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About Zellfisch

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Regarding MP-version: is it still a fact that I should deactivate TPWCAS and TPWLOS in the mission parameters when I am running those mods as addons?
  2. Thx, SaOk. We'll give it a try today.
  3. Zellfisch

    Domination 2.71 - Minor Problems

    You want artillery and air drop in the ACE version, right? So you need to activate ACRE *to pick up radios* in the base. You need a radio to call artillery and / or air drop. When you are carrying a radio on your back you will get additional entries in the action menu. Don't worry about points as long as you switch the career-option (or whatever it's called) off in the parameters.
  4. Zellfisch

    Domination 2.71 - Minor Problems

    For the ACE version activate ACRE in the parameters and get yourself a radio. That'll do it regarding artillery and air drop.
  5. Yes, that sounds like it's worth a try. Looking forward to it. Could you pls tell me how to save / load in the coop-version? Or to make it possible? Thx.
  6. Thx SaOk. Nice to know that there are no special scripts regarding tanks and crates in the mission. We will 'play' your mission this week again and I'll try out different things. I'll report if we managed to fix some issues.
  7. Maybe you just messed up with SUP (v3.04) & LOS (v1.03)?
  8. Wow, thx for the brilliant mission. Have been waiting for something like this for quite a while. Regarding SP ... maybe that's an odd question, but how do I load a saved game after saving via 0-0-1? The standard load-game-menu just offers an Autosave, which in my case did not contain the right mission status. Regarding MP ... - We are using the ASR AI addon and it seems that AI is barely rearming on its own as it would in other missions. - At many ammo crates we were not able to take anything that was inside. Gear menu shows up, but you cannot take what you see. - Further more we could not access all vehicles. Example: a BMP was only accessible as passenger. Only after that it was possible to get in as driver / gunner / commander. So the AI cannot enter a vehicle, before a player has been taking all 3 positions. A T72 is not accessible at all. - We were not able to finish the Gorka-Task. AA was destroyed and the whole town was captured. We tried that in 2 sessions and it did not work. Addons we use: - CBA - ASR AI - TPWC SUP & LOS - JSRS - RHS (we tried switching it off, but no difference; not sure if that addon is used in mp-version of your mission as in the sp-version) I do not know if you have the time to fix these issues and/or if the mp-part will be developed anyway. All I can say is that we had a lot of fun and that there barely was a mission that reminded me of the good ol' OFP regarding the great atmosphere, the chaos-factor of war and the consequences of whatever you do (dynamic). Cheers!
  9. I'm glad it's finally working, but as I mentioned before, we are using CWR² Demo atm and I'd like to know your opinion about whether it could actually be that the mod is responsible for the debug balls not showing @ enemy AI (own AI do have ... ehm balls). :cool:
  10. Thx, Ollem. Here are my results. Results ------- Team Leader: green balls appear / AI kneels / no chat message Squad Leader: green ball appears / AI kneels / no chat message Fire Team Leader: yellow and red balls appear / AI kneels & goes prone / no chat message It is actually working like it should in your mission. Can it be that a mod like the CWR² Demo causes a problem here?
  11. I did overwrite the old hpp with the new one.
  12. CBA / CAS / LOS / ASR are installed on dedi and clients. arma2oa.rpt contains the following: Is this a useful indicator? Edit: Got rid of the conflict-message by deleting the old version of TPWC (should have been more careful here), but I still cannot see any bubbles over enemy's head when under heavy fire.
  13. Thx for the answers so far. I was more or less referring to the video I have seen, where you were able to see the enemy's bubble in debug mode. That's something I still cannot see - just in my own squad. Suppression on enemy units seems to work though. @metalcraze: suppression effect works for all players (tested with 5) vs. AI at least.
  14. I'm on a dedi and I'm using TPWC+LOS and asr_ai-1.15.3_test5.zip as mentioned in this thread earlier. TPWC+LOS and ASR are used as addons. My only concern is that I cannot see the enemy's bubbles. Just want to make sure, that TPWC has effect on enemy too, since my team's AI does work. The suppression effect on players is working very good as well. No issues what so ever. Edit: There is a new version of ASR (asr_ai-1.16_beta1.zip). Does anyone have any experiences with TPWC yet?
  15. First I want to thank everyone who made this mod. Great job! I am using the CWR2 mod with TPWC Sup & Los plus ASR AI. The own AI react like they should and the bubble appears etc. when under constant fire. But I cannot see any bubbles over enemy's head and it looks like they do not go prone when under constant fire. Is it possible that there is an issue where the mod works with own AI but not with enemy AI?