-Sorry for my English-
-This is very long (and maybe stupid, I dk) post, you are welcome not to read it-
In the IDF, we address such questions in this manner: relevant and irrelevant.
Relevant: woman have weaker bones due smaller concentration Calcium when compered to man. Solution: feed the the female warriors with Calcium rich meals. Solution effectiveness: high.
Relevant: Female tend to have smaller body structure than man and therefore are less suited for combat. Solution: non needed even due to smaller bodies, (warrior) woman does not tend to be weaker than (warrior) man.
Relevant: Female tend to have smaller (and different) body structure than man and therefore are incompatible with army gear created for man. Solution: supply female worriers with gear specially created to suite woman in order to allow same functionality as male gear while not hurting maneuverability.
Irrelevant: woman are less mentally adapted to combat then man. Woman are less physically adapted to combat than man etc. Solutions are not needed.
I can see were your point of view is coming from; as you are most probably American or European- places that live in relative peace and fighting woman are not needed (and therefore they can allow themselves to live according to western culture that is created for non-fighting woman. generations that really indeed killed the potential that woman had for fighting) . While visiting Europe and the US, I have come to the same conclusion about female as you did. How ever, later, I joined the IDF. While yours truly served only in supporting roles, I saw female (and lots of them) in combat roles. I can assure you that in places where woman are not raised to be incompatible with battle (like what western and not only cultures do)- they are very effective as front line soldiers. Yet, saying that man and female are equal is wrong and high-minded (that's the expression? sorry, my English isn't perfect:()
Man and woman are not equal, they are different: a man will be (as a general rule) better tank driver and even better commander. Female, on the other hand, will be (as a general rule) better snipers (that's why in Israel most of the snipers are woman, their marksmen skills ARE higher and female DEAL BETTER with physical stress required from a sniper such as not moving and eating for a very long time (fan fact: in training snipers are required not to move for 3 days (and female does it better :eek:))).
So do I look forward to fighting woman in the game? As I tried to prove you, woman can be as effective as man in combat (though as I said, they are still not as good as man in some aspects but better in others). All you need to do to make this happen, is switch culture. Now as A3 takes place in semi non-utopian world, I'm pretty sure that people will adapt very fast giving the local woman the option to regain the potential they had for combat.
So yes, I look forward to playable woman in the game, and only for the sake of the woman that play the ArmA gams (yes, I know quite a few girls that play this game, that's not just a myth ;)).
If you read this far, I'm sorry for torturing you and I'll just stop writing this rubbish.