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Everything posted by gummybear_qc

  1. So I took a read at this but I don't quite understand how to do it. I do know how to start the arsenal in a box thanks to it but I don't want all the weapons to be allowed, only some custom weapons, sights and magazines. Can I copy the code of a crate made with arsenal from Zeus or do I have to add what I want one by one. And if so one by one, how do I do it exactly? All I read about copying code is just for loadouts, and not actual crate arsenal copy paste.
  2. Bug report. When using the missiles on the Norrkoping from the weapons officer station (the only way to use them correct?) I select a target on land and the missile goes out but immediately hits the water.
  3. I need to meticulously place targets in buildings and etc. What are my options to do so? I would like if there is a way to have a 3D editor that does not require me to load a script through an addon or something.
  4. gummybear_qc

    What are my options for 3D editing?

    First one didn't seemed to work. And MCC, like I said I don't want to have to load in text at the beginning of mission but I found other solutions like X-Cam or MapBuilder. Thanks though.
  5. Wow. Thank you very much!
  6. I can cope with it. How do I do it? I read the wiki page but like I wrote, I can't figure it out.
  7. Hello, so I saw the Tanoa expansion is paid, IMO that sucks should be free but that's not the point here so I will go on, except for the ones who bought the supporter edition. Does that mean when the game was in alpha? I did buy Arma 3 when it came out on Steam saying it was in alpha, it was like 20$ or 30$ back then. So is that what the supporter edition was?
  8. gummybear_qc

    Do I have the supporter edition?

    Oh alright thanks. I remember now why I didn't go for the top edition, I already had the other Arma games. :S Should have went for it.
  9. gummybear_qc

    Do I have the supporter edition?

    Yeah, well then. I probably won't be paying another 25$ for that, it starts to get quite expensive. ---------- Post added at 14:07 ---------- Previous post was at 14:06 ---------- Because Bohemia loves us?
  10. Can't seem to find 'em in any online library. http://i.imgur.com/K9J1vF8.jpg (268 kB)
  11. Ok, I paly on a warfare server and just wondering, we would like to still be able to sling Main battle tanks to a Huron for example, how can I make that happen? Is it possible just to add the Vehicle class name to the list of supported slingable vehicles?
  12. Alright thanks alot, I will contact my server admin and make sure he gives you credit for it.
  13. gummybear_qc

    Problem with subordinate inventory in multiplayer

    Also, tried without any mods running.
  14. So in multiplayer servers I can't open my AI subordinate inventory but I can't do anything with it, like drop stuff out. Here is a video showing in detail. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhLdQNggEzU Thanks for any advice and help on this,
  15. Hey, I keep searching and searching and can't find it. Anyone knows the classname for the black one and the black one with combat goggles. Thanks.
  16. gummybear_qc

    What is the classname of baclava

    Omg thanks finally. I was searhcing in Cfg I thought they were in CfgWeapons, everything except from them was there... lol thanks alot!
  17. I can't find any. I want a scirpt or a mod that works in multiplayer that has the ability to plant a satchel charge or explosive charge to a wall or a vehicle. Is there any out there??
  18. I know that one, but I thought we could only get it from the steam workshop. Thanks alot, now I can DL it normally. ---------- Post added at 01:15 ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 ---------- Theres no server keys, that's a problem.
  19. Ok so I want to suggest a script to a server and it's to attach charges to vehicles and walls and all I can find is mission scripts. How could I possibly take one of these scripts and make them into a .pbo and make a server key of that .pbo?
  20. gummybear_qc

    Add sever keys

    I'm using the TADST server tool and I see you can select mods on the server but how I actually make them require their server key? Thanks!
  21. gummybear_qc

    Add sever keys

    Ok thanks, and it'l get the keys from this path? @MODFOLDER/keys ? ---------- Post added at 22:45 ---------- Previous post was at 22:43 ---------- Ok thanks, and it'l get the keys from this path? @MODFOLDER/keys ?
  22. Well, all you have to do is disable the VON....
  23. Ok so in singleplayer it's ok, zeroing is set to 100m on vermin but on mutliplayer it's set to 300m, anyway to patch this? ---------- Post added at 05:13 ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 ---------- Solved... the scopes change the actual zeroing...
  24. gummybear_qc

    On the spot ambushes possible?

    So I play alot of warfare and was getting bored with lunchers so I play spec ops ish with mines and charges. I tried planting a charge and baiting a gorgon by shooting at but the Ai just stays there. Is it actually possible or not?