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Everything posted by pvtdancer

  1. I was on my server last night with about 8 people during the action I was at a steady 25 CPS it seemed to run fine but I don't know if thats due to the new patch or if my config is not setup right.
  2. Hey guys I got a chacne to take a look at my server this morning and this was the report I got. This was the missions starting fresh and since its so early it was just me on but its a baseline. 50 CPS (average) 26 CPS (When loading in AI for the generated mission) 50 CPS (Once recovered from the initial spawn of AI) Now I just gotta get the server full and test it. Below is my current basic.cfg.
  3. ... wow... that would have made so many of my modifications of the settings a lot more logical then what feels better lol Thanks I'll give that a go and see what its running when I get off work.
  4. Just emailed my server company yesterday about opening up the port since I haven't heard back from them and they haven't responded yet with a status update yet. I'll email them again today cause I really wanna know what FPS my server is pushing.
  5. I'll get it as soon as I can. I'm about to leave for 5 days for my friends wedding and there's no shortage of work lol if I run out of things to do tonight I'll setup ASM and grab the FPS. Unfortunately I haven't been able to get my server full. I found a fun 32P co-op mission but no one seems to want to join it. :\
  6. I'd like to help out some if people are still around taking part in this. I'll list my current config but I'm going to try some changes based on what you guys have been talking about. I'm renting a server since I don't have the proper bandwidth at home but if you want to do some testing in a low bandwidth good hardware setup I can make that happen as well. 100 mbps connection, Xeon E5-2687 16gb memory SSD's raid-5 Current CFG: Changing too:
  7. Hello all, I recently moved from hosting my own server at home because of Bandwidth issues to a hosting company I've used these guys before on multiple occasions with no issues but since I've had them host an ARMA server for me these are the issues I've been having. 1.) Bans/kicks, When verifySignatures line in the config is set to "= 2" it will insta ban random players upon joining the server, When set to "= 1" it will insta kick upon joining server all prior to getting to lobby. I've seen some random errors in the logs such as (No player found for channel 138854528 - message ignored), (20:29:10 Unsupported language English in stringtable) There was another I can't find that was actually directly reffering to my and my in game profile name. 2.) Missions not loading. Now I can't find anything in the server logs that pull my attention. But after a reboot of the server, the server comes up in the browser as normal and looks good. When you join however the server will just sit on the loading screen and will not load into the lobby until I connection login as admin and force it to go to the mission selection screen. This will allow me now to select the mission I want to load and everything works like it should This will happen on any mission I set to be persistent. Below is my current server config. any help would be greatly appreciated as these two issues are difficult to work around. Since I have verify sigs off and need to have an admin login at every server reboot just to get a mission going. Thanks for any help you can provide! Server.cfg .RPT log
  8. Thanks, I missed that. I had a friend test it and now the mission is loading correctly. Can't believed I missed that. Can't believe my server company didn't figure that out when I asked them... oh well. I messed around more with the sig verification but nothing I did fixed my problems, I have checked all the keys for the various client side mods I use but they are all up to date, I'll try removing them all later as a test. Any chance there is a problems with enough profiles that would cause me and several others to be kicked or banned? Thanks again for the help.
  9. pvtdancer

    Grimes Simple Revive Script

    Thanks Ptpau I'll give that a go I couldn't get that to work earlier from the init line so I'll copy that into my description file and try again. And Thanks again grimes for your response and I wish you luck.
  10. pvtdancer

    Grimes Simple Revive Script

    I too would like to be able to disable respawn when hitting escape I only want revive. I'm working on butchering my copy of this script to rip it out but I'm hoping someone has a more simple solution. Thanks for this script so far it seems to be awesome and soon to be my favorite. Initial testing looks promising and way easier than I was thinking. I have no one on to help me test right this second but my missions are now ending when I die instead of allowing me to respawn. In G_Revive_init.sqf I added "G_Respawn_System = False" at the top of the respawn/initial Spawn line like below. But until I can get another player I cannot confirm. but it looks promising. Never mind that WILL Break the script. It breaks JIP and respawn options no longer work. I'll continue fiddling with it.
  11. Hey everyone, I've been able to make a script to allow for a person to place a charge and then detonate that same charge as seen below. The one thing I can't get and having trouble figuring out is activating an animation on either an explosion within a radius or damage. Later on I want to be able to actually attach explosive onto the object\Door the cursor is on but I'll deal with that later. If anyone has any suggestions or knows how to do this I would appreciate the help. Thanks in advance! fnc_breach = { player playActionNow "PutDown"; player addMagazine "DemoCharge_Remote_Mag"; player selectWeapon "DemoChargeMuzzle"; player fire ["DemoChargeMuzzle", "DemoChargeMuzzle", "DemoCharge_Remote_Mag"]; player setWeaponReloadingTime [player, "DemoChargeMuzzle", 0]; sleep 0.5; } forEach (units player); c4 = [DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo_Scripted]; _C4 = "DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo_Scripted" createVehicle (position player); _n = count c4; c4 set [_n, _c4]; player addAction [format ["Detonate Charge #%1", _n + 1], { player removeAction (_this select 2); (c4 select (_this select 3)) setDamage 1; }, _n]; {};
  12. Thanks, I actually looked at that a bit and I'm still working on understanding what he did. It works for the most part but not what I really want since you have to pick up the explosive and attach it. I'll look at it more because I would love to be able to plant the explosive on the cursors location vs at player's location. but I'll also accept plant on another object like we were talking about above it would be a great start.
  13. OK makes since. I did a quick google on fetching data from the config and didn't find much is that the same as using a function or is there a specific call you have to make?
  14. ok I think I understand you then. The Hidden object is attached to all doors in advance. The hidden object is where all the scripting is IE, action to attach C4, damage taken, place charge, play animation etc. Is it extremely difficult to attach an item to in this case a building door via a script? or is there a way to generalize all building doors with out pulling each building name (With usable doors) out of config viewer? Sorry for needing it lay'd out so specifically, I haven't done a ton of scripting in ARMA so a lot of this is new to me and I don't want to waste a ton of time just cause I misunderstand even if you can just point me to the command\EH etc I can start following the rabbit hole from there. thanks for your guidance.
  15. The concept makes perfect since to me. Execution will be a different story as I've never played with either of those. So if I understand you right Place Charge would place the Hidden object, Attach explosive charge to hidden object, Attach to nearest object door, wall etc Add event handler to receive the damage then call the animation at an accelerated speed. I'm assuming those would be the tasks I need to accomplish... In list form it looks easy lol but it took me the greater part of the night to get what I wrote already, I'll start working on it tonight and post back if I start running into road blocks. Thanks again for the help.
  16. pvtdancer


    ok cool. Yeah the intention was either all heli's or define it by the heli names. so that for instance only the mohawk and the ghost hawk classed heli's would get the script. Reason being when in a large long mission I'm planning on atleast 3 - 4 heli's and a heli might get destroyed and loose the name and the INIT line. There are some respawn scripts that allow you to keep the init line but because I'm trying to keep a color on the scripted eject line it doesn't work as intended or at all. I've seen some scripts that have lines like _heli = [i_Heli_Transport_02_F,B_Heli_Transport_01_F] To classify what exactly was used in the script. Would something like that work in this case? Again thanks for you help I really appreciate it.
  17. Hey guys, I'm still new at scripting but for the most part I've been able to get along pretty well but for the life of me I can't get "addaction" to work in a script. I've been working off of the wiki and off of other scripts that call addaction in themselves and have had no luck, the action never appears in or out of the vehicle. In the future I want this script to apply to only certain heli's but for now I just want the add action to show up at all on all of them lol. Here is my script I'm running which works great in when the addaction line is added to the init of the vehicle, so the script is working. private ["_heli", "_grp"]; // lets set some local variables _heli = _this select 0; _grp = _this select 1; _chuteType = "Steerable_Parachute_f"; //parachute type _player = _this; _HQ = [West,"HQ"]; { player action ["Eject", vehicle player]; sleep 0.5; } forEach (units player); _chute = createVehicle [_chuteType, [100, 100, 200], [], 0, 'FLY']; _chute setPos [getPosASL _heli select 0, getPosASL _heli select 1, (getPosASL _heli select 2) - 35]; _grp moveInDriver _chute; waitUntil {(position _grp select 2) < .7}; Thanks in advance.
  18. pvtdancer


    Wow, thanks a lot. So if I understand you right at this point if I call this script in the mission's init.sqf the action should be attached to any heli that's spawned in? Sorry if its a stupid question I'm doing my best at learning all this. thanks again for all your help I really appreciate it. I'm working on this massive mission and trying to get all the features I want is a large task lol.
  19. pvtdancer


    So then. In my current scripts state. I would have to alter it so that it would look like private ["_heli", "_grp"]; #define eject "Eject" // lets set some local variables _heli = _this select 0; _grp = _this select 1; _chuteType = "Steerable_Parachute_f"; //parachute type _player = _this; _HQ = [West,"HQ"]; player_eject = { player action ["Eject", vehicle player]; sleep 0.5; forEach (units player); _chute = createVehicle [_chuteType, [100, 100, 200], [], 0, 'FLY']; _chute setPos [getPosASL _heli select 0, getPosASL _heli select 1, (getPosASL _heli select 2) - 35]; _grp moveInDriver _chute; waitUntil {(position _grp select 2) < .7};}; player addaction["<t color='#ffff00'>"+eject+"</t>", player_eject, [], -1, false, false,]; I'm sure there are some formatting issues but is that kind of how that would have to work?
  20. pvtdancer


    So even if the addaction is in the script that is going to be ran. You have to set the action to call the script externally? I guess I figured that since I was putting this in the script it would all be self contained. Plus the examples I worked off of looked like player addAction["<t color='#ffff00'>"+STR_TOSS_ROPES+"</t>", zlt_fnc_createropes, [], -1, false, false, '','[] call zlt_fnc_ropes_cond']; Of course in this case he was calling functions in the script.
  21. pvtdancer


    So this line is being added as the last line of my script as that's what I've seen done on other working scripts, so when I've been adding it the script has then looked like. private ["_heli", "_grp"]; // lets set some local variables _heli = _this select 0; _grp = _this select 1; _chuteType = "Steerable_Parachute_f"; //parachute type _player = _this; _HQ = [West,"HQ"]; { player action ["Eject", vehicle player]; sleep 0.5; } forEach (units player); _chute = createVehicle [_chuteType, [100, 100, 200], [], 0, 'FLY']; _chute setPos [getPosASL _heli select 0, getPosASL _heli select 1, (getPosASL _heli select 2) - 35]; _grp moveInDriver _chute; waitUntil {(position _grp select 2) < .7}; player addAction["<t color='#ffff00'>"Eject"</t>", [], -1, false, false,];
  22. pvtdancer


    The line I was trying to use was player addAction["<t color='#ffff00'>"Eject"</t>", [], -1, false, false,]; Now I've also tried variations of this and other types but mostly something similar to this. I even tried adding an init.sqf then doing addaction and call the script from there but had no luck. I'm not really sure if its easier\better to create the action from within the same script or call it from an init or other .sqf file.
  23. Yeah.... This needs to be in the editor. I would have to think that this would have been better to develop in editor then dumb it down\modify the GUI to make it a game mode. I'm on board 100% for this needing to be in the editor it would make life so much easier. I could get some tasks done in 1/2 the time.
  24. Well I fixed the MP part of it. Wow I searched for 2 days googling my fingers and I couldn't find that. Well while similar to the one you linked all you have to do with this one is add an init line this this addAction["<t color='#ff1111'>Eject</t>", "scripts\eject.sqf",[],1,false,true,"","_this in _target"]; to the vehicles you want this enabled to and link the script and is working great on my dedicated server. The line I changed was _x action ["EJECT", _heli]; TO player action ["Eject", vehicle player]; private ["_heli", "_grp"]; // lets set some local variables _heli = _this select 0; _grp = _this select 1; _chuteType = "Steerable_Parachute_f"; //parachute type _player = _this; _HQ = [West,"HQ"]; // do not touch this! { player action ["Eject", vehicle player]; sleep 0.5; } forEach (units player); _chute = createVehicle [_chuteType, [100, 100, 200], [], 0, 'FLY']; _chute setPos [getPosASL _heli select 0, getPosASL _heli select 1, (getPosASL _heli select 2) - 35]; _grp moveInDriver _chute; waitUntil {(position _grp select 2) < .7}; player setUnitPos "Middle"; EDIT: Found it.... Not sure how I lost that bracket.