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About Chibigoat

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  1. It's baaasically the same on all servers. The best I've been able to get is maintaining 20-30 frames on that dev build Reddit server. It's still unplayable when it constantly drops below 30. I just threw BF3 up there so some can get a better idea of my specs, and how those are not what's causing the problems. I've yet to try a deathmatch or something in the past few days although the last time I tried one it ran just as bad if not worse. I'll give it a try again when I get home today. Most servers stay around 20 frames, and usually vary between 15 and 25.
  2. Instead of making a post filled with huge amounts of rage and frustration, I'll try to keep it nice and civilized, as if I'm not actually about to freak out at how much bullshit this is. Anyway, it's really annoying not being able to complain about horrible wasteland/multiplayer frames in arma 3 because it's in alpha and everyone says "Are you really complaining about alpha, blah blah, I'm a dumbass", or something along the lines of that. Well, yes I am complaining about alpha, for one reason. I was just on a wasteland server and a chunk of people on there were getting really great frames, 50+ on ultra, etc. And I, like in EVERY. SINGLE. OTHER. SERVER. get 20-30. Most servers are actually 10-20. No, it's not my computer specs. If you insist it's my computer specs, I hope you fall on broken glass (but not for real, because that's my rage talking). I run this on single player perfectly fine, and Battlefield 3 on ultra at 55-60 fps, etc. Keep in mind, I'm not retarded. I know what alpha means and I realize it will cause issues and is an unfinished game. I understand that.. so god damn much. My only real problem here is, why in the hell are certain special people getting such fantastic frames, when others are getting absolute shit frames? Is it really the alpha's optimization that's causing this? More proof that it's not my computer: 20 frames on low, 20 frames on standard, 20 frames on high, 20 frames on ultra. No, not my computer. I want to know if I should be looking into ways to solve this stupid ****ing piece of **** issue, or if I just need to wait out the alpha? I don't like the whole wait out the alpha idea for two reasons, one is that there are plenty of people who are not having to wait out the alpha to get great frames, and two, because I lack patience in this situation. Here's a dancing banana to ease MY pain. Edit: I always keep my computer up to date. I just recently downloaded the latest beta drivers (because someone said it improved their performance) but it didn't change anything for me. So, that wouldn't be a factor.
  3. First Stratis exploration video. Although it is true HD, this is scaled to 1280x720, but future exploration videos will be 1920x1080, Full HD.
  4. Chibigoat

    Proning Underwater

    So if you're walking out into the ocean and your body is something like half submerged underwater you can prone and lay down underwater just like on land. Looks pretty bad and should probably be fixed :D
  5. Chibigoat

    Severe FPS Issue All of A Sudden

    I currently have about 19% of my hard drive free, 180 gigs / 1 TB. I know that's not ideal and you should have more space free but that wouldn't be small enough to make it lag like this would it? Working on clearing some space now.
  6. I've had not a single FPS issue with Arma 2 CO until today when I launched the game. The very first screen you get into after the splash screen keeps me at 3 fps and no matter what I do (go to multiplayer, single player, etc...) my fps remains a horrific 1-3. I'm trying to play DayZ at the moment and can't due to this issue, I know it's not a DayZ issue as the fps problems start before DayZ is involved. I've tried reinstalling both ARMA 2 and Operation Arrowhead and it still does this. Any help would be much appreciated.