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Everything posted by tremanarch

  1. tremanarch

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    they should hire a poor soul - which only purpose should be to re watch all the code of the rendering engine and the AI. Something has been forgotten it feels. some temporary stuff. WHen I have large AI battles in Editor I have low fps and after they are dead I have high fps, but not as high as without AI at all. Then after 3-4 hours intensive AI gaming it seems the whole game engine is slower even if I restart a whole new mission. (when I restart the whole game.exe it feels fresh and young again) Something with the temporary cache or something might be wrong. and this could add to the OP Problem. -- When I am not mistaken I had also such behaviour in Resistance, and evven before in CWC and Red Hammer. There must be something digged deep down in the engine that should get overhauled. Maybe the streaming concept should get reworked - dunno exactly where the bottle neck is when CPU and GPU are not maxed each. Maybe Streaming? -- I know this is so tough, it is maybe easier to remake the whole new engine than to search the old code databases and read the various Comments. I can only imagine what a nightmare it is. But, why not let someone do it who is so dedicated. a true fan.. like in Linux, the code is open source, so many guys make good stuff because they like their system optimised, its not only a job for them. I think 10 coders that are bugged by a behaviour can solve an error better than 20 payed coders that only do their job. (no offense just a comparison thought). -- but maybe its really pointless and we all should hope that future PC's are better in exactly that what ArmA needs, thats not exactly CPU nor GPU but something like all components playing toegther in a symphony :)
  2. best game mode for me so far! fats paced tactical - yes I like it!
  3. tremanarch

    Wasteland for ArmA 3 by 404Games [MP]

    do you to download something when playing or when setting up a server? I have no mod but wasteland keeps crashing my army client. Do I need to install a mod for this?
  4. tremanarch

    Auto walk bug

    had this happen three times. cant connect it with something special I did. but it was very often in hectic situations. maybe i pressed two or three keys at the same time - not sure. needs further investigation.
  5. can you revert back anytime? didntz work btw. the game crashes at start.. steam didnt download sth. when I checked the dev build
  6. tremanarch

    Helicopter physics impressions - simplified

    also isnt it maybe hard to tech the AI to fly proper with realism?
  7. very nice. thx for presenting!
  8. tremanarch

    Wasteland for ArmA 3 by 404Games [MP]

    great fun. Bugs: (1.02) Quad Sit Animation sometimes bugged (Superman style)
  9. maybe they were drunk. When I had the chance I would have played the Alpha drunk too ;)
  10. tremanarch

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    the thing that a CPU is not One thing that does something. Saying the CPU is 30% overloaded or 90% overloaded or X % Overloaded states everything wrong. It creates in people minds that a CPU is one doing thing which is wrong. There are several units. What if function A by the CPU is used 100% and function B is not used. WIndows would say: CPU Usage 50%. But in reality ArmA only uses function A, so it really should be 100% Usage for ArmA: In reality its a bit more complicated but thats kind of how you can see it. Overclock your CPU - it gives more performance. I have a 2500K @ 4.5 GHZ, but when I let run my machine a MP Server after 1-2 hours it takes 35% CPU Usage for ARMA alone with me sitting on Desktop and typing stuff in forums :)
  11. tremanarch

    Bug regarding helicopter yaw?

    there must be invisible bounds. I rebound the arrow keys but my guy still keeps screaming forward / stop command when I use them in a car as commander. same with Shift and E - cant del them from turbo of helis... also when I chat, the keys I press dont only make my chat text but ingame stuff, opening the clock with 'o' and stuff.-... I guess for the heli command look here: [Name].Arma3AlphaProfile in: C:\Users\[Name]\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha there is also the key keyPushToTalk[]={58}; but what number represents what Key on Keyboard??
  12. tremanarch

    How good is the AI...?

    today we attacked one Inf AI we were in a car with mounted gun. The ai was so clever he kept running round a big rock he found and we had to follow him ;) that was nice to see.
  13. Num 0 for the Screen N for Night / thermal vision
  14. to much for today: MP was hell of a fun! 4 strangers before after we fled we were 4 friends :) good game BIS Grats I wanted to buy SE - but due to the shop downtime I just bnought the DDE. If there will be some upgrades I would happily upgrade in the future. anyway, I will buy the DLC's anyway.
  15. tremanarch

    Character Customization

    i want supressors and iron sights i can switch them but there isnt a crate or i mis it
  16. i solved it after the fith try. run to the rocks use the stances give your buddys fire safety and kill the enemies on the hill with nade launcher.. then in the village kill the enemies and then to the hill and kill the spotters, run finished . its not that hard really.. i have already solved all mission only helicopter i am still trying ;)
  17. tremanarch

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    I guess one year from now all those nay sayers that nevertheless tried steam for arma 3 and used it, will have more than one game and will find it also good. Steam is the future of PC Gaming. Its not evil. Gabe Newell is a cool character - sophisticated. Triple A titles are in steam listed with Indy titles on the same page. There is no Bonus for big companies when you browse the shops games list. (Okay there is a banner on the shops front page that lists sale events etc) Gabe Newell has also his projects and his ideas. All this community driven evaluation thing for indy titles - do you think thats a typical Big companies habit? I like to read Neal Stephenson books, and I know that he is creating a sword fighting game with an extra controller - and guess who is supporting it? yes gabe newell again. I dont want to advertise. But please dig a little bit and gather knowledge. Steam may be a risc, but compared to other riscs its neglectable and just comfortable. And I promise many of you will join me on this one in one year or so... We will see :)
  18. tremanarch

    Arma 3 plans for 2013

    yes yes yes! I am so happy right now. I already thought it would never come. And the idea of letting us mod right away. truly awesome guys! you ROCK!
  19. tremanarch

    ArmA 3: new ARG - Things we know so far.

    so back to the terminal: WOPR -> Wopper -> Jerryhopper? M-26 -> M26 Pershing Tank -> ? no? AMES1 -> aims one? wopper aims one pershing tank?
  20. tremanarch

    ArmA 3: new ARG - Things we know so far.

    Just a short update please! are we still trying to login the http://m26.node-42.rv4a3.org/ ? and is the ION Website and the games the only source of members names and stories?
  21. tremanarch

    ArmA 3: new ARG - Things we know so far.

    im watching the movie wargames right now - maybe I can find some hints. You know this reminds me of the book: Ready Player one :) very nice in the book are more 80s reference names / passwords btw...
  22. tremanarch

    New ArmA 3 ARG started?

    ah so interesting :) why couldnt I notice this on Friday :))) dont be so quick guys! you found out so much already
  23. tremanarch

    Poll: Will you buy Arma III?

    steam for me is even a plus.