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Everything posted by doveman

  1. Autohotkey is free and good for mapping joystick buttons to keys, or if you want a more user-friendly program with a gui, xpadder is good but not free.
  2. I did some testing and it seems I have to bind A and D to Helicopter Cyclic left and right to be able to use them to steer the parachute. I had my joystick and mouse mapped to Cyclic already but the mouse can't be used to steer and just looks around but the joystick worked.
  3. doveman

    Free Games

    I've got a spare free copy of Insurgency if anyone wants it. It has to be redeemed by 11AM Pacific time on December 9, 2014, so PM me for the code if interested. EDIT: Taken now.
  4. Thanks, I'll switch it to mono-to-stereo and test without Razer, although I don't think I could play with virtual surround anymore as it's awesome!
  5. Nice idea. Another option that would be cool is being able to select a team's radio freqs to listen to, so team 1 sr & lr, team 2 sr & lr, etc. I'm assuming that it's possible to query the frequencies just from each team leaders radios to setup a list to cycle through?
  6. Hmm, do you know if Razer virtual surround would mess up TFAR's spatial audio? To use Razer, the Realtek soundcard is set to 7.1 so that all the channels are sent to Razer, which then virtualises them into two channels for stereo headphones, so whatever's coming out of TFAR/Teamspeak goes into the Realtek 7.1 channels and then into Razer. So should Teamspeak still be set to mono to surround?
  7. doveman

    Arma 3 launcher/server list

    I used to do this but can't be bothered with the hassle since getting a ssd as it's fast enough for me. Besides, I use a ton of mods/islands and without those on the ramdrive as well (which would be impossible unless I had a 32gb one!) it's a bit pointless.
  8. Just posting to say congratulations to the whole team on this great collaborative achievement. Thanks guys :)
  9. doveman

    Star Wars Ep. 7 - THE FORCE AWAKENS

    Doesn't sound very clever to me. Soon as you turn yours off your opponent will be free to bring his down on your head, long before you've had a chance to turn yours back on and slice him :eek:
  10. Awesome that this is almost ready, definitely deserves a dancing banana I appreciate the almost Herculean effort that everyone's put in to make this happen. Can't wait to play with it. :D
  11. doveman

    Advanced Helicopter FDM Feedback

    Thanks. Looks like I've already voted for that ticket :) What do you mean by "even though currently the coll. increase is too little to make it work even with simple mouse wheel"?
  12. doveman

    Advanced Helicopter FDM Feedback

    Still, maybe scroll wheel + key would be a nicer way to adjust collective and the speed of adjustment could be controlled by how fast the user scrolls it. I know it's still digital so the same could be done by allowing the user to control the speed of adjustment by tapping a key fast or slow but scroll wheel feels more comfortable and then the keys could be used for smaller adjustments when needed.
  13. doveman

    Advanced Helicopter FDM Feedback

    What I meant was that BI could add a way to use the mousewheel as throttle. I didn't mean that I thought it would already work and you should try it. I guess it won't be that different to tapping the keys, as it's still just a digital/not analog input but maybe if each click was +/- 5% throttle that would be convenient and then tapping the keys could be +/- 1% for when more precise control is needed, like when landing.
  14. doveman

    Advanced Helicopter FDM Feedback

    Perhaps scroll wheel+Ctrl (or some other key) would work well for throttle?
  15. doveman

    Advanced Helicopter FDM Feedback

    That's awesome :jump_clap: Thanks petka :cheers:
  16. doveman

    Advanced Helicopter FDM Feedback

    Is it possible to set a server so that the Advanced Flight Model is allowed but not forced, so that individual players can choose whether to use it or not by adjusting their local settings? It would be nice to allow those who are comfortable using it to do so, without forcing it on those who aren't and making it impossible for them to pilot when necessary.
  17. Yeah, I disabled that almost immediately as I didn't like it, so this is something else. ---------- Post added at 06:52 ---------- Previous post was at 06:51 ---------- Yeah it's side to side and forward/backwards when holding Ctrl and moving the mouse. I'll check those bindings thanks.
  18. Well to quote myself: "I was wondering if the need for the user to setup HC and mission makers to customise their missions for it couldn't be eliminated, so that everyone can benefit from it? Wouldn't it be possible to just have a launch parameter to make ArmA3 automatically spawn a HC process (i.e. -hc ) and then, at the start of each mission, have Arma3 check whether the HC is running and if so, intelligently offload some of the work to it, without the mission designer having to customise his missions for HC?" so the only difference is that I suggested there should be a launch parameter to enable/disable this feature, for debugging or comparison purposes (which might be particularly useful whilst it's in development and needs testing to find and eliminate any bugs, maybe once that's done, this could be eliminated), whilst Cyruz thinks there shouldn't be this option. I certainly didn't suggest there should be any script, module, editor or mission config change.
  19. Which is what I proposed. I don't know why Cyruz keeps going on like he's suggested something different/better. :confused:
  20. Depends whether the AI can see you through it though, 'cos if so it just hinders the player and people would disable it ;)
  21. Er, for debugging purposes or to compare performance with and without HC :rolleyes:
  22. Er, that's basically what I said. The only "user input" I mentioned would be to add -hc to the launch parameters, so that it's an option in case it doesn't work for some people or they don't want to use it for whatever reason, although I suppose that could be reversed to -nohc to disable it and have it enabled by default.
  23. I was wondering if the need for the user to setup HC and mission makers to customise their missions for it couldn't be eliminated, so that everyone can benefit from it? Wouldn't it be possible to just have a launch parameter to make ArmA3 automatically spawn a HC process (i.e. -hc ) and then, at the start of each mission, have Arma3 check whether the HC is running and if so, intelligently offload some of the work to it, without the mission designer having to customise his missions for HC? That way, those with spare cores could get a bit more performance when playing SP or LAN missions without having to do anything complicated or look for specific missions and MP servers could benefit in the same way.
  24. doveman

    SweetFX in Arma 3

    Thanks. I got it working using SFX 1.5.1 from here with Radeon Pro http://www.overclock.net/t/1485750/how-to-use-sweetfx-in-windows-8-1
  25. doveman

    Ideas to simplify Headless Client

    OK thanks, I'll post there then.