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About CreamyBlood

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  1. CreamyBlood

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    My gripe isn't about your clouds and I can understand how that can help 'immersion' while flying a chopper. It's just at this late stage of the game when the fundamentals are broken, such as AI, inventory, medic system and fatigue I don't understand how 'fluff' is important. Breaking the entire class system that makes everyone a rambo kind of kills the whole point of the team game, in my opinion. When the devs are unable to use the framework to build a campaign and I can't get more than basic missions working as I intend after a few hundred hours, hearing someone complain about clouds seems frivolous to me. I wish the best for Arma but I've gone from ecstatic to feeling ripped off. Actually, very disappointed is a better term as I know what an alpha means, especially when it comes to Arma. So maybe it's par for course. This is the dev thread so bringing up issues like clouds is something. The problems I have with it have been brought up a million times so there's no point in reiterating it again. Maybe we'll get nice clouds to fly through while the ground troops live in hell, who knows?
  2. CreamyBlood

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Well, if the only thing to complain about is how the clouds look and how immersive the sounds are in third person (in a first person game) while looking at your butt then I'd say Arma 3 is good to go for gold press. Release the hounds, Arma 3 is ready for prime time.
  3. CreamyBlood

    Respawn with Custom loadout

    It worked for me. Thanks for the tips. As shown in his 'spoiler' make sure you have this at the top of the script: waitUntil {!isNull player}; _unit = _this select 0; and this at the bottom: if(true) exitWith{}; I missed that the first time and did get the default custom loadout. I used my own loadout and didn't test his verbatim but if you're still having problems, copy his scripts exactly into a new mission, verify that it works, then slowly add your own stuff a bit at a time.
  4. CreamyBlood

    Arma 2 Windows 8 vs 7 performance

    I duel boot both Win 7/8 64-bit. When I first installed Win 8 I ran two benchmarks three times each on both operating systems. The difference was only plus or minus 1 FPS. So for me, absolutely no difference.
  5. I am playing the Arrowhead Demo so if this works in the full game please let me know. I am trying to remap the right mouse button (button 1 for programmers or button 2 to others) to allow me to move forward. Even though I've deleted the Optics and Zoom and remapped them to unused keys, it still shows up in red and I can't move forward. I've been using this setup for fifteen years, long before WASD and it's hardwired into my hind brain. When the battle gets thick I end up zooming instead of running away! Please help. I've spent several hours on this and can't figure it out. It flashes: Hold Sec. Mouse Btn. [Hold Breath] Then shows: Sec. Mouse Btn. [Optics] And leaves it in red colour. I've deleted the conflicts but can't figure it out. I've searched the web and these forums and never found an answer. The closest I've seen is to drag the function onto the right panel but there is no Sec. Mouse Btn. in the right panel. I simply want to remap the Right Mouse Button to Move Forward. I'm no stranger to INI files so if anyone can point me in the right direction and has made this work before please let me know. Thanks.