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Everything posted by dm610

  1. hey fox its cool that your releasing these units, where can i download them?
  2. So ive tried many ways and took the advice of some of the memebers here but i still cant seem to get this to work. I am trying to have a vehicle respawn with the units i have assigned to it. So that basically there is an empty vehicle the units spawn and board there assigned positions and when destroyed the vehicle and units respawn and repeat this process over and over. I have an empty vehicle that respawns no problem. I can assign a driver, a gunner, and a commander and they spawn in the vehicle no problem as i use: this moveindriver vehname; this moveingunner vehname; this moveincommander vehname;. Now i already knew that when i use "this moveincargo vehname; that the unit would not spawn in the vehicle so while searching the forums i found a thread that reccomended adding this "if (_loop == 3) then {_guy moveInCargo _vcl_new};" to the AIvcl_respawn.sqf. So that it now looks like this for [{ _loop = 0 },{ _loop < count _unitsGroup},{ _loop = _loop + 1}] do { _guy = _unitsGroup select _loop; _guy setSkill (_AI_skillArray select _loop); if (_loop == 0) then {_guy moveInDriver _vcl_new}; if (_loop == 1) then {_guy moveInGunner _vcl_new}; if (_loop == 2) then {_guy moveInCommander _vcl_new}; if (_loop == 3) then {_guy moveInCargo _vcl_new}; Now i have it so that the unit assigned to cargo now spawns in cargo but its just one unit, the rest of the units assigned to cargo spawn outside still. I tried modifying the loop ==#, adding multiple "if (_loop == 3) then {_guy moveInCargo _vcl_new};" so it appears like this for [{ _loop = 0 },{ _loop < count _unitsGroup},{ _loop = _loop + 1}] do { _guy = _unitsGroup select _loop; _guy setSkill (_AI_skillArray select _loop); if (_loop == 0) then {_guy moveInDriver _vcl_new}; if (_loop == 1) then {_guy moveInGunner _vcl_new}; if (_loop == 2) then {_guy moveInCommander _vcl_new}; if (_loop == 3) then {_guy moveInCargo _vcl_new}; if (_loop == 4) then {_guy moveInCargo _vcl_new}; if (_loop == 5) then {_guy moveInCargo _vcl_new}; if (_loop == 6) then {_guy moveInCargo _vcl_new}; And still nothing, either one unit spawns in cargo sometimes two units but the rest of the units assigned to cargo do not spawn in the vehicle. Ive searched all over the web and am out of ideas. S.O.S. Edit: Ok so now i have 4 soldiers each named "s1","s2 ,"s3","s4" leader being "s1". Their vehicle is named "h1". In the leaders init i put: nul = [this, 3, 10, "west_spawn","West_WP.sqf"] execVM "AI_respawn\AI_respawn_init.sqf"; s1 assignAsDriver h1; [s1,s2,s3,s4] orderGetIn true; In the vehicle "h1" init i put: nul = [this, 3, 10, "WS1"] execVM "AIvcl_respawn_WP\AIvcl_respawn_WP_init.sqf"; The 4 soldiers spawn board vehicle drive to waypoint they get killed they respawn, the vehicle respawns but the soldiers do not board the vehicle again. Ive almost reached my goal as now the vehicle doesnt drive off with missing cargo i just need to find a way so that [s1,s2,s3,s4] orderGetIn true; Repeats.
  3. thanks for the script i put it in the init of a trigger that is activated by opfor (to test if it works) and nothing no units spawn. am i missing something? ---------- Post added at 17:05 ---------- Previous post was at 16:54 ---------- I hear you its been reversed for me. Ive been playing the one-shot mil-sim missions and scenarios and its been a blast, but ive been wanting to make a sp mission template where theres a single enemy base that is guarded by the opfor and the blufor have there own base which they spawn board vehicles and attack, pretty straightforward. itll be similar to bf and cod in that you can just jump into a match get into the action immediately but encompases arma's approach to realism which makes the action more intense and not so dramatic\cinematic like cod. Thats my overall goal, so if it is possible to have an init command repeat or a trigger to repeat could you please show me as im still slowly learning how to script and its only very simple things as of now.
  4. so nobody on bi forums knows how to do this. at this point i have a trigger with the same [s1,s2,s3,s4] orderGetIn true; but i cant get the trigger to repeat somebody has to know how to do this.
  5. does anybody knows how to make "orderGetIn true;" repeat continuously?
  6. I had the very same problem and tried many different options. I changed the respawn.sqf and added _guy = _unitsGroup select _loop; _guy setSkill (_AI_skillArray select _loop); if (_loop == 0) then {_guy moveInDriver _vcl_new}; if (_loop == 1) then {_guy moveInGunner _vcl_new}; if (_loop == 2) then {_guy moveInCommander _vcl_new}; if (_loop == 2) then {_guy moveInCargo _vcl_new}; I also changed the ==2 to a 3,4,5, and 6 to see if it had any effect. 2> only one person in the cargo position spawns in the vehicle while the other stands on the outside. 2< neither of the units assigned to cargo spawn in the vehicle.
  7. thanks for the link ive been trying to take it apart and make the script fit my goal and so far it seems to be working a bit tedious but its woth it. thx for the help.
  8. Hey im somewhat new to scripting and i have been working on a battlefield style mission (i.e. two sides, around 64 units spawn repeatedly as one side tries to cap the other sides base or bring ticket count to zero). I am running into trouble when trying to get a group to spawn, enter a vehicle, have the vehicle transport the group to a certain location and then unload the group that will then move to attack the base whilst the vehicle whether a helicopter or. Normally on the mission editor this is easy to do. However i do not know how to have this happen repeatedly so that if the vehicle is destroyed or the group is wiped out both respawn and repeat the same task. If someone knows ho to do this please help. dm610
  9. would you be able to show me how thats done? ive basically been scripting for about 3 days now so theres a lot i dont know.
  10. Ok so now i have an empty humvee that spawns when destroyed using nul = [this, 100, 5, "WS1"] execVM "AIvcl_respawn_WP\AIvcl_respawn_WP_init.sqf"; , and i have a group of 4 soldiers who board the vehicle with s1 assignAsDriver a1; [s1] orderGetIn true;(driver,and cargo). And the soldiers respawn with nul = [this, 100, 10, "west_spawn"] execVM "AI_respawn\AI_respawn_init.sqf";. However the soldiers upon spawning do not board the vehicle, i just need to find a way for the soldiers to follow the "ordergetin" script everytime they respawn and then hopefully if they can follow a waypoint on top of that everything will work out fine. Someone please tell me this is possible. ---------- Post added at 15:47 ---------- Previous post was at 15:35 ---------- Thank you for the reply, What your saying seems to make more sense but with my lack of experience i really do not know how to have the units spawn so that each time the unit and humvee spawn they do the same actions, follow the same waypoint repeatedly until one team is victorious. Is there some guide to this?
  11. I tried that and in the begging all the units are in the vehicle howver when it is destroyed and it respawns only the driver spawns in the vehicle while everyone else in a cargo position is outside the vehicle and they do not attempt to get in it. To make this more simple does anyone know how to have an empty vehicle for ex a humvee and have a group of 4 soldiers board the vehicle move to a set waypoint and if killed, respawn and re board the vehicle and move to that same waypoint, and repeat the process over and over.
  12. ok now ive gotten a vehicle to respawn and move to a set waypoint (thx to norrins veh ai respawn script). However though the vehicle respawns and moves to a waypoint it does not wait long enough for the rest of the group to get in cargo instead the vehicle drives to the waypoint with the rest of the group in pursuit. Any advice would be welcome dm610
  13. I dont know if these units exist yet but CIA paramilitary or tier 1 operators (specifically DEVGRU or 1st-SFOD) would be great to see in game
  14. nice! cant wait to use in game.