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Everything posted by anthropoid

  1. anthropoid

    Any Farsi Speakers in the House?

    Thanks, we'll see if I get in bites from this thread or the one in Voice Actors.
  2. Mainly looking for someone proficient in Farsi to check me on translations of a few phrases from English -> Farsi + Transcribed to Latin alphabet. Somebody who could do Farsi voices and was keen to do would be a plus. More info in this post http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154974-Any-Farsi-Speakers-in-the-House ---------- Post added at 18:00 ---------- Previous post was at 17:59 ---------- When you say English do you mean British English? PM me and we can get on TS and you can hear my voice and see if it might serve.
  3. anthropoid

    User mission requests!

    OMG . . . how will I EVER make any progress with making a couple missions if you people keep posting links to unbelievably appealing missions like that!? :) . . . downloading . . .
  4. anthropoid

    MCC Sandbox - The Mod

    Really!? That's disappointing :(
  5. anthropoid

    Anthropoid Missions

    Variable has changed my mind ;) I'm gonna go with Mujahideen vs. Soviets as the historical framework to inspire the mission(s) http://ciahome.net/forum/index.php?topic=2851.0
  6. Bad idea to make missions with following addon permutation? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154974-Any-Farsi-Speakers-in-the-House&p=2394871#post2394871 ACE ACE_X ACE_RU ACE_USNAVY CBA_(all) MCC _Possibly_ CWR2
  7. anthropoid

    Anthropoid Missions

    Anybody can answer some questions about "Takistani culture" and language and a good source for mission names? Need to find a good "Transliteration" application that can help me to transliterate English words like (e.g., Revolution, or Uprising, etc.) into "Takistani" language. http://ciahome.net/forum/index.php?topic=2851.0 ADDIT: and another question involves the 'ultimate' fate of the nation of Takistan within 'official' Armaverse canon. Referencing the Timeline on the wiki http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Armaverse_Timeline Given I want my mission(s) to be Takistani Locals as underdogs fighting against BLUFOR 'occupiers' what timeline should I adopt to keep it within the official storyline? Also, what loyalties should they have relative to specific groups or characters within official storyline? Sorry if I'm attributing much more Lore and 'canon' to Armaverse than actually exists; I'm used to intricate backstories of The Elder Scrolls ;)
  8. anthropoid

    MCC Sandbox - The Mod

    Having spent 30+ hours making my first mission for A2 (granted a LOT of that time was just learning the basics) this mod sounds like the Valkyries coming down from Valhalla to rescue me and carry me back to heaven! :) Couple questions: 1. If I make a mission with this mod, I'm assuming it then makes it a required addon to play the final mission? 2. Does it play good with ACE, ACE_X, ACE_RU, ACE_PLA, ACE_USN? 3. I have been checking out different options to get AI enemies to inhabit and fortify houses. A buddy has been using the GL4 scripts in a mission he is making, but I'm wondering if this mod would take care of that for me? One more question: 4. If I figure out there is some thing that GL4 can do that this can't do, will I need to 'disable' UPSMON to be able to assign some units with GL4 scripting? I barely know what I'm talking about here, but a buddy who uses GL4 pointed out that that might be one of the only complications to making a mission with MCC.
  9. Wow! Just watched the intro video . . . Jaw drops! This looks absolutely fantastic Shay! I've been holding off on updating to the full Arma 3 but knowing this is out there and seeing how easy it makes it to develop missions, I just might be shifting over to playing A3 more than A2.
  10. I'm interested in using some mods or scripts that will enhance AI behavior and I've been browsing the info in Chris Bayliss' signature. In particular, I would like to make some ACE missions where a few things that bug me in stock game are addressed: 1. AI _independently_inhabit buildings and fire from inside buildings (meaning I don't have to set a position inside the building using a copy location radio trigger and resulting in them being rooted to that spot). I'm gathering that GL4 is my best bet for this? However, this will only affect missions that are made with GL4? 2. AI ability to hone in on muzzle flashes and return fire while under fire is somewhat reduced (I am already running tpwcas and zeus so not sure this needs to be enhanced more). 3. AI accuracy while under fire is reduced (again I think tpwcas might have this covered already) My personal preset in Six Updater includes 40 entries, mostly content stuff (RH pistol, islands like Lingor, etc.), a few interface/player action mods (e.g., MK4, sthud, st_movement, st_bunnyhop, rg_trueuser) a few major things like ACE (all packages) and ACRE and then a few smaller AI mods (tpwcas, zeus). My questions for you Gunter: A. If I add DAC, GL4 and CoSLX to the, can I expect it to run okay? B. Given the three objectives I outlined above (but especially #1) is it overkill to run both GL4 and CoSLX with what I already have? C. Obviously DAC is a different kettle of fish, but will this all work well together you think?
  11. anthropoid

    User mission requests!

    It might be that you have hidden files set? Go to your folder options and set it to show hidden files/folders.
  12. anthropoid

    Anthropoid Missions

    Thanks Variable! Shame that the version we played was the early 'easier' version, but ah well :) I'm working on one now that is intended to be a fairly simple step into ACE and a foundation for a possible 3+ series of missions with player portraying Takistani geurillas fighting against BLUFOR occupiers. Your Bitter Memories mission and the PMC Versus missions (particularly Umbrae and Coeptus) are the feel I'm hoping to achieve.
  13. anthropoid

    Patrol Operations 2

    Thank you. I sent a note to Roy asking if it was okay to de-pbo it. I see you are an OCB officer. Can I take your response as a thumbs up to de-pbo it and try to learn from the magic under the hood? I'm taking my first baby steps into mission making. Long-term I would love to create a dynamic mission that integrates some of the features in patrol ops, some of them from War in Takistan, but with a framework inspired by the "LOST" mission by MarkB50K: a solo play guerilla survival mission in which the player must carefully piece together a fighting force and 'take back' the island.
  14. Just installed this yesterday in order to join in with the 40th Marine Expeditionary guys. As I had heard it was a _bit_ of tweakage to get it running. But between Six Updater and some simple suggestions from the 40th guys, I had it up and running with very little pain. WOW! What a new dimension to the game! :) Truly amazing fantastic stuff.
  15. anthropoid

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Taking my first delicate steps into making a little mission using ACE and found this stuff. http://wiki.ace-mod.net/Wounding_System+notes No idea where to stick those "variables" but I reckon I'll figure it out. Seems the various effects that these have might well account for why different missions have different AI behavior with respect to healing and using meds, etc. Do one of you experienced ACE mission makers mind if I de-pbo your mission so I can examine how this stuff is setup? Also, can someone explain to me how to get the dang "file is read only" issue off of a folder containing a de-pboed mission?
  16. anthropoid

    ACE for OA 1.13

    In my very limited experience, it varies from mission to mission. First off most of the missions for ACE seem to be coop, so playing them solo on your own machine instead of a dedi is bound to produce some unintended effects, though I don't know if that would have any effect on these issues. Second, it does seem that the mission maker can turn on/off some of the different features in the mod. For example, playing some ACE missions (e.g., Reaper I think and PMC Versus as well) whenever I have an injured AI squad member (say "Bob") and another AI squad member (say "Joe") who has some meds, if I select Joe and then "6" I see the "First Aid Bob" command and he will go and do it. Don't see this option at all in other missions. Third, yeah like Delta said, in addition to what scripts the mission maker has turned on / included there seems to be some randomness too. Fourth, playing one of the PMC Versus missions (or some other one that was for a small squad) with a human buddy (and several AI squad mates) we observed a couple of things: a. An AI who was mildly wounded apparently self-administered morphine b. AI who have meds who are commanded to first-aid will do it to both AI and human squad mates In sum, I conclude that: it is _possible_ for the AI to make full use of all the wounding and healing and reviving functions in ACE (or at least most of them) both on themselves spontaneously. ADDIT: One other point about the night vision optic equipped sniper rifles. There is evidently a features in ACE that a mission maker can turn on / include in the mission documents. This feature allows a player to reconfigure the optics on his weapon when interacting with certain crates. This buddy who I play with showed it to me; I believe it was one of the Lima missions that had it setup to work, but I'm not certain. I haven't seen it in any other mission I've played. Basically, if memory serves, you get "Change Optics" as an option when you are equipped with a suitable weapons and you interact with the appropriate crate. I don't recall for certain, but I would think that with this feature one could take a M24 or M14-DMR that was equipped with its standard ACOG scope (or whatever those scopes are) and reconfirgure them with an AN/PVS scope?
  17. Ah, thank you much! Guess I'll update to 1.6. I think I installed 1.44 only because the buddy who pointed me to your mission had that version. Really fantastic stuff Code! Do check out LOST if you get a chance, and tell me what you think of it.
  18. Hey couple basic questions. Keep in mind here, I'm still playing it solo just to get the feel and for the fun. Also I'm playing with War in Takistan ACE 1.44 1. After everything gets initialized, I get my mission and then I see a number of things on the map. a. black hatchered circle (~750m in diameter) which usually has a "Barracks" and "Heavy Factory" marked. Q: are these enemy facilities or can I take them over or what? I have been blowing them up and I get a little message, but they don't seem to yield me any points. b. red dots: Q: these seem to be known enemy locations or IEDs? If I'm not an engineer any way to detonate or disarm an IED? c. red hatchered circle, and usually the mission objective is inside or near one of these: Q: I'm assuming these are areas where hostiles are known to be active? 2. If I play with "must have rank to recruit AI" what do I get "points" for? I get the impression I only get points for finishing the mission and not for killing other random enemies I encounter or blowing up the barracks/factory? 3. Do new enemies spawn with each new mission? 4. What does "Everyone is Medic" actually do? Am I supposed to be able to heal or is that to turn on First Aid? So far I'm never seeing any option for me to administer First Aid either to myself or anyone else and not even sure if having "Everyone Medic" on allows AI to First Aid or Heal. 5. When my mission is to "Build a Service Point" or else to "Build a MASH building," how exactly do I do that? Killing all the hostiles in the area where I'm supposed to build is obviously necessary, but beyond that I have no idea if I need to have a particular vehicle there or something? In Warfare, you of course have to first build your HQ and then you get the "WF Menu" and "Construction Menu" options whenever you are within range of your HQ. Does it work more or less that way in WiT? Code, if you are still playing Arma, you should check out the mission "LOST" by MarkB50K. Your mission reminds me of it in some ways, and it would be very interesting to integrate some of your game features into a modified version of LOST which was more intended for solo play the way LOST is.
  19. anthropoid

    ACE for OA 1.13

    I agree with this 100%. The lack of good nvg optic sniper rifles is a problem to me. As far as I can tell, there are only two nvg sniper rifles in the conversion pack right now: svd nspu and M110 NV. For the smgs, I use RH_pistol and RH_smg and those seem to work fine. ---------- Post added at 10:20 ---------- Previous post was at 10:09 ---------- A lot of this seems to depend on how the mission is setup. Playing War in Takistan 1.44 ACE, I cannot seem to get any First Aid of any kind, though Medics will heal people. Playing a mission like PMC Versus, the AI definitely uses the meds on himself. Memory is a bit fuzzy but I also believe that if the human squad leader tells an AI with some meds to First Aid an injured team mate, he will go over and fix them up. Also, in at least one other ACE compatible mission I've played solo (I believe it was ACE Reaper v1.2), I have had the AI come to me and fix me when I get injured. In sum, I do believe it is possible for the AI to make use of the meds properly, but only if the mission maker has configured it properly. My question is: is it possible for the AI to make use of the gas mask, tactical goggles, and that sort of thing. Playing War in Taki, I tossed some CN gas at the feet of one of my AI squad mates (this was inside the base so maybe all weapon effects are disabled in there are something) and he reacted like he sensed a threat but couldn't locate it. He kept kneeling, laying prone and scanning right in the cloud of gas but I never saw a gas mask go on. Also no sign that he was in any way impaired by the gas. I suspect that this also has to do with the way the mission is setup more than with the way ACE itself works. Most likely because War in Takistan was intended to be coop, some of these features are not fully turned on?
  20. Okay, I'll check that out. Thanks.
  21. You should check out Phantom's site. It is awesome. http://phantommissionsite.weebly.com/
  22. Really enjoying your mission playing SP. Would love to hook up with a group who play this regularly coop.
  23. Wow!! Awesomes stuff! Thanks a ton for these; many of them are major irritants in playing the game.
  24. These are the same for me.
  25. Wow! Me and a buddy just played this "mission" [seems more like a "new game" really :) ] last night. Love it! Code, did you ever play MarkB50K's mission called "LOST?" Up till discovering your mission, that has been my favorite and I've started doing a bit of mission editing in hopes to be able to eventually make sense of the magic behind MarkB's mission. Now that I've discovered your mission, I'm very intrigued at the possibilities of an SP style mission that combines the solo start guerilla fighter who must build up his forces with all the options available I your mission. Gotta play more so I understand it all but yeah, great stuff!