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Posts posted by Damian90

  1. 6 minutes ago, AirShark said:

    I'm having a lot of issues with the BRDM (ATGM) variant, because of that turret auto stow on moving, the Ai is miss using them they like to move too much and the gunner will have a hard time shooting, sometimes they shoot and the driver will move just after which will miss lead the TOW missiles.


    This is how it work in real life, with launcher being hidden in hull when stowed. It can't be used when vehicle is moving, like most ATGM launchers, especially of that generation.

    • Like 1

  2. @Chairborne@Alwarren

    Perhaps this might help a bit with new models.

    M1A1 series uses CWS or in case of modern M1A1SA (US Army and ARNG) or M1A1FEP (USMC) new fully stabilized cupola SCWS.


    This image shos M1/M1IP and M1A1 series CWS (Commander Weapon Station) cupola on the left, and M1A2 series ICWS (Improved Commander Weapon Station) cupola on the right.

    The CWS cupola is non stabilized and have only power traverse. Elevation is manual handcranck. CWS cupola only have 3x day sight + 6 periscopes.


    Here you can see the CWS sight on the side of the machine gun mount, and central periscope under the machine gun mount.

    And this is view from CWS cupola, CWSS (Commander Weapon Station Sight) sight.

    The modern M1A1SA and M1A1FEP uses upgraded SCWS (Stabilized Commander Weapon Station) which have a full stabilization in azimuth and elevation, as well as power traverse and power elevation.


    The SCWS cupola uses upgraded CWSS sight for day channel, but also RTS (Remote Thermal Sight) seen in front of the ammunition box. RTS provides 3x, 6x and 9x zoom.

    The M1A2 series ICWS cupola due to changes in internal electronics architecture is non powered and is fixed (it does not rotate). Only it's machine gun mount rotates around the cupola and can only be used when TC open hatches and expose itself.

    This is why in M1A2SEPv2 (currently the most common M1 tank variant in US Army active service, all basic M1A2's and M1A2SEPv1's were long time ago upgraded to M1A2SEPv2 standard) replaced the mg flex mount, with M153 CROWS-2 remotely operated weapon station.


    The CROWS-2 is fully stabilized, have a day channel 1x, 15x and 30x zoom, thermal channel have 4.3x and 12.5x zoom. It also have a laser range finder and it's own FCS. For 12.7mm M2 machine gun, it hold 400 ready rounds with probably 400 more in storage.

    As you can also see, CROWS-2 is not directly mounted in the turret roof, but on the gunners primary sight "doghouse".


    This is the view from the gunner primary sight thermal channel. It shows central crosshair. Above the crosshair is the azimuth indicator, below crosshair is the range. Letter F indicates that something is inoperational (laser range finder for example) and should not be visible if tank is fully operational. On both sides of of the range are visible GPS coordinates from Far Target Location system. This system is used in various US armored vehicles. It uses own vehicle GPS location coordinates, north finding module, turret azimuth relative to the north and a range to target obtained by laser range finder, so the tank computer can calculate targets exact GPS coordinates. Later this data can be displayed for other units via FBCB2/BFT or JBCP command and control system, and sent to a higher echelon command, or artillery or even air support.

    This is a day sight view (altough FCS is not fully turned on).

    Thermal sight view (again FCS not fully cuntional).

    And a CITV view.

    The driver also have a thermal vision device that can replace his central periscope in his hatch.

    Also a rear view camera is mounted in one of the rear lights. It's mounted in the rear right light housing to be more precise.

    Other than that? A yes. All M1A1's and M1A2's can be up armored with TUSK kit. Either TUSK-1 or TUSK-2. The difference between the two is that TUSK-1 uses only M19 ARAT-1 ERA modules mounted on hull side skirts. TUSK-2 uses combination of M19 ARAT-1 and M32 ARAT-2 ERA modules in hull side skirts and M32 ARAT-2 modules on turret sides.

    This is M1A2SEPv2 with TUSK-2 kit mounted.

    This is how ERA is mounted and how combination of M19 and M32 modules look like on hull side skirts.

    Other than that?

    Ah yes. US Army faction should use M1A1SA and M1A2SEPv2 tanks. USMC should only use M1A1FEP tanks.


    All these variants have also new main gun ammo racks. This means they store 42 rounds in total. 18 rounds in ready rack behind loader, 18 rounds in semi-ready rack behind commander, and 6 rounds in hull ammo compartment between turret and engine.

    I can also share some of my research about the M1 series armor protection if you wish. But in general, M1A1SA/FEP and M1A2SEPv2 should have the most modern and heaviest armor protection from all the tanks avaiable in CUP. As they either use 3rd generation Heavy Armor Package (developed in early 2000's) or 1st generation Next Generation Armor Package developed in mid 2000's. This is a more modern solution than Leopard 2A6 D tech armor package eveloped in late 80's and early 90's, Challenger 2 Dorchester armor package also developed in late 80's and early 90's or T-90 armor package developed in early 80's.

    @Alwarren If you will have the models somewhat ready to show, I can point out where and what differences should be there between M1A1SA/FEP and M1A2SEPv2 as there is a few more details.


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  3. @CUP @Chairborne

    Your M1A1 and M1A2 tanks still need some fixes.

    1. The gunner primary sight view is from the wrong side of the turret, it should be from "doghouse" in front of the TC cupola.
    2. Coaxial M240 MG have wrong ammunition count. Ready bin holds around 4000 rounds, and in total there is 11400-12000 rounds for 7.62mm machine guns.
    3. TC 12.7mm M2 MG hold 100 ready rounds and in total 1000 rounds.
    4. If these are equivalents to modern variants. Gunner primary sight should have such zoom levels. Day channel have 3x and 10x zoom, and thermal channel have 3x, 6x, 13x, 25x and 50x zoom.
    5. M1A1 TC cupola have 1x front periscope + 3x CWSS sight for the machine gun. M1A2 TC have either CROWS or CITV for his disposal. CITV have only thermal channel with 3x, 6x, 13x, 25x and 50x zoom.


    Other than that, only the models are not very accurate.


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  4. @CUP@Chairborne

    I made some effort to visualize some of these suggestions I made previously. It's up to you if you use them, tough hopefully this might be helpfull. So let's start with airbase perimeter security in form of walls and fences. I would see a proper air base protected like this.


    I used only objects avaiable in vanilla Arma3 here. As we can see base is protected by a solid wall and a razor fence.


    This area here is perfect to create a barracks area and also sort of storage and maintnance area for vehicles with hangars and garrages and other buildings. So mission makers could both create a proper areas to store ammo, weapons, store vehicles and repair them, and also isolate ground vehicles from air assets.


    Some Livonia objects like this kind of hangar, can be used for both vehicles storage and maintnance area I presented earlier, and also to perhaps replace some other objects, like aircraft hangars. Also I would use the visible ground texture with concrete plates to use in vehicles storage and maintnance area. Other vanilla or Livonia objects could also be used like radar stations, control towers, barracks etc.

    Hopefully this will be helpfull for you guys and can have potential for more interesting and modern Chernarus.


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  5. @CUP

    Just a suggestion. Perhaps for Chernarus 2020, an airbase could be upgraded a bit? WIth fences (walls and wire fences) from vanilla game (if I could also suggest without holes? to actually represent a real military base with a proper protection, demanding breaching?). Perhaps with new air control tower, hangars.

    Maybe also in the southern part of the base a sort of a proper vehicle maintnance depot with vehicle hangars/garages?

    Livonia object could also fit well the map.

    • Like 4

  6. @mondkalb @GalComT

    A question, would you guys consider a T-55AM Merida for LWP faction? It looks similiar to T-55AM with Volna or Kladivo FCS, but Merida FCS have a different sight and no capability to fire ATGM's. However it uses new CDDN-1 day/night sight and old day sight is used as auxiliary. Merida FCS however can be considered as more precise and more modern than Kladivo/Volna FCS.

    T-55AM with Kladivo/Volna FCS next to T-55AM with Merida FCS.




  7. On 12/2/2019 at 8:18 PM, spooky lynx said:

    Maybe not even T-55AM version but an earlier one. Such as this:



    Damn, they look like a coffins...

    These were just designated as T-55A with special equipment. BTW line charge storage boxes were really nicknamed "coffins". System is designated PW-LWD or newer ZB/WLWD.

  8. 19 hours ago, GalComT said:

    T-55L - Designation for new polish build T-55A, if that actually carried over into a designation used in the army itself i do not know. Since you seem to be a lot more an expert on Polish army vehicle deisgnations, im happy to adjust it accordingly for the full release of 1.1


    Yes, as far as I am aware, T-55L/LK designation was never used. The list goes as I previously wrote it. To be certain I even searched through some polish military forums, and there also people seen designation T-55L but nobody knows from where it comes.

    One theory is that T-55L was factory designation for T-55's made for Libya, so T-55L means that L = Libya but still it's uncertain.

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  9. @mondkalb

    Are you certain that T-55L and T-55LK are proper designations?

    In Poland we used only such designations:

    T-55 – Produced in 1964-1968.

    T-55A – Produced in 1968-1981.

    T-55M - Unification of T-55 to T-55A standard.

    T-55U - Unification of T-54 to T-55A standard.

    T-55AD1 - Command tank.

    T-55AD2 - Command tank.

    T-55AM Merida - Upgraded version with addon armor and FCS Merida, similiar to Soviet and Czechoslovak T-55AM's.

    T-55AD1M - Command Tank variant of T-55AM Merida.

    T-55AD2M - Command tank variant of T-55AM Merida.

    T-55AMS - Engineerring tank variant of the T-55AM Merida.


    I might be wrong but I never seen designation T-55L/LK here in Poland.

    • Like 1

  10. That would be great. A proper Challenger 2 Mk1 model is really missing.

    @mikephoenix And maybe perhaps for a 2035 setting a proposed Challenger 2 Mk2 based on BAE and Rheinmetall consortium RBSL proposal for LEP program? I have a collection of some good photos.









    To summarize:


    - L30A1 rifled gun will be replaced by Rh120/L55A1 smoothbore gun.
    - Main turret and hull special armor modules will be replaced with newer and better ones.
    - New Fire Control System and new sights based on Ajax sights.
    - Powerpack improvements (most likely more powerfull 1500HP diesel).

    Besides Challenger 2 Mk2 with new turret and that smoothbore gun, looks just sexy! 😉

    • Like 5

  11. @AveryTheKitty

    A question. Do you plan to add a tank for British Forces faction? Either a Slammer (in Armaverse it's considered to be NATO standard in 2030's) including it's specialized variants like Scorcher and Sandstorm. Or Kuma perhaps?

    Altough IMHO BAF in Armaverse 2030's could use same MBT's as US. So Slammer, Scorcher, Sandstorm and even Panther, Bobcat and Cheetah. And supplement these with either Marshal or Gorgon.


    Also will you expand USMC faction with vehicles?

    BTW Keep up a great job at expanding vanilla factions, it makes game certainly more interesting. 🙂

    • Like 3

  12. leopard2a7v_01a.jpg


    BWMod team. It seems that Heer just received their first Leopard 2A7V. Are there any plans for future to add it to the mod? Considering that BWMod sets itself in 2020's-2030's, Leopard 2A7V would fit better in it's timeline than Leopard 2A6M.

    • Like 2

  13. 2 minutes ago, ShaKodemon said:

    have a m1a1 a fire control system? how to shoot in mooving target?

    Yes, M1A1 and M1A2 tanks in RHS have FCS.

    You find moving target. Track it, press TAB or T or whatever key you use for laser range finder. Then you still track target a bit to get a good lead, and then you shoot.

    RHS uses more realistic way to simulate modern FCS. When you lase the target and FCS induces lead, you can notice that turret moves independently to the sight.

    • Like 2

  14. 1 hour ago, thesun said:


    Hey there @Damian90

    your're the first one to notice this. 🙂 Luckily, we know about this and it's only a mistake in screen labeling. With that I have to inform you that you are only partially correct regarding the tank's versions.  The naming corresponds with versions manufactured / operated in Czechoslovakia. The versions were as follows:


    T-72 (early)

    - no smoke discargers

    - "no" side skirts and different type front mudguards

    - weaker armor

    - optical rangefinder TPD-2-49

    - only 31 delivered directly from USSR in 1978



    - laser rangefinder TPD-K-1

    - rest is the same as the one before

    - made in CSSR since 1981

    - numbers produced vary greatly



    - smoke dischargers

    - rubber sideskirts

    - rubber fuel tank and toolbox protection

    - weight +0.5t

    - ammo increase from 39 to 44

    - other minor improvements in manufacturing process and other

    - about 251 producedin CSSR (incl. export) since 1985



    - basically the same as above but...

    - new cast turret with armor steel + ceramic materials inserts

    - thicker (16mm) front glacis plate

    - again, other improvements on suspension, engine compartment, driver hatch and some others.

    - about 338 produced since 1986 (87 in service)


    The M1 is actually the only one that comes close to T-72A produced and used in USSR. 


    And here is correct screen:


    Ah I see, so CSLA naming convention was very similiar, if not the same to the LWP naming convention for these tanks. Thanks!

    Damn can't wait for the mod to be released! Cheers!

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