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Everything posted by doveman

  1. doveman

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    Oh yeah, I lost track of that discussion as it doesn't send me e-mail notifications, so thanks for the reminder :)
  2. doveman

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    What "other forum" are you referring to? I still don't understand why this shouldn't work for 6DOF using the accelerometer and it would be great if someone who does know could explain if it's possible with software adjustments or if the hardware is just incapable of more than 3DOF.
  3. I was getting 9fps playing on a co-op server with about 10 people the other night and it's a decently specced server. I'd estimate there were about 30-50 AI in the area (Marina) that the mission had us assigned to capture. After I died, I managed to get it up to 20fps by disabling MSAA and tweaking a few other things but I obviously don't know if it would have stayed at that if I was actually playing rather than being in the menu. @SYH, PS2 only has about 4-5 servers though doesn't it (it did the last time I played but that was a while ago, as it's not really my cup of tea either). Would really suck if ArmA3 only had 4-5 servers to choose from wouldn't it and clearly BIS couldn't run 100's of servers to cover every gamestyle that people might want to play. I doubt it would help anyway as the fact is the engine causes low fps on the clients due to things happening on the server, particularly large amounts of AI.
  4. doveman

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    I was concerned drift might be a problem. There's an unconnected project (designed for RC planes) here where he's provided some software to fix the drift but that uses the GY-85 instead of the MPU-6050 so I have no idea if it will be compatible with the Hatire FTNoIR plugin http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1677559 It's more expensive as well as it includes a magnetometer, so I'm still hoping someone might be able to tweak the software to get the MPU-6050 working in 6DOF and knock up a similar calibration GUI to fix the drift.
  5. doveman

    New take on Arma's keyboard control......

    Thanks for your ideas Wolfstriked. I'm trying them out now and whilst it's a bit strange changing, I think some of them at least might be a big improvement. I'm probably going to use Space for Default Action and Shift+Z/X for up/down the list. I tried Ctrl+Z/X and Ctrl+A/D but for some reason the wouldn't work. CAPSLOCK gets used for VON when I play on servers using it, so it's a bit awkward to use it for anything else. I'll use X for Prone as that sits nicely under my finger. I also use Space for a mod that shows players names, so I can't have Prone on that. Whilst I like having Crouch/Stand on the scrollwheel, it's a bit of a problem when in gear/VAS scrolling through the list, as the character's constantly bobbing up and down, which is bound to get annoying, for other players as well as myself. Optics on MMB works well and I'm using Ctrl+MMB to switch Optics mode. RMB to Zoom In (Toggle) works OK but in Optics it gets stuck in Zoomed in and the only way to reset it is to come out of Optics mode, which isn't ideal. I've tried binding Ctrl+RMB to Zoom Out (Toggle) but that's not working, although I'm sure it was a minute ago! It's useful to be able to temporary zoom for when walking and scanning around and then toggle zoom when aiming. With what I think were the default bindings of RMB to Optics, Hold RMB to Zoom In, it still doesn't seem to let me Zoom Out with Ctrl+RMB (even though Num-, which is the default for Zoom Out does so I don't understand why any bindings I add to that function shouldn't work) but it's a lot easier to go RMB (Optic), RMB (Zoom), RMB (Out of Optics and Unzoom), than having to jump between the two buttons MMB (Optics), RMB (Zoom), MMB (Out of Optics and Unzoom).
  6. No hair pulling going on here thanks. Everyone I know is interested in setting it up so it looks good to them and so that they can see things clearly, not to try and make it look realistic at the expense of gameplay and it's impossible anyway as it doesn't look anywhere close to realistic (not saying it doesn't look nice and BIS haven't done a good job but certainly not realistic). There's an awful lot of things that make the gameplay unrealistic as well but that's another matter (but a more important thing to focus on improving, considering that it's impossible to make it look realistic with current technology).
  7. Personal preference clearly beats academic research and algorithms, regardless of what is "more physically correct". So if someone finds SSAO looks more subtle and realistic than HBAO to them, it's a bit rude to call that a "weird opinion". Why on earth would it matter if HBAO is left in as an option for those who prefer it anyway?
  8. Yeah, we had problems with the tasks. For example, two of the tasks were to deliver water to a town and it said we should find a construction vehicle near the town name on the map and be able to construct a well or something there but in each town we searched everywhere and there was no sign of any vehicle. Another task was to build a guardpost and we built various structures, until it said we'd reached the limit but the task never completed. I don't know if there's a specific set of buildings required to qualify as a guardpost but I couldn't see any hint regarding that. Enemies were respawning very quickly as well, so we'd shoot the last enemy and suddenly another would appear before we run the 50m to the building. In fact, with the smaller outposts (i.e. not the main flags) it seemed impossible to capture them and enemies kept respawning outside and attacking us whilst we were in/on top of the building. Some of the time we found enemies totally unaware of us even when we were standing right next to them. There was one base we attacked and there was a guy just sitting there with a HMG right next to us who didn't fire a shot for several minutes before we realised he was enemy and shot him and in other places, there were enemies (normally only a single one in each place) facing away from us and not moving who were totally unaware that we had just run up behind them and again we could have waited minutes before shooting them. Support was a bit confusing as well as often I'd request something and get no response and a while later we'd notice the vehicle we'd requested had suddenly appeared somewhere near us. It would be good if the map showed where it was being dropped or something. I saw parachutes appearing on the map at times unrelated to our support requests, so I'm not sure what they were. With smaller drops (i.e. weapons) we did see a parachute coming down (in the 3D view, not the map) every time I think but again, it all seemed a bit random where it was dropped, so we could easily have missed it and I'm sure for several things I requested we never saw them coming in so didn't get them. Despite all that, it seems like it would be a fun game mode and we all enjoyed the variety in tasks rather than the usual "go here and capture this place, repeat ad finitum" type.
  9. doveman

    Why are much more people playing Arma 2?

    Yeah, it stopped working quite a while ago due to some update or other.
  10. doveman

    Why are much more people playing Arma 2?

    There's other little annoyances, like not being able to see your gear from the briefing screen, that I'm sure make some people say "why?" and go running back to A2.
  11. I was playing on the #CZ MP StressTest server last night and was getting 9-13fps a lot of the time with it running DYN/CO-72, even though there was only about 10 players on at the end but there were friendly and enemy AI as well so that obviously affects the framerate. I still played for several hours as it was quite fun running round with a small group but I doubt I killed anything and that's partly due to the poor framerate making it harder than it should be.
  12. doveman

    Why are much more people playing Arma 2?

    Well we've got A3MP now, so you've got no excuse anymore ;)
  13. doveman

    What's going on with savegames?

    Bump. I'm also not seeing anywhere to load savegames made during the Campaign missions. When I'm back at the Campaign screen and unlock them again, it just shows Revert or Restart. I read somewhere that even with Unlimited Saves enabled, only the last one can be loaded, which would be rather daft if true so please tell me it's not!
  14. Are these even being worked on or are we going to be stuck with the same unfriendly mission and mod handling/sorting from ArmA2? 0009221: Sub-folders for MPMissions and Campaigns and new Mission selection method in-game http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=9221 0006428: Dynamic mod downloading and loading http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=6428 PlayWithSix has the ability to launch ArmA3 with the required mods for a mission now but there's not many missions on there as most are on Steam, which does present a better interface for mission downloading with comments, etc and it's also nice to have new missions presented to me each time I look at Steam. It just appears to be totally unsuitable for launching ArmA3 with the required mods for a mission. Even if it could, either that or PWS are not particularly ideal as the user would still have to close ArmA3 and restart it to play a different mission with different mod requirements but it would still be better than the current situation, where only the most dedicated users will bother to manually download the mods and create a profile to launch ArmA3 with them. Considering BIS stated that one of their priorities for ArmA3 was going to be user-created content, it would be nice to see them focus on making it easy for users to actually use that content, or else I fear it will continue to be little used and most missions will just use vanilla ArmA3. This still annoys me as well: 0010141: Saving mid-mission very intrusive http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=10141 It's probably an engine limitation and nothing can be done about it but I was playing the second mission (I think) in Adapt the other day, where you're driving between checkpoints and I found it saving when I was hurtling down the road, which really threw me off and when it suddenly finished saving and unpaused, I was all over the place and only just managed to avoid crashing. So if we can't have a background saving mechanism, at least in your Campaigns try and make the save points at quiet moments, like when we're stopped at the checkpoints. It's important for BIS to set a good example in the Campaign, so that community-makers don't pick up similar bad habits of saving at inappropriate times. It's a bit harder to choose a "quiet" point in the air, as helos and planes don't have fixed stopping points like cars but as long as they have altitude, the saving process isn't going to make them crash but if they're hovering at low altitude behind a hill or something then it could lead to a disaster. Maybe there could be a mechanism to postpone saving if the current altitude is low, until it's increased to above x (and similarly for driving until speed is below x or even 0)? as does this, which was apparently assigned nearly 11 months ago: 0005639: GPS closes when going to sights and doesn't re-open when coming out of sights http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=5639 Surely it's not that hard to store the status of the GPS (on/off) and restore to that status when exiting sights?
  15. doveman

    Disappointed after 13 years of 'Arma'

    I agree that the AI should travel on the roads like rails (or a magnet underground keeping them on the road!) The only problem with this is what happens if they find the road blocked at some point. Are they allowed to deviate from the road then? What if the area immediately around the roadblock has a load of trees or buildings / walls. Do they just reverse (tricky if they're in a convoy but not impossible) until there's a clear space at the side of the road? They still then have to navigate off-road around the blockage, without getting stuck in trees/walls, until they can get back on the road again. Maybe they should just call in "Road blocked" and we should be able to take over the driver of the lead vehicle and lead the convoy safely round the roadblock and then hand control back?
  16. doveman

    Why are much more people playing Arma 2?

    I don't really understand this complaint about the "futuristic" settings. I haven't seen anything particularly futuristic, like robots, laser guns, etc. The vehicles/aircraft seem to be fairly contemporary, so I just don't get it. I do seem to get worse performance with A3, in MP at least but still enjoy playing it, as I find ArmA2's graphics look very dated in comparison now, although I still enjoy playing that as well. I think it mostly comes down to more mods and missions available for ArmA2 and although TFAR seems to be a good alternative to ACRE for example, maybe it lacks some features at the moment that the servers that use ACRE rely on.
  17. doveman

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I was playing on the #CZ MP StressTest server, which is running the Performance binaries, tonight and was getting 9-13fps a lot of the time with it running DYN/CO-72, even though there was only about 10 players on at the end but there were friendly and enemy AI as well so that obviously affects the framerate. I still played for several hours as it was quite fun running round with a small group but I doubt I killed anything and that's partly due to the poor framerate making it harder than it should be.
  18. I recently started using SweetFX with DCS World and was advised to disable the in-game MSAA as SFX does a similar thing and saw much improved FPS like that. So I'm wondering if I can do the same with A3. I compared the FPS (just in the menu) with the various settings toggled and SFX enabled: https://github.com/Mpstark/articulate/wiki/Commands http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?162942-WW-AIMenu-(complimentary-commands%5C) http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?p=4768831&posted=1#post4768831 SFX Disabled, in-game 4x MSAA, ATOC: All Trees, PPAA: FXAA Ultra, Ansio Filtering: Ultra (Disabled gives +3fps): 78fps PPAA: Disabled: 92fps ATOC Disabled: No change FSAA Disabled: 129fps SFX Pred.txt - Enabled: 96fps FSAA: 4x - 73fps ATOC: All Trees - No Change PPAA: FXAA Ultra: 64 fps SFX Arma3.txt - Enabled: 96fps Disabled: 131fps So as you can see, with 4X MSAA and PPAA: FXAA enabled I get 78fps but with them disabled and SFX enabled I get 96fps (with all disabled I get around 130fps). I'm not sure exactly what's enabled in these SweetFX files I've downloaded, so it maybe that the features that are meant to substitute for the lack of in-game FSAA and PPAA aren't even being used, so I've posted them below but assuming they are, then 20fps increase is quite handy. Arma3-Pred: Arma3.txt
  19. Yeah, thanks. I noticed it was downloading to \Arma 3 and not the \Arma3 folder I'd created, so hardly surprising it didn't recognise the files were already installed! Anyway, now I've got both Stable and Dev backed up, I should be sorted thanks.
  20. doveman

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    Yeah, sorry. I meant it can't do positional data, i.e. moving left/right, forward/backward, up/down.
  21. doveman

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    Not currently it's not. I don't know if this is fixable with new firmware or Hatire plugin for FTNoIR or if the gyro+accelerometer is just incapable of doing roll, zoom and lean.
  22. Thanks TonyGrunt, I wasn't aware of this appmanifest file. Your method sounds good so I'm going to use that. Stupid Steam still insists on downloading the entire 10GB again even after I deleted A3 from it, reinstalled it to the new path (d:\games\Arma3), closed Steam and copied my backed up Stable files to d:\games\Arma3\Steamapps\common\ArmA3 and when that didn't work, copied them to d:\games\Arma3\Steamapps\downloading\107410 as well. It seems it just looks at the appmanifest file and if that doesn't say A3 is installed, it ignores the fact the files are all there. I only had the Dev appmanifest, so had to copy that to d:\games\Arma3\SteamApps but Steam basically just wiped it when it started reinstalling A3 so now it shows "BytesToDownload" and "BytesDownloaded". Anyway, at least once I've downloaded the Stable and Dev builds all over again, I shouldn't have to go through that again using your method.
  23. Got it, I'll compare those settings then. Thanks.
  24. doveman

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    I've flashed the third firmware "gy_521_send_serial_HAT_ITG_spring_reset.ino" now and that's helped a lot. It still has the bug where the Roll axis gets enabled after centering (it's still not showing anything in Raw Input Roll, so it seems to be bypassing that stage somehow and going straight to the output) but at least it doesn't seem to be adversely affecting the Pitch anymore. It's also fixed it so that Yaw defaults to 0 for both Raw and Output on starting, so there's no need to Centre every time I start.
  25. Yeah, it's just a shame it seems to be incompatible with TS3 Overlay, as I can't play MP without that, so I can only use SFX for SP. A3 doesn't crash or fail to load anymore with the SFX files installed in the A3 folder (that only happens if I try and use RadeonPro, so there's obviously some incompatibility between RP and the TS3 Overlay) just that the TS3 Overlay doesn't load unless I delete the SFX files.