but now its says its arma2 bulldozer which I do not have installed .Also it cant open textures half paa :(
  16. nitro65

    Object Builder update

    yea still no luck hmm!
  17. nitro65

    Object Builder update

    yah now im getting that error like above but not working still
  18. nitro65

    no entry config bin

    was wondering if any insight to my problem yet?
  19. ok so in arma 3 I get no entry config bin NIT_BlackBird which is the name of my new model im making , Any Suggestions ? #include "basicdefines_A3.hpp" class CfgPatches { class NIT_BlackBird{ units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgFactionClasses { class USAF { displayName = "U.S. Air Force"; priority = 100; side =2; }; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { class NIT_BlackBird { displayName = "NIT BlackBird"; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class NIT_BlackBird{ scope = public; side = 2; faction = CIV_F; icon = ""; nameSound = "Veh_aircraft"; picture = ""; model="\NIT_BlackBird\NIT_BlackBird.p3d"; sound = "Veh_aircraft"; scopeCurator = public; waterLeakiness=100; draconicForceXCoef = 2.5; draconicForceYCoef = 0.5; draconicForceZCoef = 0.5; draconicTorqueXCoef = 0.15; draconicTorqueYCoef = 2.0; preferRoads=0; brakeDistance=200; crew=civillian; autocenter=1; landingAoa = "rad 10"; forceHideDriver=0; hasDriver=1; hideWeaponsDriver=1; weaponSlot=0; windSockExist=0; WheelCircumference=1; maxGForce=2; ladders[] = {}; vehicleClass = "air"; displayName = "BlackBird"; fuelCapacity = 250; coefInside = 1; coefInsideHeur = 0.25; accuracy = 0.5; radarType = 4; mapSize = 7.5; animated = true; armor = 200; destrType = "DestructPlane"; damageResistance = 0.004; landingSpeed = 185; /// used for AI to approach the runawy, the plane should be stable at this speed acceleration = 300; /// used for AI to plan the waypoints and accelerating, doesn't affect plane performance maxSpeed = 890; /// maximal speed of the plane, affects even thrust and is base for both envelope and thrustCoef driveOnComponent[] = {"wheel_1_1","wheel_1_2","wheel_2_1","wheel_2_2","wheel_3_1","wheel_3_2","wheel_4_1","wheel_4_2"}; /// array of components to be assigned special low-friction material (usually wheels) rudderInfluence = 0.5; /// coefficient of rudder affecting steering of the plane aileronSensitivity = 1; /// coefficient of ailerons affecting twisting the plane elevatorSensitivity = 0.8; /// coefficient of elevators affecting changing of plane horizontal heading irScanRangeMin = 500; /// defines the range of IR sight of the vehicle irScanRangeMax = 5000; /// defines the range of IR sight of the vehicle irScanToEyeFactor = 2; /// defines the effectivity of IR sight of the vehicle /// envelope defines lift produced by the shape of the plane according to current speed relative to maxSpeed /// the first element of the array is for zero speed, the last for 125 % of maxSpeed, the rest in between is evenly distributed /// there may be as many elements as you wish, using 13 should be preferred as it modulates the 10% increase with reasonable error envelope[] = {0.0,0.15,1.1,3,5,5.83,6.0,5.85,5.5,4.8,3.6,1.8,0}; /// angle of incidence - difference between forward and airfold chord line - def. val is 3*PI/180 (meaning three degrees) angleOfIndicence = 0.05235987; thrustCoef[]= {1.5, 1.2, 1.1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.7, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; elevatorCoef[]= {}; //default value is 1 aileronCoef[]= {}; //default value is 1 rudderCoef[]= {}; //default value is fabs(speed.Z())*InvSqrt(Square(speed.X())+Square(speed.Z())); //! coefficient of player's controller sensitivity (does not affect AI) elevatorControlsSensitivityCoef = 4; aileronControlsSensitivityCoef = 4; rudderControlsSensitivityCoef = 4; }; }; };
  20. hey everyone got new or old project bringing back to life for arma 3 never did airplane before was wondering if any ones got basic config cpp for airplanes
  21. nitro65

    Airplane configs arma3

    thanks for the info , realized I had the stuff in the tools last night but thanks again :)
  22. So does this cause the model to have actions menu in game, like open cargo door? if your at the action point that's described? In O2 memory lod.