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Everything posted by Demazi99

  1. And I didn't say the game was balanced or that I like the way it is. BF3 certainly has a lot of problems, more than it should have, give it's budget. And as said above, it changed from it's original base, getting more on the cod side, reducing the little complexity it had. Again, that's why a lot of people here may not want to compete with these games: Devs changing the way of doing things to attract a new player base is not something really rare to see. Core players get forgoten more often than not.
  2. TOW used to be really really slow, but again, it is an infinite weapon, laser guided, and anyone can use. It is just there for a small defense on unaware vehicles, and is not meant for getting cars, but tanks primarily. Also, normal cars and generally other vehicles are exposed to anything in the battlefield (cars even more) so they balanced it so that it is really, really hard to hit cars, even close to you, or moving tanks on medium distances. It's again, about balancing the game.
  3. It doesn't as far as I know, and I've played it a bit. Drop is linear, weapons aren't zeroed, the bullet weight doesn't influence on the drop, just the bullet speed, which makes different weapons have different drops (but all of them still linear). What might have happened is the called random deviation, although your weapon is aiming at one point, the bullet goes away from that point in a specified radius, in a way to badly simulate recoil without making it bad to see, and adding a luck factor to the gunplay. Usually this goes up, not down, making it easier to hit at long ranges without aiming above target. Also, in BF3, as bullets have travel time, they are NOT insta-hit from when you shoot, if you have good reflexes and eyes, you can even see a sniper bullet coming to you at about 600m distance and move sideways to get away from the shot. Anyway, BF3 just has realistic features that are not used in a realistic way, and are there mostly for balance purposes. This realistic features, however, will make BF players get used to ARMA more quickly. Also, let's not forget about BF2 PR, that's one hell of a mod, most players from there are going to be playing arma3 from the start, and are willing to bring as much people as they can with them, and some communities have an incredible past on teaching newcomers about these games.
  4. Just created an account for this replay yay, bye goodol' times of ghost member. I think one of the most important points is, no matter if ARMA 3 has the base PVP missions on the go, what we have to think is: Question: If, IF ARMA 3 comes with good pvp missions out of the pack, suitable for CQC and normal combat, is this the only condition to make a COD or BF player to come and play this game? My answer would be no. It doesn't matter if you make the most simple map in the most easy mode ever done for this game, a lot of people wouldn't enjoy it. Because this game is a lot more than the map/mission. It is about the whole gameplay. ARMA doesn't have a perfect movement where you can just stop and go wherever you want. You cannot mostly just spray across 200m and hit all the targets. You can't just run the all map and kill the entire enemy team. No matter what, the patience, the teamwork, the tactics, all of which has a relatively big learning curve are what makes this game what it is. It has a huge difference from these two, at the point it can't be even compared or put into competition. What may happen then? It's not like no player can enjoy both things. I do. Somes players will wake up most of the day, play BLOPS 2, but somedays will enjoy a one and a half hour mission while talking with friends. Is is still a somewhat small playerbase on BF and even smaller for COD, but it exists. And if we give the OPPORTUNITY for them to have a online experience against other live players in the ARMA core gameplay, this could drag a whole lot of new players for the coop missions aswell. What most people may fear here, is that developers start seeing that making an easy game and lowering the treshold completely for usual arcade gamers will be better financially, and will totally forget their origin, their base. This happened to Battlefield. Nowadays, the core playerbase is largely upset to devs, although the game is a financial sucess, and no one would like this to happen for ARMA series, as it doesn't has to. And a non-related note, guys, PVP missions don't have to necessarily be CQC.