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Everything posted by Harzach

  1. Harzach

    Cannot find PBO file for a scenario

    Official forum thread: GitHub: https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation
  2. So remove the EH first. The rest of your code will still run.
  3. Harzach

    Missing maps

    We've all been there.
  4. Harzach

    Missing maps

    How are you loading them?
  5. I referenced my helicopter with the variable name "heli1." You need to either name your helicopter and use the variable name you choose, or use the dynamic reference from your original code: (objectParent (leader transportGRP)) That said, my code is not great, and in fact is probably not usable. I'm going back to the drawing board.
  6. Harzach

    Conway died in tipping point.

    It used to break the mission, but apparently that was fixed in update 2.14. https://armedassault.fandom.com/wiki/Tipping_Point#Trivia
  7. *EDITS* Spawn the crate, move it near your heli. Let it fall for a couple of seconds, then spawn parachute, move it to just above your crate, attach. nul = [] spawn { _acrate = 'Land_WoodenCrate_01_F' createVehicle [0,0,0]; _acrate setPos (getPosATL heli1 vectorAdd [0,-5,0]); sleep 3; _chute = createVehicle ["O_Parachute_02_F", [0,0,500], [], 0, "FLY"]; _chute setPosATL (getPosATL _acrate vectorAdd [0,0,1]); _acrate attachTo [_chute, [0,0,-0.2]]; }; This works nicely with the Huron - the crate falls out of the ramp, free falls for 3 seconds then the chute opens. If your heli is moving, you could reduce the sleep.
  8. You are attaching the parachute to the crate. Attach the crate to the parachute, as seen in Nemanjic's code.
  9. You can also use getRelPos. To set the player 5 meters from the center point of the vehicle and in a random direction: [player setPosAtl (teleportVariableName getRelPos [5, random 360])];
  10. Harzach

    Fort Bragg Map

    I believe that was @jujurat's work, he's still active here so maybe he'll chime in.
  11. The error is saying that there is a variable called group_proxythis that is undefined. So somewhere in your mission that space is indeed missing.
  12. Harzach

    How does setVectorDirAndUp work?

    You are not, and I continue to prove my signature correct! Using round will, however, lead to non-uniform results. If you want an even distribution of possible values try floor: _random = floor (random 11) / 10; floor (random 11) will give you an even distribution of values from 0 to 10 (see notes at bottom of random page). Divide by 10 and you have single-decimal values from 0 to 1.
  13. Harzach

    How does setVectorDirAndUp work?

    Also worth noting that vectors take normalized values, meaning values between 0 and 1. You can think of these as percentages, or values between 0 and 1 (hundred).
  14. Since you are waiting for the helo to get within 2m of the ground, approaching from above that envelope, @pierremgi's code will work if you flip the greater-than operator to less-than. Currently, the condition is met instantly since the helo is already above the 2m envelope. And as he mentioned, scope might be another issue. Show your code.
  15. Show all of your code and describe what you want to achieve.
  16. You can either give your editor object a variable name, in which case you don't need to pass it (it is global) - for this example I will use "myObject": _attach = nearestObject [myObject, "B_Plane_CAS_01_F"]; x = true; nul = _attach spawn { while {x} do { sleep 1; if (!alive _attach) then { deletevehicle _attach; myObject setDamage 1; x = false; }; }; }; ...or you can assign it a local variable and pass both local vars in an array: _myObject = this; _attach = nearestObject [_myObject, "B_Plane_CAS_01_F"]; x = true; nul = [_myObject, _attach] spawn { params ["_myObject","_attach"]; while {x} do { sleep 1; if (!alive _attach) then { deletevehicle _attach; _myObject setDamage 1; x = false; }; }; }; I have also set your var "x" to false when the loop's inner condition is met, otherwise it will continue running after the objects are detached/deleted.
  17. Suspension requires a scheduled environment. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Scheduler Spawn your code to achieve this. nul = [] spawn { <code> };
  18. Opened makes more sense for sure, I was just demonstrating the solution from the other topic. *edit* - Opened not working, for some reason. No time to figure it out, maybe something on my end.
  19. initPlayerLocal: BIS_fnc_arsenal_campos_0 = [5,170,18,[0,0,0.85]]; //sets angle for initial opening of Arsenal [missionNamespace, "arsenalClosed", { BIS_fnc_arsenal_campos_0 = [5,170,18,[0,0,0.85]]; }] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler; //sets angle for next opening of Arsenal
  20. You ignored the context: What error? The code as originally presented works fine, so something has gone wrong with your implementation.
  21. Many things. What is your goal? Player is BLUFOR and is either on foot, in a boat, or controlling a UAV/UGV? If you want to check side and player not in any vehicle, then something like: if ((side player == blufor) && vehicle player == player) then <code>
  22. smoke = "test_EmptyObjectForSmoke" createVehicle getPos thisTrigger; Works fine here.
  23. To reference a trigger object in its own OnActivation field, use "thisTrigger," not "this."