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Everything posted by Ferdek77

  1. Ferdek77

    Project CDF

    Great news! I can't stand :) One more thing For my request my friend carried out a few screens describing proposed service uniforms the Chernarussian Army. He used SLA and Project '85 to illustrate good uniforms. https://picasaweb.google.com/118338774743197856886/ChernorussianArmyServiceUniformsAndInsignia?authkey=Gv1sRgCNCkxevR7d6S8gE# Here are uniforms and insignia of all formations. https://picasaweb.google.com/118338774743197856886/ChernorussianSoldiersInService?authkey=Gv1sRgCKy43_icwKicpQE# And there are a few situations introducing the part of proposed uniforms and officers of the military police. GossamerSolid i hope that at one time it will be useful to you :)
  2. Ferdek77

    Project CDF

    GossamerSolid, do you have in plans make something like military police? For example a man in service uniform, man in camouflage uniform and Lada or UAZ as vehicle.
  3. Ferdek77

    Project CDF

    As for me SKOT APC and Tatra water cannons painting are most interesting- Tatra water cannons they are both green as well as in the standard VB painting. But end off-topic ;)
  4. Ferdek77

    Project CDF

    And here I have a small curiosity for you ;) Where from chernarus police patrol cars came ;) From Czechoslovakia :D You will admit that one can see a striking similarity :D
  5. Ferdek77

    Project CDF

    Me too! :D Great work AsierB :)
  6. Ferdek77

    Project CDF

    WOW! Taht looks great! GossamerSolid, what do you think about that? Some time ago they left extra units for Takistan, my friend made some screens for the best static weapons: https://picasaweb.google.com/118338774743197856886/TakistanArtilleryAndAntiAirArtillery?authkey=Gv1sRgCKPUo5KWpsmL_gE# This addons can you find there: http://www.arma2base.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=4323 I thought, that in Chernarus, which is post-Soviet country such a weaponry would be sent simply perfectly. And what are you thinking about it?
  7. Ferdek77

    Project CDF

    Another great work :) EDIT: http://www.arma2base.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=4574 I don't recommend this addon. The interior has error- when I switch to view in interior, the game have error and back to Windows. The same he is, when the helicopter is flying and I am not in the crew. Just to be sure I and my friend tested it and both we had the same result, so I would suggest to avoid it addon.
  8. Ferdek77

    Project CDF

    Great message! Now now only to wait on the next version of mod :)
  9. Ferdek77

    Project CDF

    Three differently equipped brigades? That sounds good :) That is there will be three brigades now- one equipped with the Chernarus weapons and equipment, one equipped with the American weapon and the equipment and one equipped with the Soviet equipment that is units from original ArmA 2? Well did I understand it?
  10. Ferdek77

    Project CDF

    Great! I can't stand to try it in game :)
  11. Ferdek77

    Project CDF

    That sounds good :) You are going to add arming beside standard Soviet and American entirely to replace the current equipment with it?
  12. Ferdek77

    Project CDF

    Don't exaggerate, your models are really outstanding :) Outside it- these are only proposals. Having helmets for commandos more easily błoby already to equip them with some visors for the protection of the head, than to create the entire helmet from scratch, with uniforms and shields the same. And apart from that the very fact of the existence of police commandos is already a major achievement and forming the combat police units is facilitating from available modifications :) For example https://picasaweb.google.com/118338774743197856886/ChernarusPoliceAntiRiotUnit?authkey=Gv1sRgCK3d5PjMxu6zvgE# Look at that. My friend at the request of my carried screens out from a few situations of the action of the combat police units. Let us omit the hunt in the forest and protecting the match, let us concentrate on very screens from the riot. My friend used a few alteration-s here to vehicles, to people, to shields, for arming. The most Russian commandos are just blatant. Having chernarussian commandos, equipped with chernarussian uniforms always it will already be to look better :) All the more so because alone you changed for example SUV to the police- version just as well perhaps he will imitate you to produce a few vehicles for police. It is I am a zero in the subject of the modelling, because I am not having the foggiest idea about it, you are very good at that ;)
  13. Ferdek77

    Project CDF

    AsierB your counter-terrorists look really great :) Here you have some ballistic shields: http://www.arma2base.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=2690 However are you planning establishing branches more to the fight against the riot? For the example commandos from it fashion would have outstanding helmets with visors protecting the head from injuries for example from stones http://www.arma2base.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=3164 http://www.arma2base.de/content/images/GroupBTSSNFSB_01.jpg On this screen commando standing in center http://www.arma2base.de/content/images/GroupBTSSNFSB_02.jpg Here the one on the left For riot shield would be better for branches of this type http://www.arma2base.de/content/images/dak_mak_want4.jpg http://www.arma2base.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=2784 And here is shotgun I mean not only commando units here, but also more riot units, so like here: http://swiat.newsweek.pl/omon-znow-brutalnie-rozpedzil-opozycje,zoom,56043.html http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Tambov_OMON_in_Nizhny_Novogord.jpg Are you going in the future to deal with something like that? Having a group ,,Wolf "you would have a majority of needed element-s uniforms and bases of helmets.
  14. Ferdek77

    Project CDF

    AsierB, your units looks great ;) If you produced the individual equipped with the shield and the helmet with the visor to this group, you would have also units of the Branch of the Prevention- it is worthwhile remembering, that in many post-soviet countries of the individual anti-terrorist of police are a part of riot units. They can be an example: Russia, Belarus and Ukraine where police commandos are reporting up to ОМОР(ОтрÑд Милиции ОÑобого ÐазначениÑ), dealing with also a pacification of the riot or Poland, where counter-terrorists are reporting under OPP (OddziaÅ‚y Prewencji Policji). And commandos from the group,, Wolf "are really sensational. Successes in further creating :)
  15. Ferdek77

    Project CDF

    In my opinion better, than in the role of the sniping rifle SKS would work in the role of rifle for parade troops.
  16. Ferdek77

    Project CDF

    Since a conversation about police is taking place. What you think about creating special Anti Riot Unit? Police officers equipped with special uniforms, helmets with visors, shields, shotguns with rubber bullets and grenade launchers with tear gas. My friend made for me a few of such screens both he signed them how an individual of this type should look and what should be equipped with. Screens are presenting three different situations of using such a branch- illegal demonstration, manhunt for the wanted criminal in the forest and protecting the mass party a match is which. https://picasaweb.google.com/118338774743197856886/ChernarusPoliceAntiRiotUnit?authkey=Gv1sRgCK3d5PjMxu6zvgE# Such police officers which will disperse the riot, are protecting mass parties and are leading manhunt teams to wanted criminals, also in areas pose municipal- forest or mountain. With word such an individual which is delivering the substantial amount of well trained and equipped officers.Such police officers should use camouflaging uniforms apart from standard police uniforms also (as standard CDF soldiers). I to photographs of police officers on the demonstration used commandos from MVD, to photographs in the forest I used the hunt addon for CDF Conscripts. Depending on the situation police officers should be equipped or into camouflaging uniforms, shotguns, shields, helmets with visors and grenade launchers (demonstrations and the riot) or into camouflaging uniforms, steel helmets and AKS assault rifles or AKMS (forest hunts). So there is my proposal. Willingly I would deal with it, but unfortunately the modelling isn't going for me at all. What do you think about it? GossamerSolid, if you want, I can send you links to everyone addons which my friend used for doing these screens.
  17. Ferdek77

    Project CDF

    Today I found this mod, who add some grenade launchers and Heavy Grenadier Units. And add two grenadiers to the CDF. The grenade launchers can shoot with explosives grenades, smoke and flares. This mod is here: http://www.arma2base.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=4683 And here some screens: http://imageshack.us/gal.php?id=q5mukszl082r09aVm6SYnK6Vq5WdpJuhsZaokdXjzZs Maybe you should send a message to author of this mod and add it into Project CDF? And- you need to try add some units with gas masks, like that: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/600/arma2oa2012051622382589.jpg/ ;)
  18. Ferdek77

    Project CDF

    The difference between planes is so C-130 is taking 25+1 and there is no possibility of the airdrop of parachuters, however An-72 is taking 37+1 and is able to drop parachuters. CDF is an army having quite a lot of post-Soviet equipment, so such a plane on the equipment would fit entirely. But you will do, as you wish. It is only a suggestion ;)
  19. Ferdek77

    Project CDF

    Maybe you can use for the CDF a AN-72 like this: http://www.arma2base.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=2005 This one is great, and have a nice script for paratroopers.
  20. Ferdek77

    Project CDF

    Hi! What do you think about make parade units from all formations- infantry, air force and navy? Do you want to make this units in future?