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Everything posted by mariodu62

  1. mariodu62

    Arma3 Vehicle Desync/lag

    there is an issue with the netcode actually. Bis is working on it, try an other server.
  2. mariodu62

    Arma 3 crash to desktop

    With no battleye...
  3. mariodu62

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Don't forget to delete group when you delete the heli. if((_heli distance _pos < 200))exitWith{ deleteVehicle _man; deleteVehicle _heli; waituntil {sleep 1;(count units _grp1)==0}; deletegroup _grp1; };
  4. mariodu62

    Dsync 100000 after update 1.26

    It's working worst than 1.26. With 1.26 we sold the issue by correcting the minerrortosend at 0.01. 14 hours playing mission with no CTD. Please go back to the 1.26 or 1.24. This is a 50% week-end but for sale not for number of player. (Battlefield's player are ROFLMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  5. mariodu62

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    Our HC is working for month now. We don't use any mod. I adapted the "eos" to our mission and for using the HC. I made a "system" with battleye and a bad script to quick the HC when it is not in the civilian slot (Each time the server or HC restart). First : More desync because of the priority of the HC. Second : bots are less reactive than without HC (i modified the TPW_CAS, and the scripts are executed by the HC). And third : each Update of the game i have to pray. So it's urgent to wait the new version of the garanteedupdate version.
  6. mariodu62

    Clan logo

    No, it normally works, but it's not rare that you can see your logo, but your teammate can't. It's a bug, one of the billion bugs of this game (but we like it nervertheless).
  7. mariodu62

    Random Integers

    Maybe, but his question was "how do I go about generating a random integer" !
  8. Yes there is an issue with the fire command. Use forceweaponfire instead of fire command. exemple used in our mission since the command fire is bugged : _unit forceWeaponFire ["SmokeShellMuzzle","SmokeShellMuzzle"]; or _unit forceWeaponFire [currentWeapon _unit, "Single"];
  9. mariodu62

    Random Integers

    _num=[1,2] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; Lot of function are developped by BIS, you just have to find them in the Editor/ Fx.
  10. mariodu62

    Random Integers

    There is a bis function to do it : BIS_fnc_randomInt
  11. No issue with revive with the btc revive. You can check it on our server Mission CTI, teetimes
  12. Maybe ask the guy who wrote the script or the addon. Because revive is not a bis function
  13. Dead Soldiers are not count by a trigger. The best way is to fire it when you reach the min of not dead soldier in the trigger area.
  14. mariodu62


    Since Arma3 0.5. Add this to your favorite : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_Arma_3
  15. mariodu62

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Set your trigger to once. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Mission_Editor:_Triggers
  16. mariodu62

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Santa, Don't run your script on each client, but on the server side.
  17. mariodu62

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    No issue with headless Client since the new patch...
  18. mariodu62

    =BTC= Logistic [A3] - BETA

    @beerkan, if you have a game, you have a dedi server on your PC. You just have to run it and test your script on it. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147537-Tutorial-How-to-run-ArmA3-server-on-a-dedicated-server
  19. if ((side group _killer != side group _unit) && (side _killer != sideEnemy) && (_unit isKindOf "Man") ) then { for man}else {for vehicle};
  20. mariodu62

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Hello, the "fire" order block the IA firing function. (militarize chemlight...) here is the correction. if(_smokesAndChems)then{ [_milGroup] spawn { private ["_grp","_chance"]; _grp = _this select 0; while{(count units _grp) > 0}do{ { if((behaviour _x) == "COMBAT")then{ if(daytime > 23 || daytime < 5)then{ _chance = floor(random 100); if(_chance < 3)exitWith{ if("Chemlight_green" in (magazines _x))exitWith{ _x forceWeaponFire ["ChemlightGreenMuzzle","ChemlightGreenMuzzle"]; }; if("Chemlight_red" in (magazines _x))exitWith{ _x forceWeaponFire ["ChemlightRedMuzzle","ChemlightRedMuzzle"]; }; if("Chemlight_yellow" in (magazines _x))exitWith{ _x forceWeaponFire ["ChemlightYellowMuzzle","ChemlightYellowMuzzle"]; }; if("Chemlight_blue" in (magazines _x))exitWith{ _x forceWeaponFire ["ChemlightBlueMuzzle","ChemlightBlueMuzzle"]; }; }; }; if("SmokeShell" in (magazines _x))exitWith{ _chance = floor(random 100); if(_chance < 3)exitWith{ _x forceWeaponFire ["SmokeShellMuzzle","SmokeShellMuzzle"]; }; }; }; }forEach units _grp; sleep 10; }; }; };