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About Lampoil1

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  1. After purchasing ArmaX end of last week I re-installed Arma onto the SSD and there is a big difference, all settings are now on very high and the game runs much smoother, the only negative was a few game crashes where windows stated "Arma has stopped responding" this was after hours and hours of testing/playing so may/may not be related to SSD, I never experienced them before. Another SSD heading this way.
  2. Mantas having LRC pods is a must along with landing, refueling and repairing at friendly islands, this was a major feature in the old CC. I recall loading 1 manta with the LRC+couple of missiles and 2 with a full missile load out, send them on their way island hopping (friendly of course), their main aim was to get to islands been attacked and assist with the defence. The other benefit of the manta-LRC was to travel with a walrus or 2 to neutral islands to convert them to friendly while the carrier head off in a different direction, blowing things up. Great to see a fantastic game been brought to life again, I agree with what others are saying about the carriers when they meet (game over), after hours of stratagy there needs to be more options.
  3. I intended to keep the SSD (120gb) for o/s and office etc and use 2 HDD for games and storage, I first set it up in a raid0 but bought the SSD and changed my mind. You have me thinking now, I might un-install and re-install on the SSD with the O/S, only concerns I have is I thought it was better to have O/S on seperate drive. Anyone else have Arma2 on SSD with O/S.
  4. I have just built PC with O/S on SSD and Arma2 on seperate HDD and the set up works ok, however I have Nvidia GTX650ti card and if I am not mistaken have the same issues with the vram. 2nd SSD for games maybe the way forward. Just loaded Carrier Command and frames drop when on islands with lots of trees/veg.