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Everything posted by mrflay

  1. CBA should not cause any problems. I have it enabled as well. Are you running in single player or multiplayer? If you're running in multiplayer do you connect from start or join in progress? Do you use any of the predefined archer units, or a standard arma unit and taking the bow from the ammobox? Is CBA the only other mod running?
  2. This is likely a model issue. Make sure the weapons geometry lod has all components and weights configured properly.
  3. mrflay

    KEYS: No action menu

    This would be my preference (i.e. take on helicopters), but perhaps you could make a module out of it and make it configurable.
  4. This is my attempt to make some kind of stealth play possible in arma. The script simply 'hides' the shooter from its target by making the shooter captive for five seconds. This appears to temporarily disrupt the AI hive-mind and forces them to use only sight/hearing to detect enemies. Usage: 1. Copy-paste the following script (see spoiler) into a empty text file in the mission directory. Name the file "flay_stealth.sqf". 2. In your mission, add a Game Logic and put "0=[] execVM 'flay_stealth.sqf' in the init field. 3. preview mission. Note: If it doesn't appear to work. Try using a trigger instead of the game logic. Make the trigger activate when mission is started (e.g. by detecting the player). Script: Also, please vote for these issues :) http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=10143 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13493 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13494 Thanks!
  5. That is not the issue. The script does not change the AI's ability to see or hear gunshots. It prevents the AI from immediately becoming aware when a unit it knows about is killed. When a body is detected, the script triggers the unit to do a Search & Destroy from the location of the body. Currently, this search is never terminated. I'll see if I can improve it somehow. Btw, you may find the following script helpful when building your mission. It visualizes AI awareness.
  6. I agree. However, a simple weapon/content mod should not have any dependencies in my opinion. I've uploaded a new version to my dropbox account (link). Changelog: Remove dependency on cba (needs testing) Disable AI hive-mind (i.e. stealth hack) Add preconfigured units (found under "Men (Archer)" in editor) Made inventory less broken (still has issues) Added two demo challenges and a mission Added shadow lod Added resolution lod Reduced geo lod Minor mesh improvements
  7. There's a repro mission attached to the ticket, but it is quicker to set it up in the editor. Add this event handler to a unit and shoot it in the head. this addEventHandler ["handledamage", "if (isNull (_this select 3)) then { player globalchat (str _this); }; (_this select 2)"]; It doesn't matter when the event handler is added. I get the same problem when adding it from the debug console.
  8. Hi, Having issues with the HandleDamage event handler in single player. In the first event passed to the handler when shooting someone, I consistently get <Null-Object> as the shooter/source parameter. For the remaining events (i.e. selections) the parameter has the correct value. Is this a known issue with this event handler? Thanks!
  9. Sorry for the lack of updates. Yes, it's still being worked on, but unfortunately won't have time to release it before Arma 3 launch. Is there anything in particular you want fixed or added? This is my todo for next update. Remove dependency on cba Add shadow lod Reduce geo lod Disable AI hive-mind (i.e. stealth hack) Make inventory less broken Make demo challenge and mission
  10. HandleDamage is passed <Null-Object> as source/shooter parameter: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13648
  11. This issue is not present in arma 2, so I guess it's a bug. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13648
  12. mrflay

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    It's my own debug script. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13493 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13494
  13. mrflay

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Two issues with knowsabout. If AI has seen a unit, it will know when it is killed by enemy fire (even if it is not in audible/visible range). AI will know about all units on the same side in the direction it is facing (even though there are obstacles in the way).
  14. I'm pretty sure the way you do it in your example above also works without CBA.
  15. Non-CBA way: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Functions_Library_(Arma_3) Eg. This will execute the script "\FOO_MyScriptAddon\scripts\fn_init.sqf" when the mission is started. class CfgPatches { class FOO_MyScriptAddon { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgFunctions { class FOO { class MyCategory { class MyInit { postInit=1; file = "\FOO_MyScriptAddon\scripts\fn_init.sqf"; description = "script run after mission started and object initialization is complete"; }; }; }; };
  16. It's for embedding 3D objects in your dialog like in the face selection dialog in profile settings. E.g. class objects { class TestObject: RscObject { idc = -1; type = 82; scale = 0.3; model = "\A3\weapons_F\LongRangeRifles\EBR\EBR_F.p3d"; position[] = {0,0,0.2}; positionBack[] = {0,0,0.2}; inBack = 0; enableZoom = 0; zoomDuration = 0.5; direction[] = {0,0,1}; up[] = {0,1,0}; }; };
  17. Yeah, Mission is a bit misleading. In the context of a regular arma mission, it would be more of a task or an objective. You don't actually load in missions when using the strategic map, but select parts of your mission to execute (i.e. all "strategic map missions" needs to be contained in a single "arma mission", if that makes sense). This appears to be a limitation/feature of the module. To open the strategic map multiple times you need to add more StrategicMapOpen nodes and sync them with appropriate triggers. The module is probably intended to used for selecting independent objectives within a mission. I recommend checking out this thread. For a good example on of how to use it in a mission. I don't think it's possible without scripting, but don't know for sure.
  18. mrflay


    Try turning manual off, eg. SPECTATOR_CAM camCommand "MANUAL OFF"; Note that this also means you need to implement your own camera movement.
  19. Then edit the Name, Description and On Activation fields in each mission node.
  20. The issue with knowsAbout is that its value is immediately propagated to every member within the group. I don't think there is anyway to turn that off. The simplest workaround would be use a range check instead of the knowsAbout command. However, this may not be acceptable in your case. If you want something closer to a visibility test, then the following example may be a starting point. // fn_knowsAbout.sqf // usage: [<unit>,<target>,(<range>,<fov>)] call FLAY_fnc_knowsAbout; // returns true if <unit> can see <target> and <target> is less than <range> meters from <unit>, otherwise returns false. private ["_unit", "_target", "_range", "_fov", "_inView", "_inSight", "_inRange", "_knowsAbout"]; _unit = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param; _target = [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param; _range = [_this,2,100,[0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _fov = [_this,3,130,[0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _knowsAbout = false; _inRange = (_unit distance _target) < _range; if (_inRange) then { _inView = [position _unit, getdir _unit, _fov, position _target] call BIS_fnc_inAngleSector; _inSight = count (lineIntersectsWith [eyePos _unit, eyepos _target, _unit, _target]) == 0; _knowsAbout = _inView && _inSight; }; _knowsAbout; The code does a very simple visibility test by checking if there's clear path from unit to target in the direction the unit is facing. E.g. in your case you would, it would be used something like this: FLAY_fnc_knowsAbout = compile preprocessFile "fn_knowsabout.sqf"; while {(count (units cmGroup)) > 0} do { { _detected = [_x, player] call FLAY_fnc_knowsAbout; if (_detected) then { [_x] joinSilent crGroup; hint str (count(units crGroup)); }; } forEach (units cmGroup); sleep 1; };
  21. I could not get it to work with the heliempty. Anyways, It's not a big deal. The mission I'm doing is single player, so using the "FiredNear" event is not a problem. I'll keep your solution in mind for the future though. Thanks!
  22. Awesome! :p When I tried this approach I had issues with the wreck completely blocking the blast so the handledamage event handler did not execute. I was using the soda can object since it was the most inconspicuous item that would take damage. Is there another item that works better, or should I just litter the area with soda cans? :) Thanks, I'll take a peek.
  23. Hmm... That's odd, the bullets penetrates just fine when I tested it. The void.bisurf file specifies the material properties. In particular, you can experiment with the following values: Density = 1.225; // density of air Thickness = 0.001; // thickness of the faces (-1=solid object) bulletPenetrability = 1000000; // see biki link below restitution = 0.5; // elasticity of the collision. friction = 0; Bullet penetrability (biki) Bisurf discussion (forum)
  24. mrflay

    Possible to set AI path up ladders?

    Yes. Checkout the Telek1.p3d in the Arma Environment Sample Models.