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Everything posted by aviatormoser

  1. aviatormoser


    Bob, Great mission! Definitely one of my favorites. I like adding custom weapons to the ammobox (except not all addon guns are apparently compatible with virtual ammo box :( . Keep up the good work. I'd like to see how this mission progresses.
  2. aviatormoser


    No dice. Still gives me that shader compiler error.
  3. aviatormoser

    ArmA3Mark - Benchmark your ArmA 3

    So what's the standard preset? 1280x720 (like futuremark's performance test) at Very High settings? If that's the case: TEST1: 50.9472 TEST2: 38.5839 TEST3: 31.5942 TEST4: 38.7097 TEST5: 58.8887 OFPMark 4334.03 CPU:I5-3570K @4.5 GHz (1.296 V) GPU: EVGA GTX 660 SC 2GB RAM: 8 GB Corsair 1600 MHz Timing 8-8-8-24
  4. aviatormoser

    Support Radio

    I was using the HandleDamage eventhandler (below), but I had no luck with suppressing these mass spawns. So I resorted back to the Killed eventHandler as that has not given me mass spawns as of yet. (_this select 0) addEventHandler["HandleDamage", { _chopper = _this select 0; if (!alive driver _chopper || !canMove _chopper || !alive _chopper) then { execVM "respawn_eagle_one.sqf"; }; }];
  5. aviatormoser

    Support Radio

    That is interesting. I'm not very keen on the Domination scripts, so I'm not sure why it works in editor but not the dedi server. I have a problem though trying to respawn supports in PO2. The vehicle respawns....but it respawns 20-30 times on the marker....causing a catastrophic calimity.
  6. aviatormoser

    Support Radio

    Yes, all night! OK, to get the support radio showing I put the init command into the Patrol Ops 2 init_mps.sqf, about right after [] execVM (mps_path+"init_mps_client.sqf"); . Then I go into the editor and make sure the NEO core logic Functions module is in the mission. Then I delete the Functions module that was originally in the PO2 mission. You can't have both functions modules. It took me hours to figure that out. Afterwards, you should have the support radio option appear for any unit with a radio, and the support radio will not longer be empty.
  7. aviatormoser

    Patrol Operations 2

    Hey Rob, I believe you have to configure the vehicle to carry ammo boxes. /mps/config/config_addons/config_vehicles_* If it's a custom vehicle, you would need to add it to one of these config_vehicle files, and then you set the parameters for resupply, ammobox, cargo capacity, etc.
  8. aviatormoser

    Patrol Operations 2

    Great mission as always. I am playing the vanilla Takistan missions and it seems the loadouts aren't quite correct when opting out of gear by rank. For instance, the MAWS and SMAW are not in the available launchers, even though the ammo appears. When an AI engineer disables an IED, the IED model disappears but the IED will still explode when crossing its proximity.
  9. CWR2 is one of my favorites mods! It's brilliant work. Thank you for this gift. I didn't expect you to port it to Arma 3, though. Technology is developing faster than what modding communities can cope with. I don't blame you for wanting to retire from your seven year project. Hopefully, this past year has pulled in some curious modders who will want to start adding in models to A3. We will have to see.
  10. aviatormoser

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Panties in bunches everywhere. People need to man up.
  11. aviatormoser

    Development Blog & Reveals

    And now we can keep the people out who cannot even install Arma 2 mods. Because there is zero difference installing mods with Steam or without Steam. I don't see how mods will be affected. I've used Combined Ops since it debuted on Steam and I use 70+ mods. No issues. Also, I haven't even used Steam to launch Arma in six months. It's like as if Steam wasn't even there. I get why people would want a physical copy. That's understandable. For the other excuses.....pardon...what is the problem exactly?
  12. aviatormoser

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Yes, of course. But I want to make sure we are sticking to facts. Because a lot of these "resource hogs, clusterfuck installs, fascist DRM" claims are just as ridiculous as they sounds. Most people don't want to install a 3rd party software. Neither do I. They shouldn't have to come up with tons of BS to advocate personal preference, though. Personal preference is good enough.
  13. aviatormoser

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    I agree that it's unnecessary. We don't really need Steamworks. The BI server lobby works fine. I just want the facts to be straight. Steam is not a memory hog. It uses what...60 MB of RAM in the task bar? 0% CPU idling? And if you're really short on memory (which you shouldn't be), well then Steam will just be cached on the page file. And here's the ironic part. I don't even have to launch Steam to play my Steam copy of Arma 2:CO. But some actually prefer launching through Steam so that they can use the overlay. To each their own. So all this nonsense about Steam + Arma = clusterfuck is well...nonsense. See above.
  14. aviatormoser

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    So much paranoia in this thread. At first I thought Steam was just an inconvenience for people to install and run. Now, I realize it's full-fledged fear. I'm pretty sure Steam may have saved PC gaming with their distribution model, but since they are successful, they must be trying to tread on its customers now. With that logic, BIS is evil, because Arma II is a huge sales success with DayZ. I really don't understand the fear. Or maybe I'm just insensitive.
  15. aviatormoser

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    I don't think people should be required to have Steam to play Arma 3. The server browser issues in Arma II are annoying at worst, but surely can be fixed with an in-house solution. As for Steam, I don't know where people get these ideas that its horrible DRM and a resource hog, and that its a clusterf--k with mods. That's all a bunch of crap. I use Steam with Arma and loads of mods, and I have no troubles whatsoever. It's no different now than it was when I started playing in '10. People are just afraid of the weirdest things.
  16. aviatormoser

    [TvT/FFA/CO-40] Dynamic Zombie Sandbox

    Wow, I've been hosting this with my friends on my home dedicated server. We stress the crap out of it filling it up with LOADS of zombies. So much fun when we look around and see 100 zombies chasing us! Maybe you should put in some more scavenging gameplay, like food and water and vehicle parts? We're not looking for a PVP experience (because the DayZ players just want to watch the world burn). We're more of a "Let's ambush a horde of 100 zombies together" COOP group.
  17. aviatormoser

    Patrol Operations 2

    Boat assaults on Capriara.....nice!
  18. aviatormoser

    Patrol Operations 2

    I see. Thanks, Davo.
  19. aviatormoser

    Patrol Operations 2

    I am also not seeing ambient civilians on Clafghan as well. The init_mps_server.sqf has this coded: // Ambient Civillians if(AMBCIVILLIAN > 0 && count ALICE_MODULE > 0) then { MISSION_GroupLogic = createGroup sideLogic; ALICE = MISSION_GroupLogic createUnit [(ALICE_MODULE) select 0,[0,0,0],[],0,"NONE"]; ALICE setVariable ["spawnDistance",500]; ALICE setVariable ["ALICE_civilianinit",[{ _this addEventHandler ["Killed",{ _killer = _this select 1; if(side _killer == (SIDE_A select 0) ) then{ mission_commandchat = format["%1 killed a civilian!",name _killer]; publicVariable "mission_commandchat"; player commandchat mission_commandchat;}; }]; }]]; }; I do not see a ALICE ambient civilian module in the mission editor, although an ALICE ambient civilian vehicle is enabled and which does work (I see plenty of vehicles in towns, just no people). Also, I am not sure how the IEDs work. Are some IEDs placed as land mines? I nearly ran some over last night. The mps_func_ieds.sqf code has these class names for the IEDs: mps_ieds = [ "Land_Misc_Garb_Heap_EP1", "hiluxWreck", "datsun01Wreck", "datsun02Wreck", "SKODAWreck", "UAZWreck", "BMP2Wreck", "BRDMWreck" ]; But yet, I saw landmines along with these in-game. Also, is the insurgent code located in the IED script? I think this is it. if(random 1 > 0.6 && mps_ambient_insurgents) then { _ied spawn { waitUntil{ { side _x == (SIDE_A select 0) } count nearestObjects[position _this,["Man","LandVehicle"],800] > 0 && alive _this }; _grp = [position _this,"INS",(2 + random 4),20,"standby"] call CREATE_OPFOR_SQUAD; }; }; If I changed 0.6 to a number like 0.4, then will I have a greater chance of encountering insurgents?
  20. What's not the problem? I thought you were asking if there was a map with grid marks. My answer is once again: No. Only in-game.
  21. Grid numbers take the fun out of it. Identify your location via landmarks ;) Then find a map in-game with grid marks.
  22. wwwDOTarmedassaultDOTinfo/index.php?game=1&cat=news&id=2711 Links to high-res maps of Chernarus :) +1 Agree about the frustration to an extent, but I think that certain emotion is evoked purposefully by design. I believe Rocket intended to make them hard to hit to make us all frustrated. I like the risk of having zombies appearing out of nowhere. It adds tension and suspense. But I agree with them appearing right next to you. Perhaps they can spawn within a certain radius of the town and close in. Also, they are terrible with stairs! Easy to get away from them by using stairs. + 1 +1 "Some men just want to see the world burn." I treat the simulation like the Hunger Games. I run into the woods. Stay away from large cities. Be careful of who you trust. Live off the land. +1