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Everything posted by tremanarch

  1. tremanarch

    Development Blog & Reveals

    dude.... I dont know but do you think all 6 Mrd people in this world move the same? no. Just record 8 people doing the same thing and you have 8 different moves. Make them the same speedendpoint and still 8 different.. use your phantasie, I have no energy to teach you that.
  2. They could make a quick-run-gun-fun gamemode. Just take 1/50 of the whole Island ;) So it is small enough for constant Action. A Vehicle Respawn Timer, and some Flags - and so you have a BF Clone more or less. THis will help new players to befriend themselves with the engine and everything else. When they have mastered the small BF-Mod, they can move on to bigger things like the whole Island, several fronts etc Transportation, Ammo, Medics.. I see it as a door which should be opnened step by step, or else all newcomers get brightened by the light so hard they leave.
  3. tremanarch

    Development Blog & Reveals

    It was just an idea for Animation diversity. Soldiers should look less like a robo army and more like many humans, big ones, small ones etc. I had nothing like faction sided advances in mind... And if all players would then take small soldiers, then they should have some kind of disadvantage.. or maybe players are forced for one type, and only NPC can differ. But I doubt all players would take a little model if this were in. As I said, just some diversity in Animations I had in mind...
  4. Yeah but in Arma you wouldnt shoot soldiers with the jet I hope... ;) ArmA is more of a simulation then an FPS Action-Game. To please these kind of players, the modelmaker guys, playing with the Editor, it would be great to have a little more fun artificial Inteligence for the NPCs. They behave sometimes strange. And they are shooting much too precise.
  5. Armas greatest strength are large battles. Why not build on that somehow. Maybe they could split the map in 6 parts, and all have to play it round after round each part, and after 6 rounds the sides can watch how many areas are conquered by whom etc.. and maybe in the last round its the whole map which the former conquered cities or sth. The game basically needs some smoothing. Some more polishing. And apart from these mainstream game modes there can be the normal ones. But these do only make fun with nice people, so it is a good thing to have some mainstream servers. Where BIS needs a little work is close combat gameplay. The movement is buggy. When you walk with the pistol you crash at doors and obstacles. The feel is clumsy. You fall from ladders sometimes etc. This needs some love. Then Close COmbat Lovers could play some rounds too. It is always nice to play a quick close combat round for training and just fun. Thats why BF3 and COD is so popular. But after some close COmbat rounds players could want some bigger stuff, and then there is ArmAs true strength. So if ArmA could offer both I guess it would be a win - win situation.
  6. tremanarch

    MP thoughts

    They could include some CLose QUarter Combat Maps, Big houses Motels and such stuff. The players can see it as a training Mod for CLose Combat and reflexes, and the COD Players can purely play that... What they need is a little smoother Movement. Not so much stuttering. The Movement and animations are a little bit clumsy sometimes. For me it doesnt matter so much. But the CoD players dont feel comfortable with it ;) I make an easy to understand graph: its movement -> time:http://s14.directupload.net/images/120508/ycgurpf4.jpg in the real world movement is not linear - but has a higer order dont be mad, I mean it good! And I am exaggerating here. Most movement is already really good. Its the little tiny flaws that CoD Players are confused. But it should not be first priority to attract those kind of players anyway.
  7. tremanarch

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    I would be happy to find bugs, recreate them, and send the method how to create the bug to BIS. But I can only do it at the weekends.
  8. Yes, i remember that mission. And how awesomly happy I was when I reached the base in the morning, when the sun was setting. this was the moment I fell in Love with this Game series forever ;)
  9. tremanarch

    Development Blog & Reveals

    At least someone likes the idea ;) I guess it is too much to demand. The team is small and there are other more important things to work on. But if, in the future everything is set and done ;) they could implement something like that. A little bit more diversification around the area of operation in the fight. What they really need is more sales -> more money -> more guys working on the good stuff ;)
  10. tremanarch

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I would even like to see, maybe in ArmA IV or later ;) different animations for different people. I mean a new american soldier (20yrs old greenhorn) moves different than a special ops guy (older has seen many things moves maybe smoother or so). Just record the motion capture from several actors - real soldiers. And a resistance guerilla type of guy (is maybe thinner, more aggressive? or more frustraded / more shaky whatever) again also moves different. Little differences are what makes the immersion deeper. But maybe this is too much. For ArmA V or VI maybe. Civs also move more relaxed, they have time, or they run in fear, look maybe nervous around or sth. There should be more models, thin guys, long guys short guys, thick guys, muscle guys and so on. But the creation of such a system would also mean a complete overhaul of all (old ;) ) animations. -- But I guess this is too much. Just an idea for future updates.
  11. Momentum of mass is an additional keyword.
  12. I think so too. AT least I like bigger maps more than smaller regardless of the graphic. but maybe they could be a bit tricky. The ground textures in BF3 are very tricky. They look 3d, but arent. Thats all I am asking for. anyway, ArmA II is still a beauty, and ArmA III will get even better!
  13. What I would like to see is some kind of nice transition from sharp grass and textures in front and near the soldier to more far away mountains. They look too blurred: http://s14.directupload.net/images/120506/o9jdumqn.jpg -- here it is done in another shooter, the mountain is as slick as in ArmA but it looks like it is not: http://s7.directupload.net/images/120506/v8846y7r.jpg -- From far above ArmA again looks far far better - just like a real picture: http://s1.directupload.net/images/120506/attcr9iz.jpg - It is also a problem in PvP when you can see the enemy soldiers crawling over a slick, blurred texture, grass-less mountain. -- Another thing that bugs me since Operation Flashpoint, are the hills and mountains. I know that it is hard to make a whole island with such many details, and that the comparison is not so fair cause ArmA II is 3 years older than that. It is just to show: http://s1.directupload.net/images/120506/eiez26jx.jpg http://s1.directupload.net/images/120506/hkfiq3eo.jpg Hills shouldnt be so slick. They should have grooves, stones, and cliffs and such. In Arma Mountains often are just slick eggs.
  14. I really dont know If this might be in the game already, as I dont have the Volumetric Clouds. And it is rather a cosmetic feature not first priority, but it looks cool ;) Could we have a little bit of moving cloud shadow (maybe not so much like in this video I recorded but a little bit could not hurt right?) short version: longer Version:
  15. always waitng for this waiting for that, looking at the chat forest... please get this solved first.
  16. tremanarch

    Development Blog & Reveals

    looks strange. whenever I run my arms dont move so much back... It is the standard Style from BIS I know since Op.F. ;) but I like the new Video. Looks great!
  17. Do you lose Humanity when killing Bandits? Because, when I think of it. Killing them is the best you can do. Bandits from Airports have all you ever wanted, NVGs, Best weapons, AMmo and Equipment! They should be the first and most lucrative target out there! Just go for the airports and dont bother the houses with shitty loot, just watch out for bandits with the good loot.
  18. tremanarch

    Aiming Accuracy in Arma 3

    earth rotation and wind should be in
  19. just make players transparent for low gfx settings. They shouldnt be able to see them. make it so.
  20. being a bandit is already hard. You get shot at whenever someone sees you. And I came across Situations where I saw people and wated to move. I said i lower the weapon and move slowly across a field. But they said yes they let me go, but then shot at me. Bandit Skin means : get attacked.
  21. All this argument is going no where. The colours are a bit off. Thats the point. And adjusting Monitor Levels or NVidia settings is not gonna work. I wont do that and you shouldnt either. Monitors are calibrated for a reason. And adding colour via post rendering is not clever. You cant polish a turdle. When there is lack of colour, saturation will just add distortion. The more of these posteffects are rendered the more information is lost and the more distortion is added. They could just add an option like: sunglasses: blue, yellow, green, orange, non... In real life earth has less colours only when it gets dark. And therefore its okay. but the world has colour and that gives lot of information. Of course colour is hard to work with, cause it looks artificial when done wrong. Its easier to desaturate than to have right colours. But it wont be more realistic with less colours it just doesnt look so wrong in the first place.
  22. In my eyes 4 tents and one fire place should offer a group spawn! but one must be in sight of it. Something like that. And maybe one of the tents should be ones own tent in order to be able to spawn.
  23. tremanarch

    New to the Arma series

    Just buy ArmA II - Combined Ops, and ther two DLC's for the Models if you like it! YOu can try Take on Helicopters too (Heli SIm), you have then volumetric clouds in Arma too..
  24. could be, as I said, I dont know for sure what causes this (Weather conditions? Post FX? something else?), but the colour seems for normal Reality too wrong. And as they exist to showcase their new engine, without any explanation, one can assume that is taken from the gameplay and not a special FX Scene which doesnt show the full potential. One could assume that they used then maybe Film Grain or sth. to show that. ANd I repeat: I like the colorless Picture overall, and there are some screenshots they look so fine, one cant easily say if that is a game or a real life photography. Just some of these pictures stuck out in my eyes - so I had to make a little test in my Video Software, and what it showed, I liked to post in the forums. Thats all. Just a suggestion.
  25. I dont want to disturb BIS. A game is like art, and its their art direction. WHo am I to interfere. And at least I like their style since i first played the Operation Flashpoint demo in 2001?or 2002.. It was just a little wake up call. They should not overdo it, or we end up playing in Sepia ^^ (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b3/Astrid_Princess_of_Sweden.jpg) Dont get me wrong I __DONT__ mean it should look like that: http://s14.directupload.net/images/120504/2y7kweoz.jpg *Cough* BF3 *Cough*