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Everything posted by tremanarch

  1. tremanarch

    Congratulations Bohemia Interactive

    its a shame about the gamer community that it needs some kind of advertising that a good excellent game is noticed. Interesting is though that they all seem to play DayZ purely... thats confusing in my eyes. DayZ is a good mod, dont get me wrong, but I cannot play it too long, I need my Warbiests every now and then!
  2. tremanarch

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    cant wait for the summer setting!! new colours all the way baby.
  3. tremanarch

    Are you going to upgrade because of ARMA 3?

    670 or 660TI if there comes one.. 8GB should be enough but maybe I upgrade to 16 GB.... thats all... a new MB / CPU is too expensive at the moment and wouldnt give that much more performance as I already have a 2500k @ 4.6 Ghz.. but I wait till A3 beta!
  4. tremanarch

    Is ArmA III having the OFP:CWC vibe?

    then the AI maybe needs some kind of suppression fire function, or otherwise fights wont last long without scripting ot continious reinforcements... WHat i want is shooting sounds far away maybe a chopper burning flying over our heads, maybe something like that.. and when you cross that town 30 minutes later by chance there are the left overs and burning vehicles of the fight... And It is not so unrealisitc if AI would search for cover and shoot randomly at a direction and maybe progess very slow but constantly shooting here and there and search next cover quick etc..s ome behaviour that makes sounds ;) not only kills. story wise that could be reasoned by that the AI soldiers and the conflict is maybe more between reservists and not toally professionals or something...
  5. tremanarch

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I want freedom over my files, beta patching, mods installing.. all without steam pls.
  6. tremanarch

    Congratulations Bohemia Interactive

    I recently noticed a slight increase in Warfare Players that were new... I like!
  7. vanilla, and Warfare FX 5 Colour Filter http://s1.directupload.net/images/120625/x7d4jpmy.jpg and a moped ride: http://s14.directupload.net/images/120625/tumsndkc.jpg http://s1.directupload.net/images/120625/pq8r8rnh.jpg -- While being outside today I thought of changing a Fall Chernarus Picture to match the actual Summer setting (Colours etc) with my limited Gimp SKills. What do you think? (I overbrightened it a bit, cause my old eys dont seem to work that perfectly anymore, so thats how summer looks to my eyes^^): original (Fall / autumn): http://s1.directupload.net/images/120626/28uepg5t.jpg changed (SUmmer 11 o'clock): http://s7.directupload.net/images/120626/s8754t3u.jpg Another one: Autumn: http://s7.directupload.net/images/120626/6o82oets.jpg Summer: http://s14.directupload.net/images/120626/giyk92sr.jpg
  8. i didnt know proving grounds was special - had to actually play in editor. and yes it feels more natural and all that.. not like a plane surface! but what does the term cell size mean?
  9. tremanarch

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    But really for ESL there are easy solutions: just use the same army and same weapons.. (red vs blue Opfor or red vs BLue BLufor..) ESL should be minor priority it is easy to solve... And Balancing includes false thinking. YOu cannot balance everything.. Why do you believe a gunner should 1:1 vs 12 jets? no... It is not about highscore or crap it is about doing the best you can within the situation. And if the situation is not fair it makes more fun! to trick a tank in searching you in a city for 10 minutes is much more win than 1:0 is lose... So in my eyes the highscore should go and maybe implemented should be a reputation system... people can give other people points cause they helped them, or they tricked an enemy army in going to the wrong town, or they found the enemy base etc etc etc this is what its alla bout not the stupid kill death ratio... example: if there is a guy who follows me and sity there and tells me where the enemy is in a town and i shoot them, and then he gives me ammo or whatnot, this guy has done a fair good job even if he has 0 kills... it is not about kills only.. I would give this guy a +1 - and on it goes... But even that is unnecessary. I see what people are doing and I can help them or send them money already in arma II if I appreciate that. So doing a rep system or highscore is only for the e-pen and though not _really_ needed but welcomed by many people....
  10. tremanarch

    Is ArmA III having the OFP:CWC vibe?

    hmm but i also like the OA approach - some shorter missions you can play over and over again with different strategys. but yes some ofp 'on your own' style missions should be there ^^ that awesome feeling. the harvest red approach I also like... difficult to merge all these 3 styles into 1 campaign. I at least would buy for additinal campaigns even if it had no additional content... I always liked them (sometimes they were very difficult like Red Hammer).. maybe some way around the difficulty like: the user can decide to do a all in one extremely hard mission, or maybe does the same stuff differently with 3 missions which may be a bit more boring for pro gamers but perfect fpr beginners to choose... dunno example: you can conquer a city just so in 1 mission, or make 3 missions where you cut the supply first, then infiltrate second, and thrid maybe bribe some soldiers etc and then conquer the city much more easily...
  11. just upload them on youtube - if they are bigger than 15 minutes I can up them aswell - but I havent them...
  12. that looks delicious! awesome picture. Garlic - hmmmmm :) I love anyway - regarding terrain resolution - thats sound interesting - what could that mean?
  13. tremanarch

    Congratulations Bohemia Interactive

    demonstrating the power of gameplay videos seeded among players.....
  14. tremanarch

    Confused with Co-op Campaign

    cant you join a player squad and do his stuff? in scenarios this is possible..
  15. please keep the actual physics of the cars wheels when driving bumbping to ground. it looks far more realistic than typical physX stuff in games... it feels just right while typical physx Games cars feel like gum balls..
  16. tremanarch

    Prometheus: The prequel to ALIEN trailer is out.

    review: http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=prometheus_nutshell
  17. tremanarch

    Will Arma 3 be better optimized

    no the hardware is good for small effect games but not for vast landscapes with AI Calcs.... utilization says nothing.. not all calcs can be parallized.. its not that easy in the real world... you cant bake a cake in 1 millisecond with 10000 cooks..
  18. tremanarch

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    awesome! cant wait till i get my virtual hands on the CZ 805 BREN A1 "In our ongoing strive for authenticity, we reached out to Česká Zbrojovka for help with the visual and audio virtualization of the CZ 805. More than open to the idea, the company invited us to its private firing range. " glad to hear that! Great Company offering a hand!!! "and even the extremely detailed (and valuable) 3D blueprints of all their weapons in the DLC (Scorpion EVO II, CZ75 pistol variants and CZ 750 sniper rifle). " WOW this makes them very likable..
  19. tremanarch

    Congratulations Bohemia Interactive

    and the forums are not only a newsforum but also a good readable knowledge database thx to that!!!
  20. tremanarch

    Windows reinstalled

    Ok I did ( But I have the DISC Version anyway) I installed ArmA 2 -> 1.07 (launched it shortly), then OA (did not launch this.. had some secu rom issues), then PMC and BAF then 1.6 Patch installing just now..
  21. I have a new HDD, and a new Windows installation. Do I have to reinstall the complete ArmA II again? or can I just copy the exisiting installation folder and start the game normally?
  22. tremanarch

    Realistic optics

    ah okay ;) thats too much detail .. it is just that the ACOG Zoom is 4x times of the RMB FOV and not the default -not-pressing-a-button FOV..
  23. tremanarch

    Realistic optics

    maybe it says that in the options. But it aint zooming. Zooming means make all the things bigger. but what actually happenes with RMB is that you see a decreased field of view stretched onto the screen (so what is left seems larger. that is what Max Power tried to say: it feels like a zoom, but it aint a real zoom.. when looking through the ACOG it only zooms, there is no altering of the FOV.. (of course you see a decreased cutout but not an altered Field of View I guess. I still could be wrong here, but that is what I get the things are working out here... Not for sure though. There is also a difference between horizontal and vertical FOV... (dunno how it is done in ArmA II) Is there not even sth. about this matters in the ingames tutorial?
  24. tremanarch

    What games got you into tactical gaming?

    Rainbow Six Rogue spear
  25. tremanarch


    yes a polfilter would be great.. but still some blue shift ^^ pls