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About Shocktroop0351

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  1. Shocktroop0351

    Installing Arma 2 and addons on an SSD

    I tried installing everything onto the HDD and then junction the files to the SSD, but for some reason it wasn't nearly as smooth as when I had installed the game onto the SSD. I had moved every .pbo file I could find to the SSD, and it ended up adding up to about 16.7GB. So since it was nearly as large as the full installation anyways I decided to just reinstall the the SSD. I do appreciate the information on Link Shell Extension because I'm sure I'll be using it for other things later on. Thanks again for all your guys' help.
  2. Shocktroop0351

    Installing Arma 2 and addons on an SSD

    So I installed everything onto my HDD and upgraded to v1.6. I'm still trying to figure out how the link shell extension works. I'm not exactly sure what I need to do now or what files need to be where. If I could get your advice on what you did I would greatly appreciate it, Thanks again
  3. Shocktroop0351

    Installing Arma 2 and addons on an SSD

    Did you just install all of them straight to your SSD, or did you use the link shell extension method?
  4. Hi guys, I came across your site while trying to find some information, I hope you don't mind me asking my question on here. Basically I purchased a 60GB SSD to install my OS and to run Arma 2 and all the expansions. What I failed to realize was how big A2 is, and after doing a fresh install of Vista I only have 25GB left to install Arma 2 with. I also have my old HDD hooked up for storage. Is there a way that I can get Arma 2 and all the expansions installed so that I am taking advantage of the SSD? I swear I remember reading something about it on another site but now I can't find it. I believe that they had partially installed the expansions onto an HDD or something like that. Thank you in advance for any help.