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Everything posted by Niklas

  1. Niklas

    Any gamescom footage?

    There is tons of footage of the DayZ standalone on youtube allready, any arma 3 content from gamescom yet?
  2. I have noticed that shooting targets up to 200 meters with the RPG 42 is fine, but after that, the 300, 400 and 500 meter markers all fall short and the rocket does not hit. Am i missing something or are the range markers simply not accurate?
  3. I am dissapointed that I have to make a thread to get attention to this Issue. This should have been changed a long time ago. Thing is, currently grenades in Arma 3 are completly useless and you allways have to throw atleast two to take out an enemy. Grenades should kill the player if they stand a few meters next to it, but currently you survive them even if you stand on them or lie right besides or ontop one.
  4. There is one thing with diving currently that I really think ruins any possible diver scenarios. It is to easy to cheat your render distance underwater. Basically if you stay just below surface players can see what is going on underwater from hundreds of meters away. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iEeNveEWnk While this video only shows this done with 0 waves, it works well for things going on about 200 meters from you below surface even on waves turned up to 100. I really hope BI takes notice and fixes this. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13017
  5. Niklas

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    There is mods that are a few mbs big that increase midrange texture quality and it looks so well. What exactly keeps BI from improving them?
  6. Niklas

    grenades MUST be more lethal

    I just tested this in the editor, grenades are fairly effective against enemys, but for some reason it is impossible to kill yourself with a single one even if you throw it at your feet.
  7. First off I really like the UAVs so far. But i can't understand how to use the ghost hawk. First off the way you fire missiles is silly. You have to lase an area for long enough and it will automaticly fire missile after missile which allready feels weird. But doing this accurate enough to actually hit a target is almost impossible because the UAV doesn't fly stable at all. It keeps changing alltitude, doesn't fly high enough to keep a target in focus combined with the high speed. Unless i am missing something it feels impossible to control the Greyhawk in an effective way as 1 person. NVM, i just saw the control thread and you can change alltitude by right clicking the waypoint
  8. Niklas

    grenades MUST be more lethal

    I am just dissapointed, If you stand right ontop a grenade you shouldn't be alive, and this currently is the case in arma 3. It isn't just injury from shrapnel, but that close to a grenade you wouldn't have your legs.
  9. Why did BI even bother implementing physx and improving vehicle physics if if you crash your vehicle and it turns itself around again as if its wheels were magnetic to the ground? It looks really weird. If this is a bug i am sorry, but BI needs to fix it. If it is not I don't get why BI would make vehicles behave like that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLvsKQSxFY8
  10. Niklas


    The reason why Independent gets a CAS jet is because they are supposed to be low tech compared to OPFOR and BLUFOR who use drones. I am fine with this, personally I can't remember the last time i had a dogfight in ArmA or seen any jet missions besides CAS.
  11. Niklas

    Development Blog & Reveals

    That is dissapointing to say the least. 1 more SMG? 1 Jet? What happened to the F35, the shotgun, the XM25? Also only another SUV? Is that all in civilian vehicles?
  12. Niklas

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I have no problem with the campaign coming later, but i worry about how the game is going to be received. Releasing a campaign, a CORE part of a game later is simply dumb and will cause PR trouble.
  13. Niklas

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Newcomers and critics won't understand this decision and will judge the game on its current state after release. I personally don't have a problem with the campaign coming late, but i think it is a bad decision regardless.
  14. Niklas

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I think releasing the game without a campaign is a PR disaster, might aswell just call it an expanded beta.
  15. This video show about 10 minutes of content from Altis and new vehicles, which i am really impressed by. But one thing shock me, at the 10:45 mark he said "Keyword campaign - not there during release. That was the big suprise, so for the release the campaign won't be in the game since they are still working on it. They don't want to repeat ArmA 2's mistakes since they are not satisfied with the AI." Is this just miscommunication and did Bohemia mean no campaign for the Beta release, or is the Campaign really going to come after the full game comes out? An official word on this would be appreciated.
  16. Niklas

    Why no NVG in Night showcase?

    You answered the question yourself, it is a nighttime and lighting showcase, but all you do is being agressive to everyone for no apparent reason. The mission is supossed to let you see everything in the dark, if you have trouble turn up your brightness or change your monitor settings.
  17. The games compass size was good and large enough to read bearings, but since the last patch it has become painfully small and hard to read. I don't know if it is a bug or a bad design decision, but please make it bigger.
  18. Niklas

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    BIS, this, please.
  19. Since the last update i feel like there is much less colors, one thing i liked about arma 3 was that it had more stronger true to life colors than arma 2, but that seems gone in the new patch.
  20. Niklas

    Clouds & Wind option / interaction

    ...Why does it not affect bullets and projectiles?
  21. So i played Red Orchestra 2 again and noticed two things which could greatly improve infantry combat. 1. Make aiming deadzone both move your screen and your gun. This is one of the reasons so few people use it in ArmA, because it makes it harder to actually turn around. 2. If you hold the right mouse button to zoom, only make it hold your breath if you are in iron sights. As it seems, zooming is to simulate the actual accuracy of the eyes, and zoomed out to simply keep a higher FOV and not play through a tube constantly. It is annoying to be out of breath once you actually spotted your target and need to zoom in again.
  22. Niklas

    How can i use the Bipod ?

    I really hope BI adds a feature like in ACE
  23. A friendly person send me a script "Zombied.sqs" which i try to execute by using _null = [] exec "Zombied.sqs", but i get Type Nothing, expected Any. i don't know alot about scripting so sqs to sqf is almost impossible for me, any help?
  24. I saw that DZS for arma 3 allready has zombies which appear to work just in like the celery zombie script, does anyone have that script anywhere? If not, are there any other basic ones? I personally have no experience in scripting and i just want to edit a mission similar chernarus apocalypse
  25. First off, i greatly enjoy the Alpha so far, i love the new fluid movement, everything feels much faster, but still like an ArmA game, i like it. Grenades though are a massive problem as off right now. Today we had an about 40 TVT on UO.net. Blufor was defending a camp, while opfor was attacking. All short we got massivly flanked and opfor stacked on the walls with a squad and started throwing grenades. There were so many explosions that i thought that they had a hidden vehicle, but no, it was the normal stock grenades, which appear to be not only thrown without preperation, but also without time delay, you can literally spam grenades faster than in Battlefield and just clear a compound if you got enough on you. This really needs tweaking , i really don't like the fixed grenade throwing in ArmA 2, but the current system is just to exploitable.