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About cyberjack

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  1. cyberjack

    funny sound problem - no radio!

    solved it. apparently problem is that i have 5.1 surround system but only use 3 satelites without rear speakers. so the system was tuned for 5.1, and the voices probably went through the rear which i don't use so that's why i haven't heard it. tuned it to stereo and it works like a charm now. :)
  2. cyberjack

    funny sound problem - no radio!

    nah, no mods. also when i try to alter radio volume in game audio settings instead of "i say again!" radio sample loading, it loads game music... akward i know... :) i uninstalled it and installed operation flashpoint instead of arma - same problem. this haven't happened to me before. i had XP earlier on the same machine and game worked like a charm, and now on Win7 it bugs out the radio.
  3. hey guys, i'm new to the forum but not new to cold war crisis/assault. i've been playing it since 10 years ago. recently i've got a copy of ARMA: Cold War Assault and installed it on my machine. my conf is: AMD Phenom X4 Quad Core 9550 Agena Gainward 9800gt 2gb RAM Windows 7 64bit game runs perfectly but i have a funny problem - i can't, for some reason, hear radio sounds. all other ingame sounds are ok, there is occasional sound flickering in some of the dialogues and sometimes dialogues are very low volume, but when it comes to radio sounds - nothing, just text. even when i go to EDIT PLAYER menu and choose a pitch of the voice of my player, i still can't hear it while tuning. tried uninstalling and reinstalling, running in various compatibility modes - still the same. can someone please help me, because hearing no radio sounds really ruins my game experience. thanks