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Everything posted by Fragmagnet

  1. Fragmagnet

    SO.... You're a sniper!! Prove It!

    you have to put it in the arma3/mpmissions folder in your steamapps folder not your mydocuments/arma3/mpmisisons
  2. What are you talking about. It works perfectly for me. People don't realize that if you set the range to 400. And aim at a target that is 400m away, but not on the same elevation as you. You won't hit him, you have to compensate for height difference yourself.
  3. Fragmagnet

    How to remove auto-AIM ?

    there is no autoaim. You might be mistaking rifle sway for it however.
  4. Not a problem at all for me.
  5. Fragmagnet

    SLI Destroys PiP monitors.

    I'm still confused as to why the skidmirror on the little bird has no problems ever. It works 100% of the time for me even with SLI on.
  6. Fragmagnet

    Will this be in the game? [Suggestions]

    Bullets already ricochet. Dismemberment probably won't be in vanilla arma 3. But likely possible through mods due to physx.
  7. Fragmagnet

    [MP][TVT/COOP] Total Conquest for Arma III

    After playing both versions for obscene amounts of time. I have some capture point suggestions Agia Marina infantry version points http://i.imgur.com/Q6rGCh4.png I find that whoever captures the base near the military range usually loses because the AI equals out there and can't push out. Having the points more oriented towards the canal might solve that. Also I want to see more epic firefights over the canal. Try not to have the points go INTO the canal though. Stratis air base infantry version points (make this plox) http://i.imgur.com/LleI9li.png And for the vehicle version Stratis air base part http://i.imgur.com/2sNs0GP.png Agia Marina part http://i.imgur.com/egzL2OK.png While playing the vehicle version, I noticed that the opfor like to make roadblocks on the road to stratis air base while they have it captured. It's kinda cool, but leaves agia marina free of ifrits. That might just be an AI thing though. Also the control points are in the canals on the vehicle version because a vehicle firing from the canal would be awesome. Also. I'd say get rid of transport vehicles. (MH littlebird and KA60 black(also the damn ATV(the AI don't know how to use it at all apparently))) Or make them a different spawn count than armed vehicles. and if you're looking for more options in your mission. How about that depending on certain requirements a mortar spawns in and does not go away until it is destroyed. Requirements could either be Capture and hold a mortar point for more than 5 minutes (now the mortar wouldn't have to spawn IN the mortar point, just in one of the allied points) have certain number of points (once again mortar can spawn in any point) Would probably be best to stay as 1 per team. and both teams having one at the same time would be amazing because explosions. Although I'm not sure how well the AI would use it. Would be neat if the AI just fired into enemy points and not at enemies themselves. Or maybe you could have an action that calls the mortar to shoot at a specific point.
  8. Fragmagnet

    Nvidia settings SLI mode

    Yeah I don't see why arma 3 can't detect if you're running an NVidia card that supports physx, and have it run physx on the card if it is detected. This way ATI users can still play and NVidia users get the benefit of GPU physx
  9. Fragmagnet

    AI in HMG vehicles too accurate against helis.

    Getting shot out of the cockpit in arma 2 was a very common thing just try to not fly straight at it while it's shooting at you.
  10. Fragmagnet

    JUMP please!!

    V is all you need. Jumping would be a waste of time and coding. Vaulting is meant to replace jumping. Which it does.
  11. Fragmagnet

    Skirmish module tutorial?

    Hmmm what's the skirmish - POI (assuming point of interest) module. Maybe it will make the squads go there.
  12. I liked how the sun blinded you in arma 2.
  13. I've had this problem in A2 before. Alt Tabbing usually seems to work there. Not sure about A3 though.
  14. Fragmagnet

    The Grenade Thread

    Soldiers are trained to NOT cook grenades. CTRL+G for throw grenade CTRL+R for Switch thrown item G for gear. and you could do CTRL+T for change type of throw
  15. Fragmagnet

    The evil "G"-button!

    CTRL + G to throw a grenade CTRL + R to switch thrown item G to open Gear No problems here.
  16. Fragmagnet

    Need Stance Indicator

    I prefer to stay away from hud elements that look like a soldier because they never fit in with the rest of the hud. Also most of the time it just looks silly.
  17. Fragmagnet

    Need Stance Indicator

    It would only need to be something simple. And would just be small and in the top right corner near the rest of your info. Something simple like this and you wouldn't even really need the words. Just fill in the box of your stance.
  18. Fragmagnet

    Arma 3 first impressions

    The cracks from bullets flying by aren't as imposing as they were in Arma 2. They need to be brought back into the front of the sound mix instead of seeming to be in the background.
  19. The "tank" is an APC, it always had that view.
  20. Fragmagnet

    Why is the AI in the armory so... good?

    Well you're trying to snipe from 300 meters away. That's the range for regular rifles. Snipers range from 600-1600 meters. I've gotten someone from as far out as 2000 meters before.
  21. Fragmagnet

    MCC Sandbox - The Mod

    The creation of zones seems to be broken after the recent patch nvm seems to have fixed itself
  22. Fragmagnet

    MCC Sandbox - The Mod

    Can you remove the lines regarding the ACE wounding system for AI Because currently setting true or false doesn't do anything For me the system for ai never works if the line isn't commented out But if you comment out the line it works. // ACE Wounds System for AI (set TRUE to On, set FALSE to Off) ! // ace_sys_wounds_noai = false; set it as required like that also I found out why my AI weren't patrolling Apparently 2 comments in one line = breaks stuff. So just remove the second, like above if you're going to just comment out the line. // ace_sys_wounds_noai = false; //set it as required
  23. Fragmagnet

    MCC Sandbox - The Mod

    After the recent CBA and ACE updates the AI doesn't seem to patrol zones anymore.