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Everything posted by impress89rus

  1. At attachment of vehicles that they did not move synchronously! That is the high-grade tow is necessary unequivocally! As in GTA IV ragdoll when in run you hit about other person it falls. The main thing is not quantity but quality! Don't hasten in game release, we in the second part haven't played enough.
  2. I welcome, at once I want to apologize for English because I translate through the translator. Can there were many such themes, well excuse, English badly I know, In general search I can not use. 1. It would be desirable to conduct in game shooting from cars passengers, whenever possible Has flown down lifts. 2. To the physicist of cars, in Arma 2 movement realistic, but damages ridiculous, but in water occur explosion)) same ridiculously, make please that transport didn't blow up at crashes and that simply smoked and wasn't got. And not burst tire covers, and as at a motorcycle that the car at critical damages slowly moved. 3. The most important thing is more options of driving, a manual brake, it I not search in the previous parts of games. Simply by the plane not to fly up with car onboard with gasoline therefore as it or takes off from it, or blows up. 4. In the second part a portrayal of salon at military cars at height (!) and at civil cars in salon dim structures, it would be desirable everywhere beautiful high-quality structures, and that to look oppositely (without insults, it is truth). 5. Speed too in Arma 2 ridiculous, 120 kilometers per hour? I don't feel it, well at most it goes 70 kilometers per hour, and 120 it is not enough somehow where realism? Here 160-170 it would be quite good. And proslipping from a place in the second part isn't present, too it would be desirable. 6. The operated paraclown is in your missions, and in the editor at a jump a jump from the plane it isn't operated, it is necessary to do long enough and painful actions to achieve the same result. 7. Necessarily try to realize walking in the bus, that is freely to move on vehicles. 8. Headlights at cars, I think it is necessary to make more realistic light. 9. Dirt structures on transport, at long driving that there was all in a dirt. 10. It is more than living creatures, cattle, pets (cat), it is more than versions of birds and that only a raven in the second part. 11. More than the objects unhooked from the earth would be a high. Something similar on half life 2. In the conclusion I wish all developers and your company of prosperity, health, and all most the best! After all your simulator unique! BIG to ALL OF YOU THANKS!
  3. Russian cars will be?
  4. impress89rus

    Firefight Dynamics in ArmA 3

    I too thought to ask such question
  5. impress89rus

    Arma 3 Officially Announced!

    I lay hopes on this part!