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About Endemantis

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  1. Me and my friend both bought ARMA II and we want to play the included missions in co-op mode. I have no idea how we're supposed to do that. We've been trying to set up servers and it's been very confusing getting it to work.
  2. I'm taking the tutorial and I can't get the Action Menu to come up whenever I want it to. If I use my middle mouse button or Enter key, it will automatically assume I'm doing a predefined action. For example, I'm trying to heal a guy in the medical training and whenever I use the middle mouse button/enter key my character drags him without even showing me a menu of possible actions, even though I've dragged him to the appropriate point already. ---------- Post added at 18:18 ---------- Previous post was at 18:14 ---------- Nevermind, I finally figured out that I need to scroll using the mouse wheel, instead of just pressing down on it to use different actions. Sorry for the inconvient post.