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About Dklike123

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  1. Dklike123

    Render Issues

    Mmk... I have seen alot of reviews and have talked to my nerd friends and found that the GTX 550 is the best choice for me but I might have to buy a new power supply.
  2. Dklike123

    Render Issues

    L its myike I said I went and deleted my partian and got windows 7 64bit same problem. I guess its my video card. Radeon 2400 pro hd. Standard issue. In three weeks after my vacation I am buying a nice video card. What would be a good but >$160 video card that can run on very high or high without lag?
  3. Dklike123

    Render Issues

    Playing the game. GPU Core Clock [MHz] 519.0 GPU Memory Clock [MHz] 495.0 GPU Temperature [°C] 65.0 Fan Speed (%) [%] 32 GPU Load [%] 100 Memory Usage (Dedicated) [MB] 84 Memory Usage (Dynamic) [MB] 366 VDDC [V] 1.100 Also it will not allow me to run oa because of a pixelated error. and a bin problem.
  4. Dklike123

    Render Issues

    GPU-Z GPU Core Clock [MHz] 519.0 GPU Memory Clock [MHz] 495.0 GPU Temperature [°C] 55.0 Fan Speed (%) [%] 32 GPU Load [%] 0 Memory Usage (Dedicated) [MB] 54 Memory Usage (Dynamic) [MB] 38 VDDC [V] 1.100 I think this is wrong. No smoke......
  5. Dklike123

    Render Issues

    I don't think so. However, my computer is on mostly 24/7. How will I check for over heating my computer is not hot.
  6. Dklike123

    Render Issues

    I have switched to windows 7 and I am still having the same problem. Same computer. I am downloading the GPU drivers now.
  7. Dklike123

    Render Issues

    Hello, I have windows Vista x32bit and I have been playing Arma 2 and OA for about two months. I noticed combined operations was not working so I reinstalled arma 2 and OA in order. I joined a game which then the sky had grey spots, I could see through half of someone and a grey wall that i could walk through appeared. I have the steam copy. Please respond soon. I also have the steam copy. I've already reinstalled and I and done the -winxp. Before Reinstall After Reinstall AO Profile ArmaA2OA.cfg