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Everything posted by Osric

  1. I was hoping to access the weapon damage (etc.) values as well. Unfortunately all the db folder contains at the moment is an .h file (script?) and a 300kb binary file (not much at all). I would certainly like to know if the ability to do this is coming soon, or if we're just looking in the wrong place, or whatever the issue might be.
  2. It could be a Czech word. ...Or you could just be over-thinking things. Simple test: what happened on September 11 2001?
  3. Osric

    Sense of scanner?

    I initially thought the scanner would let the equipped unit detect enemy units from further away (and display them on the mini-map). Blundering into an AT turret at full speed quickly dispelled THAT illusion! TBH I think giving it that exact function would be enough to make it viable rather than its current function of...umm...yeah. If it were to be moved to the No. 2 slot on the Walrus you would then only be able to equip the light weapons (GL, MG, Laser) since the heavy guns use slot 2. I'd like to keep the option of a scout Howitzer thanks.
  4. The FPS sections would be fine bar BI's fetish with mouse acceleration that you can't turn off. Oh, and the cheesy voice acting, SO MUCH CHEESE!
  5. What are your victory conditions set to? That might have something to do with it.Regards to the enemy Carrier running away: That's a problem I've had occurring in my current (Strategy) game a lot lately. The strangest thing is that when you arrive at a friendly island where the enemy carrier is present it runs away from the ISLAND not the your carrier. This difference was rather spectacularly demonstrated to me as he proceeded to go leave via the way I came; right through my Carrier and the two Walrus I had deployed (and I mean smash bash through me, not magical clipping)!
  6. Something needs to be done about the mouse acceleration NOW. While I can normally deal with a little bit of mouse acceleration (e.g. Far Cry 2, BF3 etc.) there is so much in CC I cannot play the campaign because the disconnect between relative mouse movement and what actually happens on the screen is enough to make me motion sick. Not even the beta trick of switching off post-processing makes it bearable any more. Ugh.
  7. On that note; I'm having trouble accessing the feedback area so who should I contact about that?
  8. Currently Mantas can only refuel and rearm on the carrier. I'm guessing that may change given they're already programmed to '"land" once they get close enough to the ground but where and how is another story. That's what the beta's for I guess! Also what helipad are you landing on? Those spawn [enemy] Mantas! That must have been hell to pull off lol.
  9. Osric

    unit design

    I look at the front end of a Walrus and immediately think of a Range Rover.
  10. You guys tried re-downloading the beta file as well as re-installing? You could have just got a partially corrupt file (that was still good enough to install but the contents were totally borked).
  11. To all those experiencing crashes there is a crash log in C:/Documents/CarrierCommand/Crash.txt. I'd advise shooting that to the feedback people so they can work on fixing it for the next build.
  12. The small number of islands is only for the beta. Needless to say that's probably what's making production seem so slow as well.
  13. Except the Walrus a re-purposed civilian vehicle. How many Vauxhalls have you seen win a fight with a tree? Besides the trees sway so damn nicely in the weather why would you want to knock them over?
  14. The carrier running over Walruses I can understand (see HMAS Melbourne) however dropping things into the collision model is a problem. I just dropped a Walrus on the deck of my carrier and drove it around for a bit so that seems solid so how'd you drop a Walrus into the model? Perhaps the best solution is that units executing a docking command don't take collision damage with their own carrier?
  15. Same, clicking anywhere next to the carrier will stop it, I haven't found any dedicated button yet. We need some kind of "all stop" command when we want to stop -now- rather than after the awkward maneuvering induced by the current method. If you're in a hurry to un-dock things (if you're getting pounded on by the enemy carrier for instance) having to perform some crazy maneuvers before launch just to stop is painful.
  16. If you bring a Manta low enough to the ground the landing legs extend and it makes as if it will land but most of the time you just bounce. I would like to be able to order my Mantas to land so I could set up some forward control point (either with installations or a repair gun Walrus) so on large islands they didn't have to fly so far for sorties -maybe in a future build? On that note we need a fuel Walrus to extend the range of our other Walrii. Also so we can refuel Mantas that have run out (although what happens when they do? Do they crash or land?). Further expand that logistics element.
  17. My first mistake was mixing up boost and climb. Hello side of carrier! Very good so far although the [island] AI can be very cavalier with its units at times and they seem to be replaced for free while the battle is ongoing. I understand the need to make the fights tactical and difficult but it does makes things feel a bit gamey-er than they probably should. Admittedly these free units seem to be unarmoured and carrying only MGs but it does make things rather tricky if you happen to loose a unit to the otherwise lethal turret-fire (though there is nothing cooler than directing a manta strike on the AG turrets and rolling in personally with the Walruses). Only bug I've found so far (apart from a user induced crash because I ramped the graphics to full and only have a GT240) is this nasty CTD when engaging the enemy carrier that seems (from the error message) to be related to the auto-fire systems for the deck guns. And something to do with Mantas. Point is I've found the error log now where do I send it? Oh yes and the defence drones seem to enjoy sitting smack bang in-front of the plasma cannon so they get KO'ed the minute you start firing.
  18. I've got 1284MB. Somewhat less than the 1.5GB initially claimed but I won't complain for now.My only gripe is this software insits on downloading from some mirror in the UK. Being in Australia it really couldn't have picked a worse location to download from.
  19. Osric

    P&C Beta questions

    I wouldn't worry too much about the size; especially if its a "compressed" strategic campaign. The size of a game can often be very deceptive as to its scope and is more indicative of how well it was put together. In example, going through my list of steam games, we have: Mount & Blade: Warband -> 0.75GB Installed M&B: With Fire and Sword -> 1.2GB Killing Floor -> 1.6GB Skyrim -> 5GB Installed Deus Ex 3 -> 8GB Installed And so on (plus two Total War games which are fricken' huge). Even "blockbuster" Skyrim is only 5GB when installed. In an amusing irony a games' size seems to be inversely proportional to its scope and more closely related to the number of highly unique events/environments etc. and to similar extent the scripted story. All those games bar Deus Ex play it fast and loose when it comes to story and this beta lacks that sort of scripted mode (they probably want to get the world right before they start building on it) in its entirety. Point is that 1.5GB for a beta (especially download size which is what I presume he means given the question) isn't anything to be alarmed about. Especially when we remember that Carrier Command is an RTS (type) game with two factions and two "core" units (at least for the UEC). Need a copy of ARMA or something to compare it to size wise to determine how well BIS controls software bloat. Other than that; nothing to be worried about. Remember that this is also a new engine, that has been designed specifically for CC, and has no-doubt been built around keeping things to a manageable size while maintaining quality (you CAN release a 20GB game, doesn't mean you should). Best question to I suppose is "what haven't we seen in recent screen shots?". I suspect if we've seen it (and it's not story exclusive stuff) it'll be in there.
  20. Osric


    Spare a thought for us in Australia! Its been beta day here for AGES! I'm at the store page, pressing refresh at regular intervals, hoping the beta download appears. Thank goodness for the Good Friday weekend :) EDIT: LOL. Ignore the title. I put the captcha code into the wrong box. This is how excited I am; I can't even type properly.